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Rails application to track, audit and replicate archival artifacts associated with SDR objects.


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Rails application to track, audit and replicate archival artifacts associated with SDR objects.

Table of Contents

Getting Started

Installing dependencies

Use the docker-compose to start the dependencies (PostgreSQL and Redis)

docker-compose up -d db redis

Configuring The database

Run this script:

./bin/rails db:reset
RAILS_ENV=test ./bin/rails db:seed

Usage Instructions

Note: We are using the whenever gem for writing and deploying cron jobs. M2C, C2M, and CV are all scheduled using the whenever gem. You can view our schedule at Schedule

General Info

  • Rake and console tasks must be run from the root directory of the project, with whatever RAILS_ENV is appropriate.

  • You can monitor the progress of most tasks by tailing log/production.log (or task specific log), checking the Resque dashboard or by querying the database. The tasks for large storage_roots can take a while -- check the repo wiki for stats on the timing of past runs (and some suggested overview queries). Profiling will add some overhead.

  • Tasks that use asynchronous workers will execute on any of the eligible worker pool systems for that job. Therefore, do not expect all the results to show in the logs of the machine that enqueued the jobs!

  • Because large tasks can take days when run over all storage roots, consider running in a screen session so you don't need to keep your connection open but can still see the output.

As an alternative to screen, you can also run tasks in the background using nohup so the invoked command is not killed when you exist your session. Output that would've gone to stdout is instead redirected to a file called nohup.out, or you can redirect the output explicitly. For example:

RAILS_ENV=production nohup bundle exec ...

Rake Tasks

  • Note: If the rake task takes multiple arguments, DO NOT put a space in between the commas.

  • Rake tasks will have the form:

RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake ...

Rails Console

The application's most powerful functionality is available via rails console. Open it (for the appropriate environment) like:

RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails console

In console, first locate a MoabStorageRoot, then call m2c_check! to enqueue M2C jobs for that root. The actual checks for m2c_check! are performed asynchronously by worker processes.

Single Root

msr = MoabStorageRoot.find_by!(storage_location: '/path/to/storage')

All Roots

MoabStorageRoot.find_each { |msr| msr.m2c_check! }

Single Druid

To M2C a single druid synchronously, in console:


Druid List

For a predetermined list of druids, a convenience wrapper for the above command is check_existence_for_druid_list.

  • The parameter is the file path of a CSV file listing the druids.
    • The first column of the csv should contain druids, without prefix.
    • File should not contain headers.

Note: it should not typically be necessary to serialize a list of druids to CSV. Just iterate over them and use the "Single Druid" approach.

Note: C2M uses the Audit::CatalogToMoab asynchronously via workers on the :c2m queue.

  • Given a catalog entry for an online moab, ensure that the online moab exists and that the catalog version matches the online moab version.

  • You will need to identify a moab storage_root (e.g. with path from settings/development.yml) and optionally provide a date threshold.

  • The (date/timestamp) argument is a threshold: it will run the check on all catalog entries which last had a version check BEFORE the argument. You can use string format like '2018-01-22 22:54:48 UTC' or ActiveRecord Date/Time expressions like 1.week.ago. The default is anything not checked since right now.

These C2M examples use a rails console, like: RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails console

Single Root

This enqueues work for all the objects associated with the first MoabStorageRoot in the database, then the last:


This enqueues work from a given root not checked in the past 3 days.

msr = MoabStorageRoot.find_by!(storage_location: '/path/to/storage')

All Roots

This enqueues work from all roots similarly.

MoabStorageRoot.find_each { |msr| msr.c2m_check!(3.days.ago) }
  • Parse all manifestInventory.xml and most recent signatureCatalog.xml for stored checksums and verify against computed checksums.
  • To run the tasks below, give the name of the storage root (e.g. from settings/development.yml)

Note: CV jobs that are asynchronous means that their execution happens in other processes (including on other systems).

Single Root

From console, this queues objects on the named storage root for asynchronous CV:

msr = MoabStorageRoot.find_by!(name: 'fixture_sr3')

All Roots

This is also asynchronous, for all roots:

MoabStorageRoot.find_each { |msr| msr.validate_expired_checksums! }

Single Druid



Druid List

  • Give the file path of the csv as the parameter. The first column of the csv should contain druids, without the prefix, and contain no headers.

In console:


Druids with a particular status on a particular storage root

For example, if you wish to run CV on all the "validity_unknown" druids on storage root 15, from console:

Audit::Checksum.validate_status_root(:validity_unknown, :services-disk15)

Valid status strings

Seed the catalog (with data about the Moabs on the storage roots the catalog tracks -- presumes rake db:seed already performed)

Note: "seed" might be slightly confusing terminology here, see sul-dlss#1154

Seeding the catalog presumes an empty or nearly empty database -- otherwise seeding will throw druid NOT expected to exist in catalog but was found errors for each found object. Seeding does more validation than regular M2C.

From console:


Reset the catalog for re-seeding

WARNING! this will erase the catalog, and thus require re-seeding from scratch. It is mostly intended for development purposes, and it is unlikely that you'll need to run this against production once the catalog is in regular use.

  • Deploy the branch of the code with which you wish to seed, to the instance which you wish to seed (e.g. master to stage).
  • Reset the database for that instance. E.g., on production or stage: RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake db:reset
    • note that if you do this while RAILS_ENV=production (i.e. production or stage), you'll get a scary warning along the lines of:
    ActiveRecord::ProtectedEnvironmentError: You are attempting to run a destructive action against your 'production' database.
    If you are sure you want to continue, run the same command with the environment variable:
    Basically an especially inconvenient confirmation dialogue. For safety's sake, the full command that skips that warning can be constructed by the user as needed, so as to prevent unintentional copy/paste dismissal when the user might be administering multiple deployment environments simultaneously. Inadvertent database wipes are no fun.
    • db:reset will make sure db is migrated and seeded. If you want to be extra sure: RAILS_ENV=[environment] bundle exec rake db:migrate db:seed

run rake db:seed on remote servers:

These require the same credentials and setup as a regular Capistrano deploy.

bundle exec cap stage db_seed # for the stage servers


bundle exec cap prod db_seed # for the prod servers

Populate the catalog

In console, start by finding the storage root.

msr = MoabStorageRoot.find_by!(name: name)

Or for all roots:

MoabStorageRoot.find_each { |msr| Audit::MoabToCatalog.seed_catalog_for_dir(msr.storage_location) }



You should only need to do this:

  • when you first start developing on Preservation Catalog
  • after nuking your test database
  • when adding storage roots or zip endpoints:
RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rails db:reset

The above populates the database with PreservationPolicy, MoabStorageRoot, and ZipEndpoint objects as defined in the configuration files.

If you are new to developing on this project, you should read the database README. It has a detailed explanation of the data model, some sample queries, and an ER diagram illustrating the DB table relationships. For those less familiar with ActiveRecord, there is also some guidance about how this project uses it.

Please keep the database README up to date as the schema changes!

You may also wish to glance at the (much shorter) Replication README.

Running Tests

To run the tests:

bundle exec rspec


A Dockerfile is provided in order to interact with the application in development.

Build the docker image:

docker-compose build app

Bring up the docker container and its dependencies:

docker-compose up -d

Initialize the database:

docker-compose run app bundle exec rails db:reset db:seed

Interact with the application via localhost:

curl -F 'druid=druid:bj102hs9688' -F 'incoming_version=3' -F 'incoming_size=2070039' -F 'storage_location=spec/fixtures/storage_root01' -F 'checksums_validated=true' http://localhost:3000/v1/catalog
curl http://localhost:3000/v1/objects/druid:bj102hs9688



Capistrano is used to deploy. You will need SSH access to the targeted servers, via kinit and VPN.

bundle exec cap stage deploy # for the stage servers


bundle exec cap prod deploy # for the prod servers

Resque Pool

The Resque Pool admin interface is available at <hostname>/resque/overview.


Note that the API is now versioned. Until all clients have been modified to use the V1 routes, requests to URIs without explicit versions -- i.e., hitting /catalog instead of /v1/catalog -- will automatically be redirected to their V1 equivalents. After that point, only requests to explicitly versioned endpoints will be serviced.

AuthN WIP - we can mint tokens for services now, access will be restricted to clients with tokens shortly

Authentication/authorization is handled by JWT. Preservation Catalog mints JWTs for individual client services, and the client services each provide their respective JWT when making HTTP API calls to PresCat.

To generate an authentication token run rake generate_token on the server to which the client will connect (e.g. stage, prod). This will use the HMAC secret to sign the token. It will ask you to submit a value for "Account". This should be the name of the calling service, or a username if this is to be used by a specific individual. This value is used for traceability of errors and can be seen in the "Context" section of a Honeybadger error. For example:

{"invoked_by" => "preservation-robots"}

The token generated by rake generate_token should be passed along in the Authorization header as Bearer <GENERATED_TOKEN_VALUE>.

API requests that do not supply a valid token for the target server will be rejected as Unauthorized.

At present, all tokens grant the same (full) access to the read/update API.


GET /v1/objects/:druid

Return the PreservedObject model for the object.

  "id": 1786188,
  "druid": "bb000kg4251",
  "current_version": 1,
  "created_at": "2019-06-26T18:38:03.077Z",
  "updated_at": "2019-06-26T18:38:03.077Z",
  "preservation_policy_id": 1

GET /v1/objects/:druid/file?category=:category&filepath=:filepath&version=:version

Returns a content, metadata, or manifest file for the object.


  • category (values: content|manifest|metadata): category of file
  • filepath: path of file, relative to category directory
  • version (optional, default: latest): version of Moab
curl ""
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<signatureCatalog objectId="druid:bb000kg4251" versionId="1" catalogDatetime="2019-06-26T18:38:02Z" fileCount="10" byteCount="1364250" blockCount="1337">
  <entry originalVersion="1" groupId="content" storagePath="bb000kg4251.jpg">
    <fileSignature size="1347965" md5="abf0fd6d318bab3a5daf1b3e545ca8ac" sha1="eb68cd8ece6be6570e14358ecae66f3ac3026d21" sha256="4d38d804d050bf3bdc41150869f2d09f156043cc1ec215fd65dafbeb8243187f"/>

GET /v1/objects/:druid/checksum

Return the checksums and filesize for a single object.

    "filename": "bb000kg4251.jpg",
    "md5": "abf0fd6d318bab3a5daf1b3e545ca8ac",
    "sha1": "eb68cd8ece6be6570e14358ecae66f3ac3026d21",
    "sha256": "4d38d804d050bf3bdc41150869f2d09f156043cc1ec215fd65dafbeb8243187f",
    "filesize": 1347965

GET|POST /v1/objects/checksums?druids[]=:druid

Return the checksums and filesize for multiple objects.


  • druid[] (repeatable): druid for the object
curl "[]=druid:bb000kg4251&druids[]=druid:bb000kq3835"
    "druid:bb000kg4251": [
        "filename": "bb000kg4251.jpg",
        "md5": "abf0fd6d318bab3a5daf1b3e545ca8ac",
        "sha1": "eb68cd8ece6be6570e14358ecae66f3ac3026d21",
        "sha256": "4d38d804d050bf3bdc41150869f2d09f156043cc1ec215fd65dafbeb8243187f",
        "filesize": 1347965
    "druid:bb000kq3835": [
        "filename": "2011-023MAIL-1951-b4_22.1_0014.tif",
        "md5": "6c3501fd2a9449f280a483254d4ab84e",
        "sha1": "f15119aed799103f00a08aea6daafaf72e0b7fe4",
        "sha256": "89e211f48f1fb84ceeaee3405daa0755e131d122173c9ed2a8bfc5eee18d77ad",
        "filesize": 11127448

POST /v1/objects/:druid/content_diff

Retrieves FileInventoryDifference model from comparison of passed contentMetadata.xml with latest (or specified) version in Moab for all files (default) or a specified subset.


  • content_metadata: contentMetadata.xml to compare.
  • subset (optional; default: all; values: all|shelve|preserve|publish): subset of files to compare.
  • version (optional, default: latest): version of Moab
curl -F 'content_metadata=
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<contentMetadata objectId="bb000kg4251" type="image">
  <resource id="bb000kg4251_1" sequence="1" type="image">
    <label>Image 1</label>
    <file id="bb000kg4251.jpg" mimetype="image/jpeg" size="1347965" preserve="yes" publish="no" shelve="no">
      <checksum type="md5">abf0fd6d318bab3a5daf1b3e545ca8ac</checksum>
      <checksum type="sha1">eb68cd8ece6be6570e14358ecae66f3ac3026d21</checksum>
      <imageData width="3184" height="2205"/>
    <file id="bb000kg4251.jp2" mimetype="image/jp2" size="1333879" preserve="no" publish="yes" shelve="yes">
      <checksum type="md5">7f682a6acaecb00ec23dc5b15e61ee87</checksum>
      <checksum type="sha1">8356f16250042158e8d91ef4f86646a7d58aae0b</checksum>
      <imageData width="3184" height="2205"/>

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<fileInventoryDifference objectId="bb000kg4251" differenceCount="0" basis="v1-contentMetadata-all" other="new-contentMetadata-all" reportDatetime="2019-12-12T20:20:30Z">
  <fileGroupDifference groupId="content" differenceCount="0" identical="2" copyadded="0" copydeleted="0" renamed="0" modified="0" added="0" deleted="0">
    <subset change="identical" count="2">
      <file change="identical" basisPath="bb000kg4251.jpg" otherPath="same">
        <fileSignature size="1347965" md5="abf0fd6d318bab3a5daf1b3e545ca8ac" sha1="eb68cd8ece6be6570e14358ecae66f3ac3026d21" sha256=""/>
      <file change="identical" basisPath="bb000kg4251.jp2" otherPath="same">
        <fileSignature size="1333879" md5="7f682a6acaecb00ec23dc5b15e61ee87" sha1="8356f16250042158e8d91ef4f86646a7d58aae0b" sha256=""/>
    <subset change="copyadded" count="0"/>
    <subset change="copydeleted" count="0"/>
    <subset change="renamed" count="0"/>
    <subset change="modified" count="0"/>
    <subset change="added" count="0"/>
    <subset change="deleted" count="0"/>

POST /v1/catalog

Add an existing moab object to the catalog.


  • druid: druid of the object to add.
  • incoming_version: version of the object to add.
  • incoming_size: size in bytes of the object on disk.
  • storage_location: Storage root where the moab object is located.
  • checksums_validated: whether the checksums for the moab object have previously been validated by caller.

Response codes:

  • 201: new object created.
  • 409: object already exists.
  • 406: error with provided parameters or missing parameters.
  • 500: some other problem.
curl -F 'druid=druid:bj102hs9688' -F 'incoming_version=3' -F 'incoming_size=2070039' -F 'storage_location=spec/fixtures/storage_root01' -F 'checksums_validated=true'

	"druid": "bj102hs9688",
	"result_array": [{
		"created_new_object": "added object to db as it did not exist"

PUT/PATCH /v1/catalog/:druid

Updating an existing record for a moab object in the catalog for a new version.


  • incoming_version: version of the object to add.
  • incoming_size: size in bytes of the object on disk.
  • storage_location: Storage root where the moab object is located.
  • checksums_validated: whether the checksums for the moab object have previously been validated by caller.

Response codes:

  • 200: update successful.
  • 400: version is less than the current recorded version for the moab object.
  • 404: object not found.
  • 406: error with provided parameters or missing parameters.
  • 500: some other problem.
curl -X PUT -F 'incoming_version=4' -F 'incoming_size=2136079' -F 'storage_location=spec/fixtures/storage_root01' -F 'checksums_validated=true'

	"druid": "bj102hs9688",
	"result_array": [{
		"actual_vers_gt_db_obj": "actual version (4) greater than CompleteMoab db version (3)"


Rails application to track, audit and replicate archival artifacts associated with SDR objects.







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  • Ruby 98.9%
  • Other 1.1%