An auto-completion UITableView related to an UITextField written in Swift. Please report me any issues you have so that I can correct them.
I'm open to any suggestion, question or anything else (especially my english if needed :p) ! Just ask me !
##Getting started The CompletionTableView is very simple to implement in all your projects. Let's take an example with a field which search some fruit names in a list. First, you need to create 3 class variables:
The related text field (should be an IBOutlet),
var searchTextField: UITextField!
the CompletionTableView,
var fruitsCompletionView: CompletionTableView!
and the array which contains the values you want to search
let allFruits: [String] = ["Orange", "Lemon", "Strawberry", "Apple", "Lime", "Raspberry"]
Then, you just have to instantiate your CompletionTableView anywhere you want. Usually, it's in the viewDidLoad()
self.fruitsCompletionView = CompletionTableView(relatedTextField: self.searchTextField, inView: self.view, searchInArray: self.allFruits, tableCellNibName: nil, tableCellIdentifier: nil)
That's all ! Your CompletionTableView is ready !
##Use custom cells
If you want to use custom cells, just change the two lasts parameters of the CompletionTableView constructor and implement your own cellForRowAtIndexPath()
function. Let's do this with the previous example.
- Create your own TableViewCell class and xib and link them together. For the example, we will call them respectively
. - Open your xib file and add an identifier on your custom cell. We will call it
. - Add any objects you want in your custom cell and don't forget to link them with the File's Owner. For the example, we will only add a label called
. - Now, you can instantiate your CompletionTableView.
self.fruitsCompletionView = CompletionTableView(relatedTextField: self.searchTextField, inView: self.view, searchInArray: self.allFruits, tableCellNibName: "CompletionTableViewCell", tableCellIdentifier: "CellIdentifier")
- In the class which contains the CompletionTableView, create a function with the following prototype
(tableView: CompletionTableView!, indexPath: NSIndexPath!) -> UITableViewCell!
. Here there is an example:
func fruitsCellForRowAtIndexPath(tableView: CompletionTableView!, indexPath: NSIndexPath!) -> UITableViewCell!
var cell : CompletionTableViewCell = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier(self.fruitsCompletion.tableCellIdentifier) as CompletionTableViewCell
// You can custom your cell here
cell.fruitNameLabel.text = self.fruitsCompletion.resultsArray[indexPath.row] as String
return cell
- Finally, set the CompletionTableView attribute named
to your custom function.
self.fruitsCompletion.completionCellForRowAtIndexPath = self.fruitsCellForRowAtIndexPath
Your CompletionTableView with custom cells is now ready to use !
##Custom the didSelectRowAtIndexPath()
Coming soon ...
##Additional features Coming soon ...