- Changing settings should instantly reset timer and update times.
- When timer finishes it should notify user (best without the use of any server)
- Finished Focus Timer amount should be shown and counting
- Settings should be saved for the user
- User should be able to skip timer
- Add option for darkmode (and automatic system recognition for darkmode)
- Add option to ask again for notification permission (maybe in settings page)
- Open webapp when clicking on notification (After some testing it seems that chrome does not open the webapp but firefox does)
- Add sound effect for finished timer
- Add button to reset settings to default
- PomPom Icon is not shown in header on github build.
- PomPom Favicon is not shown on github build.
- Reduce image size of logo and favicon to reasonable size
- Run linter and code formatter over whole project as cleanup
- Add feature showcase videos to documentation