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1.2. Project Description ‐ QQOQCP Method

smihman edited this page Nov 17, 2023 · 1 revision

Project Description - QQOQCP Method

Who - Target Audience and Stakeholders

  • Primary Audience: IT candidates seeking positions at Société Générale.
  • Other Users: HR professionals, Technical Recruiters, Team Managers.

What - The Gamified Recruitment Application

  • The project involves the development and launch of a gamified recruitment application, designed to attract and assess the skills of talented IT candidates.

Where - Accessibility and Deployment

  • The application will be accessible online through a dedicated portal, ensuring global reach.
  • An adaptive mobile version will also be available for enhanced accessibility.

When - Project Timeline

  • Start of the Project: November.
  • Preliminary Launch: Beta version of the application to be released for a test group by mid-December.
  • Official Launch: Scheduled for the end of January, following the testing and adjustment phase.

How - Development Process

  • The project will follow an Agile development process with regular sprints, evaluations, and adjustments.
  • Tools like Figma for design, and a combination of front-end and back-end technologies for development will be utilized.
  • Collaboration among various roles: Product Owner, Backend and Frontend Developers, and Designers, with continuous validation from stakeholders (HR, technical recruiters, managers).

Why - Purpose and Goals

  • To modernize and optimize Société Générale's IT recruitment process within a limited timeframe.
  • To offer a unique and engaging experience for candidates, differentiating it from traditional recruitment methods.
  • To more accurately and objectively evaluate candidates' skills through innovative and concrete challenges.

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