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2.2. User Story

smihman edited this page Nov 17, 2023 · 1 revision

User Story Acceptance Criteria

This page outlines the approach for establishing clear acceptance criteria for each user story, as directed by the project lead. The aim is to ensure that all team members have a common understanding of what needs to be achieved for each task.


Clear and well-defined acceptance criteria are crucial for aligning the objectives of user stories with the overall project goals. They provide a definitive checklist that describes the requirements a software feature must meet to be considered complete and functional.

Criteria for User Stories


  • Each user story starts with "En tant que" (As a), clearly identifying the user or the role.
  • The title of the user story should be concise and descriptive.


  • Titles are prefixed with game: or hr: for example to indicate whether they are part of the game features or HR functionalities.
  • This categorization helps in organizing and prioritizing the backlog effectively.

Clarity and Scope

  • User stories should be clear, concise, and focused on a single functionality or aspect.
  • Avoid ambiguity to ensure that developers and stakeholders have the same understanding.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Acceptance criteria should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).
  • They should provide a clear description of the desired outcome and the conditions that must be met.


  • During the sprint planning, the team will review the user stories and their acceptance criteria for clarity and feasibility.
  • Any ambiguities or uncertainties in user stories will be discussed and resolved before commencing work.