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Amazon Redshift Column Encoding Utility

In order to get the best performance from your Redshift Database, you must ensure that database tables have the correct Column Encoding applied (see Column Encoding specifies which algorithm is used to compress data within a column, and is chosen on the basis of the datatype, the unique number of discrete values in the column, and so on. When the COPY command is used to load data into a table, column encoding will be analyzed and applied by default. Other tables may be loaded via Extract/Load/Transform/Load (ELT) processes, and these tables may require having the column encoding updated at some point.

The Redshift Column Encoding Utility gives you the ability to apply optimal Column Encoding to an established Schema with data already loaded. When run, it will analyze an entire schema or individual tables. The ANALYZE COMPRESSION command is used to determine if any of the columns in the table require updating, and if so a script is generated to convert to the optimal structure.

Because this utility can make changes to your database live (using the --do-execute true option), it is highly recommended that you thoroughly test the utility against a dev/test system, and ensure that you take a manual snapshot of Production systems prior to running the generated script. Also, as a large amount of data will be migrated, you should ensure that the migration will not adversely impact Cluster customers. AWS has thoroughly tested this software on a variety of systems, but cannot be responsible for the impact of running the utility against your database.

Data Migration

The script generated will take advantage of one of two data migration options. The default is to do an in place data migration within the schema being analyzed. This will create a new table with the same structure as your current table, including the distribution and sort keys, but with the correct column encoding. This table will be called <my_table>_$mig. Your data will be migrated into the new table with an INSERT...SELECT... and then the existing table will be renamed to <my_table>_<YYYYMMDD>_<random>_$old, and the optimised <my_table>_$mig will be renamed to <my_table>. In this way, all old data and structure are retained for future use if required. Alternatively, you can specify the --target-schema <my_new_schema> option, and the data migration will be done into the target schema with all tables retaining their original names. The source schema which has been analysed will not be modified in any way.

Running the Column Encoding Utility

This utility was built and tested on Python 2.7x, but may work with other versions of Python. After cloning this Github project, you must ensure that you have installed the dependencies from requirements.txt.

You can then run the column encoding utility by typing python or ./ This will generate the following Usage instructions:

       Generates a script to optimise Redshift column encodings on all tables in a schema

Arguments: --db                  - The database to use
           --db-user             - The database user to connect to
           --db-pwd              - The password for the database user to connect to
           --db-host             - The cluster endpoint
           --db-port             - The cluster endpoint port (default 5439)
           --analyze-schema      - The schema name or a regular expression pattern to resolve schemas for processing.
           --analyze-table       - A specific table or list of tables to be Analyzed, if --analyze-schema is not desired
           --analyze-cols        - Analyze column width and reduce the column width if needed
           --new-dist-key        - Set a new distribution key (only used if --analyze-table is specified)
           --new-sort-keys       - Set a new sort key using these comma separated columns (Compound Sort key only , and only used if --analyze-table is specified)
           --target-schema       - Name of a single schema into which the newly optimised tables and data should be created, rather than in place
           --threads             - The number of concurrent connections to use during analysis (default 2)
           --output-file         - The full path to the output file to be generated
           --debug               - Generate debug output including SQL Statements being run
           --do-execute          - Run the compression encoding optimisation
           --slot-count          - Modify the wlm_query_slot_count from the default of 1
           --ignore-errors       - Ignore errors raised in threads when running and continue processing
           --force               - Force table migration even if the table already has Column Encoding applied
           --drop-old-data       - Drop the old version of the data table, rather than renaming
           --comprows            - Set the number of rows to use for Compression Encoding Analysis
           --query_group         - Set the query_group for all queries
           --ssl-option          - Set SSL to True or False (default False)
           --suppress-cloudwatch - Set to True to suppress CloudWatch Metrics being created when --do-execute is True

Specific Usage Notes

There are a few runtime options that deserve a bit more explanation:


The Column Encoding utility runs multiple threads to speed the generation of the output script. This means that if requested, it will consume all of the requested capacity for the Queue in which it runs. This may impact other users who are trying to run queries in this queue, and so care should be taken when running with a high number of threads. Please see for more information about WLM Query Queue Configuration.

Slot Count

Within a given queue, each session will be given a single concurrency slot. In some cases, particularly when the --do-execute true option is used, you may want to use a low thread count and an increased slot count --slot-count N. This will increase the amount of memory that a given session has access to, up to the limit imposed by the Query Queue. This will result in the INSERT...SELECT... used to migrate the data to the new table structure potentially running faster. However, as stated on the Threads option, you must consider the impact on other users. It is advised that Threads * SlotCount is less than the Queue Concurrency.


By default, the ANALYZE COMPRESSION command will attempt to analyze 100,000 rows across all Slices on the Cluster. For some types of data, you may wish to increase this value to get better coverage across all rows stored in the table.

Updates to Distribution and Sort Keys

If you specify the new-dist-key or new-sort-keys options when setting analyze-table, you can change the table's distribution or sort keys during encoding management. This is a very simple option that allows you to react to changes in how internal customers use tables, and ensure that data is optimally distributed around the cluster. Please note that if for some reason you specify an invalid new distribution or sort key value, the utility will fail to run. Also note these options are ignored unless you set the analyze-table option.

Do Execute

This option will cause the encoding utility to run the generated script as it goes. Changes will be made to your database LIVE and cannot be undone. It is not recommended that you use this option on Production systems. Furthermore, if the --drop-old-data true option is included with --do-execute true, then you will be required to confirm that you wish to run this operation before the utility will proceed.


The module will export CloudWatch metrics for the number of tables that are modified if the do-execute option is provided. Data is indexed by the cluster name. You can suppress this by adding option --suppress-cloudwatch from the command line, or argument suppress_cw in the configure() method.


You can provide the password as a base64 encoded KMS encrypted string in the configuration, or alternatively you can use .pgpass file based authentication, which will require that you rebuild the module using the script, but then should work as expected.

Version Notes


This release was a major update to previous versions, in that it migrated away from the use of the PyGreSQL driver and to pg8000. It also fundamentally changed the runtime architecture so that the utility can be run as a scheduled Lambda function.

Furthermore, this version significantly reduces the amount of work that the analyzer will attempt to do. It will only attempt to change encoding modification for those tables which contain data, as before, but now will also only attempt to analyze those tables which contain unencoded columns other than the first column of the sort key. It will also suppress modifications of any tables where the outcome of the analysis is the same as the table in place already - sounds obvious but previous versions would do a migration to an identical table structure :(