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Releases: ScadeBlock/PythonWIMVBA

PyWimVBA 6.0 Alpha

02 Aug 06:29
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🎉🎉New Features🎉🎉

  • Create new RunPy
    • Require PyServer (1.0 for PyWVBA 6.0)
    • Added cache value
    • Huge Performance improves from 5.x
  • Added some server function like ClearPyServer() - Clear all variable cached
  • Don't need to create logfile or codefile
  • Keep 5.4 RunPy() and renamed it to RunPyOld()
  • ⚠ Warning: PyServer 1.0 using localhost with port : 9812

🎨 PyWimVBA Example


💎PyWimVBA 6.0 New Function

  • StartPyServer(Optional: pythonPath = "python",Optional useCustomPyServer: False,Optional : silent=false) : Starts PyServer (PyServer supports only single server) silent=true will hide command prompt of PyServer. Set useCustomPyServer to path of your PyServer (can use in offline or a older pyserver)

  • EndPyServer(Optional deletePyServer: True) - A server doesn't close automatically with VBA, so you need to close it before end VBA code . Use deletePyServer=False to keep your PyServer to reuse in StartPyServer (Not recommend)

  • CheckPyServer() - Check a or any server is running.

  • PathPyServer() - Get PyServer path

  • ClearPyServer() - Because PyServer support only one server, you can use this function to clear cached data like value,etc...

  • RunPy(code) - Simply run a code of python, split new line with ;; and indentation are space,tab or tab smart syntax: !tab~

  • LoadPy(file) - Load a python file and convert it to PyWimVBA Syntax

    • For example, it'll convert this file code

    import time
    • To import time;time.sleep(5)
    • APPLY TO USE: RunPy(LoadPy("mycodefile.anyextension"))
  • RunPyOld(code,[pythonPath = "python"] , [newengine = False], [ keepFileData = False] , [UseDebug = False])

  • Code splitting by ";;" , e.x : import time;;time.sleep(5)

  • [Optional] newengine : Improve performance, doesn't need to create logfile - still create code file . But it's will show up a cmd splash - doesn't work with UseDebug

  • [Optional] keepFileData: Keep the output file and code file after finishing execution.

  • [Optional] UseDebug: Show cmd that runs python code and keep it alive with it's output [Use debug to catch errors, the output file may not catch them. So when debug is enabled, Output file does nothing.

  • E.x : MsgBox RunPy("Welcome to \'Python With VBA!\'")

Example usage

Here's a example code to run python in vba wuth PWV

Sub running()
    RunPy ("example_value = 'Hello from PWA 6!'")
    MsgBox RunPy("print(example_value)") 'To test cached value
    MsgBox RunPy("if 1+1==2:;;!tab~print('It actually works!')")
End Sub

PyWimVBA 5.3 Hot Fix!

21 Jul 09:15
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✨✨ New on PythonWimVBA 5.3 ✨✨

  • Added multiple threads (Run multiple RunPy functions)
  • Improve function, add new newengine
  • Enhanced PyWimVBA performance
  • Hot Fix!
    • Remove RunPyWid - Too unstable
    • Remove RunPyOld - Issued


Command: LoadPy(file,[iline = False])

  • Load a python file and convert it to PyWimVBA Syntax

    • For example, it'll convert this file code

    import time
    • To import time;time.sleep(5)
    • APPLY TO USE: RunPy(LoadPy("mycodefile.anyextension"))

Command: RunPy(code,[pythonPath = "python"] , [newengine = False], [ keepFileData = False] , [UseDebug = False])

  • Code splitting by ";;" , e.x : import time;;time.sleep(5)
  • [Optional] newengine : Improve performance, doesn't need to create logfile - still create code file . But it's will show up a cmd splash - doesn't work with UseDebug
  • [Optional] keepFileData: Keep the output file and code file after finishing execution.
  • [Optional] UseDebug: Show cmd that runs python code and keep it alive with it's output [Use debug to catch errors, the output file may not catch them. So when debug is enabled, Output file does nothing.
  • E.x : MsgBox RunPy("Welcome to \'Python With VBA!\'")

PyWimVBA 5.3

07 Jul 09:19
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✨✨ New on PythonWimVBA 5.3 ✨✨

  • Added multiple threads (Run multiple RunPy functions)
  • Improve function, add new newengine
  • Enhanced PyWimVBA performance
  • Keeps the old PyWimVBA function (In version 5.2) and renames it to RunPyOld
  • Add new RunPyWid() - with showcmd=True function doesn't need to create file
    • Remove keepFileData attributes and add showcmd
    • Added iline attributes


Command: LoadPy(file,[iline = False])

  • Load a python file and convert it to PyWimVBA Syntax

    • For example, it'll convert this file code

    import time
    • To import time;time.sleep(5)
    • APPLY TO USE: RunPy(LoadPy("mycodefile.anyextension"))

Command: RunPy(code,[pythonPath = "python"] , [newengine = False], [ keepFileData = False] , [UseDebug = False])

  • Code splitting by ";;" , e.x : import time;;time.sleep(5)
  • [Optional] newengine : Improve performance, doesn't need to create logfile - still create code file . But it's will show up a cmd splash - doesn't work with UseDebug
  • [Optional] keepFileData: Keep the output file and code file after finishing execution.
  • [Optional] UseDebug: Show cmd that runs python code and keep it alive with it's output [Use debug to catch errors, the output file may not catch them. So when debug is enabled, Output file does nothing.
  • E.x : MsgBox RunPy("Welcome to \'Python With VBA!\'")

Command: RunPyWid(code, [pythonPath = "python"], [showcmd = True], [iline = False], [UseDebug =False])

  • Code splitting by ";;" , e.x : import time;;time.sleep(5)
  • With showcmd=True performance will be better than showcmd=False (because of showcmd=False must create logfile to catch log, showcmd=True mustn't)
  • [Optional OR Compulsory]iline
    • Iline attributes convert code from
    • import time
    • time.sleep(2)
    • To exec("import time\ntime.sleep(2)")
    • (convert multiple line to single line)
  • ⚠️ Iline is custom with showcmd=True but it's must for showcmd=False
  • [Optional] UseDebug: Show-up cmd that runs python code, keep it alive with it's output [Use debug to catch errors, Output file may not catch them. Only works with showcmd=False]
  • New release (Unstable!)
    • Aready know bugs : Syntax error (Error with \" and \' in string python, e.x: RunPyWid("print('This function failed with \'')") , )

Command: RunPyOld(code,pythonPath, [ keepFileData = False] , [UseDebug = False])

  • Code splitting by ";;" , e.x : import time;;time.sleep(5)
  • [Optional] keepFileData: Keep the output file and code file after finishing execution.
  • [Optional] UseDebug: Show cmd that runs python code and keep it alive with it's output [Use debug to catch errors, the output file may not catch them. So when debug is enabled, Output file does nothing.

PyWimVBA 5.2a

05 Jul 08:37
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✨✨ New on PythonWimVBA 5.2a ✨✨

  • Added multiple threads (Run multiple RunPy function)
  • Remove output file Path and filename (remove!, Added auto random generate name)


Command: RunPy(code,pythonPath, [ keepFileData = False] , [UseDebug = False])

  • Code splitting by ";;" , e.x : import time;;time.sleep(5)
  • [Optional] keepFileData: Keep the output file and code file after finishing execution.
  • [Optional] UseDebug: Show cmd that runs python code, keep it alive with it's output [Use debug to catch errors, Output file may not catch them. So when debug is enabled, Output file does nothing.]

PyWimVBA 5.2

04 Jul 15:23
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✨✨ New on PythonWimVBA 5.2 ✨✨

  • Catch All Python Output, so outtl is useless (removed!, don't need on 5.2 or higher version)
  • Added UseDebug (show cmd and keep cmd alive with it's output) and keepFileData (keeps pywvout.txt and after execution) attributes


Command: RunPy(code,pythonPath, [outputFilePath = "pywvout.txt"] , [ filename = ""], [ keepFileData = False] , [UseDebug = False])

  • Code splitting by ";;" , e.x : import time;;time.sleep(5)
  • [Optional] Output File Path: File that writes every output of python
  • [Optional] File Name: File that contains your code to run
  • [Optional] keepFileData: Keep output file and code file after finishing execution.
  • [Optional] UseDebug: Show cmd that runs python code, keep it alive with it's output [Use debug to catch errors, Output file may not catch them. So when debug is enabled, Output file does nothing.]