This example comprises a ROS node and simple python program that can communicate over a rosbridge websocket implementation.
Do a git clone to your catkin workspace. And then compile it with the command "catkin_make".
sudo apt install ros-kinetic-rosbridge-server
Python websocket:
sudo pip install websocket-client
First launch the ROS node by executing the following command:
roslaunch rosbridge_test run.launch
This launch file will launch the ROS node and the rosbridge server.
Using the terminal, go to the "python_websocket" directory. To run the python program execute the following command:
To publish data with the ROS node and receive it with the python program, it is only needed to write the desired message on the terminal window where the ROS node was launched and hit the enter key.
As it could be seen, the message will appear on the python program windows with a JSON formatting. This means that the python program subscribed to the ROS topic and received it with no problems.
To publish data with the python program, the process is the same as the ROS node: just write the desired message on the terminal window of the python program and hit the enter key.
The string will be received by the ROS node and that information will appear on its respective terminal window.