- Java 1.6+
- Maven 3+
- Postgres 8+
- SVMLight (http://svmlight.joachims.org/) (
executables must be in the path)
cd $HOME
git clone https://github.com/SciCrunch/resource_disambiguator.git
cd $HOME/resource_disambiguator
First create a Postgres database named rd_prod with a user named 'rd_prod'
su - postgres
createdb --encoding='utf-8' --locale=en_US.utf8 --template=template0 rd_prod
psql rd_prod
create user rd_prod with password '<your-password>';
grant all privileges on database rd_prod to rd_prod;
Then exit postgres account and apply the schema and indices to the newly created database.
cd $HOME/resource_disambiguator/doc
psql rd_prod -U rd_prod
\i schema.ddl
\i indices.sql
First install dependencies to your local maven repository. This is a one time thing.
cd $HOME/resource_disambiguator/dependencies
Then, edit $HOME/resource_disambiguator/src/main/resources/dev/META-INF/persistence.xml
and $HOME/resource_disambiguator/src/main/resources/prod/META-INF/persistence.xml
for development and production profiles to set the database information
<property name="hibernate.connection.url"
value="jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/rd_prod" />
<property name="hibernate.connection.username" value="rd_prod" />
<property name="hibernate.connection.password" value="YOUR_PASSWORD" />
Now you are ready to build
cd $HOME/resource_disambiguator
mvn -Pprod clean install assembly:single
cp target/resource-disambiguator-prod.jar $HOME
The scripts in the $HOME/resource_disambiguator/bin
directory are for monthly batch processing. They by default expect resource-disambiguator-prod.jar
file in the $HOME directory. The driver script is rd_montly.sh
Before you do any batch processing, you need to populate the registry
table in the database with resources you want to track mentions for.