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Releases: SciNim/numericalnim

meshgrid fix

29 Mar 09:03
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.8.8...v0.8.9


07 Jul 09:39
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The 1D interpolation methods now support extrapolation using these methods:

  • Constant: Set all points outside the range of the interpolator to extrapValue.
  • Edge: Use the value of the left/right edge.
  • Linear: Uses linear extrapolation using the two points closest to the edge.
  • Native (default): Uses the native method of the interpolator to extrapolate. For Linear1D it will be a linear extrapolation, and for Cubic and Hermite splines it will be cubic extrapolation.
  • Error: Raises an ValueError if x is outside the range.

These are passed in as an argument to eval and derivEval:

let valEdge = interp.eval(x, Edge)
let valConstant = interp.eval(x, Constant, NaN)

`levmarq` uncertainties + CI Docs

05 Jan 22:06
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  • levmarq now accepts yError.
  • paramUncertainties allows you to calculate the uncertainties of fitted parameters.
  • chi2 test added

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.8.5...v0.8.6

Fix rbf bug

01 Jan 15:27
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.8.4...v0.8.5

Radial basis function interpolation

30 Dec 16:04
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With radial basis function interpolation, numericalnim finally gets an interpolation method which works on scattered data in arbitrary dimensions!

Basic usage:

let interp = newRbf(points, values)
let result = interp.eval(evalPoints)

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.8.3...v0.8.4

Export LineSearchCriterion

21 Nov 12:55
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.8.2...v0.8.3

Fix Nim CI - strictEffects

07 Oct 07:36
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Fix Nim CI

29 Sep 09:25
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Fixes #29

Optimization has joined the chat

09 May 11:30
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Multi-variate optimization and differentiation has been introduced.

  • numericalnim/differentiate offers tensorGradient(f, x) which calculates the gradient of f w.r.t x using finite differences, tensorJacobian (returns the transpose of the gradient), tensorHessian, mixedDerivative. It also provides checkGradient(f, analyticGrad, x, tol) to verify that the analytic gradient is correct by comparing it to the finite difference approximation.
  • numericalnim/optimize now has several multi-variate optimization methods:
    • steepestDescent
    • newton
    • bfgs
    • lbfgs
    • They all have the function signatures like:
      proc bfgs*[U; T: not Tensor](f: proc(x: Tensor[U]): T, x0: Tensor[U], options: OptimOptions[U, StandardOptions] = bfgsOptions[U](), analyticGradient: proc(x: Tensor[U]): Tensor[T] = nil): Tensor[U]
      where f is the function to be minimized, x0 is the starting guess, options contain options like tolerance (each method has it own options type which can be created by for example lbfgsOptions or newtonOptions), analyticGradient can be supplied to avoid having to do finite difference approximations of the derivatives.
    • There are 4 different line search methods supported and those are set in the options: Armijo, Wolfe, WolfeStrong, NoLineSearch.
    • levmarq: non-linear least-square optimizer
      proc levmarq*[U; T: not Tensor](f: proc(params: Tensor[U], x: U): T, params0: Tensor[U], xData: Tensor[U], yData: Tensor[T], options: OptimOptions[U, LevmarqOptions[U]] = levmarqOptions[U]()): Tensor[U]
      • f is the function you want to fit to the parameters in param and x is the value to evaluate the function at.
      • params0 is the initial guess for the parameters
      • xData is a 1D Tensor with the x points and yData is a 1D Tensor with the y points.
      • options can be created using levmarqOptions.
      • Returns the final parameters

Note: There are basic tests to ensure these methods converge for simple problems, but they are not tested on more complex problems and should be considered experimental until more tests have been done. Please try them out, but don't rely on them for anything important for now. Also, the API isn't set in stone yet so expect that it may change in future versions.

Fix nim CI

25 Jan 08:27
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adds the task nimCI which is to to run by the Nim CI