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C library for managing and reading xsens MTi IMU modules over serial.


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xsens MTi Serial C Library

This C library is intended for use on microcontrollers (though can be used on typical computers fairly easily) for high performance robotics applications.

The parser is hardware agnostic, with a design philosophy around structured data and callback functions when valid packets are decoded.

Happy to discuss issues & merge reasonable PRs.


With the exception of one Arduino library (which didn't work for me), and examples from xsens which are SPI/I2C & specific to MTi-1/3/7 modules, there wasn't anything available (other than ARM SBC options) which would let me interface an external AHRS unit to my embedded platform.

At time of writing, I couldn't find any suitable C libraries/examples for communicating over UART/RS232.

The packet layout and packet-in-packet (MData2) format variations mean writing a general handler and decoder is a bit terse, and the xsens C++ example shifts this responsibility to the developer.

This library aims to provide a more sane approach, with application code not requiring any buffer handling or IMU specific logic.

Does it work?

Yes, example firmware and GUI here.


MTManager was used with various output configurations to capture real packets alongside decoded reference outputs (see /docs/ These packets back the test-driven development approach of the library, while the MT Low Level Documentation PDF was used as reference material.

I've tested the library against a MTi-300 connected to a STM32F4 discovery board via RS232 transceiver, and a custom MTi-2 and STM32F4 board.

I use this library in production with several MTi-300 units connected to a custom STM32F429 controller, also through a RS232 transceiver.

Another user has reported success with MTi-7.

What's the catch?

Most of the xsens IMU hardware is pretty expensive. So it's unlikely many people will read this...

  • No specific effort has been put into ensuring portability of this library to big-endian processors.

  • Without other IMU hardware, I'm unable to provide functional/correctness guarantees.

    • Unit tests don't cover MTi-7/600/700 specific configuration or functionality (i.e. GNSS info).
  • While the library tries to follow message identifiers and fields outlined by xsens, some sections aren't implemented (but an escape hatch is provided).


A minimal Arduino compatible implementation is described in /example/basics and is quickly explained in the following sections.

Examples aren't exhaustive across all messages/payloads, though enums describing possible inbound/outbound message identifiers, and the list of callback event flags is described in the xsens_constants header.

Basic Setup

  • Include xsens-mti.h in your application code.

  • Create a callback function which will receive motion data after the library has parsed and decoded packets:

    void imu_event_cb( XsensEventFlag_t event, XsensEventData_t *mtdata );
  • Optionally create another callback to allow the library to write binary data to the IMU:

    void imu_write_cb( uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t len );
  • Declare a xsens_interface_t, and pass it pointers to the callback functions:

    • At compile time:

      xsens_interface_t imu_interface = XSENS_INTERFACE_RX( &imu_event_cb );
      xsens_interface_t imu_interface = XSENS_INTERFACE_RX_TX( &imu_event_cb, &imu_write_cb );
      // Longform setup
      xsens_interface_t imu_interface = { .event_cb = &imu_event_cb, .output_cb = &imu_write_cb };
    • At run-time:

      xsens_interface_t imu_interface;
      imu_interface.event_cb = &imu_event_cb;
      imu_interface.output_cb = &imu_write_cb;
  • Pass inbound serial data to the library as it arrives. The parser uses a state-machine design and is happy accepting a single byte, or many, with no timing requirements.

    • Individual bytes:

      xsens_mti_parse( &imu_interface, byte );
    • Buffer of data:

      xsens_mti_parse_buffer( &imu_interface, &rx_buff, rx_len );

That's it. The /examples folder has Arduino compatible implementations for reference.

Low RAM targets

The xsens packet specification allows for 'extended length' payloads, up to 2048B.

Current implementation in this library allows for these with a sufficiently large buffer. This means the default library implementation will exhaust RAM on particularly constrained targets like Atmel 328p (Arduino Uno).

If you find yourself in this unique situation, either use your build system to define XSENS_PAYLOAD_BUFFER_SIZE during build, or

  1. Open /src/xsens_constants.h in your editor
  2. Manually define a new XSENS_PAYLOAD_BUFFER_SIZE at the top of the file, with a value larger than 255.
  3. Try building and hope it fits on your micro.
  4. Reconfigure your IMU with MTManager to disable GNSS PVT and/or SatInfo packets, as these are most likely to need large packets.
  5. Re-think your system design, as your IMU is massively overkill for your requirements or your micro is inadequate for your task!

Using motion data

In the application code event callback imu_event_cb() or similar, catch relevant events generated by the library when one of the MData2 packets is received.

  • XsensEventFlag_t signifies what kind of data has been processed.
  • XsensEventData_t is a structure containing:
    • a type flag (enum) describing what data format is used in the
    • union of possible payload types ranging from uint16_t to a float[9]

This method allows the application code to receive ready-to-use values immediately after they are decoded.

Note that *mtdata points to data on the stack and is not long-lived.

void imu_event_cb( XsensEventFlag_t event, XsensEventData_t *mtdata )
    switch( event )
            // ...

            if( mtdata->type == XSENS_EVT_TYPE_FLOAT3 )
                // Update the PID controller with x, y, z accelerometer 
                // These are 4-byte floats
                controller_update( mtdata->data.f4x3[0], 
                                   mtdata->data.f4x3[2] );
        case XSENS_EVT_PRESSURE:
        	// ...

XsensEventFlag list

List of possible user-facing events is listed below. I'd recommend just looking at the mdata2_decode_rules table in xsens_mdata2.c as it also lists the corresponding event type.


Overriding parser functionality

In situations where you want to handle a packet directly, declare your own handler function to process the payload.

This is the previously mentioned 'escape-hatch' you should use if trying to handle unsupported packets.

void imu_icc_command_ack( xsens_packet_buffer_t *packet )
    // Use the packet fields to post-process as needed:
    //     packet->message_id
    //     packet->length
    //     packet->payload

During your setup, provide the callback pointer and MID to filter for. Use the enum value in xsens_constants.h or the raw value:

bool ok = xsens_mti_override_id_handler( 0x75, &imu_icc_command_ack );
bool ok = xsens_mti_override_id_handler( MT_ICCCOMMANDACK, &imu_icc_command_ack );

When the parser has a valid packet (passed CRC check), the callback is fired.

Note that the packet_buffer_t structure being pointed to is contained in the user-space xsens_interface_t state variable (typically heap allocated).

This data will persist after the callback, but will be wiped when another packet is received.

This payload data is directly from the IMU (unprocessed), and you'll likely need to convert fields from their big-endian format to little-endian. xsens_utility.h has some helper functions to assist:

uint16_t xsens_coalesce_16BE_16LE( uint8_t *source );
uint32_t xsens_coalesce_32BE_32LE( uint8_t *source );
float    xsens_coalesce_32BE_F32LE( uint8_t *source );

The possible message identifiers (and the id's with integrated handling) are paired in the partially populated 'jump table'.

Sending packets to the IMU

For simple queries against the hardware, use the request function with the message ID. When the device responds, the library (or user-overridden callback) will receive a callback.

xsens_mti_request( &imu_interface, MT_REQFWREV );

Some helper functions are provided for simple commands, but may require putting the IMU into configuration mode first. Refer to /examples/write_config for a reference implementation of changing mode and configuring output data/rates.

xsens_mti_set_baudrate( &imu_interface, XSENS_BAUD_460800 );
xsens_mti_reset_orientation( &imu_interface, XSENS_ORIENTATION_ALIGNMENT_RESET );

More complex configuration functions expect the end-user to provide valid settings:

XsensFrequencyConfig_t settings[] = {
    { .id = XDI_PACKET_COUNTER, .frequency = 0xFFFF },  // 0xFFFF -> included in every output packet 
    { .id = XDI_STATUS_WORD,    .frequency = 0xFFFF },     
    { .id = XDI_QUATERNION,     .frequency = 100    },  // Hz

xsens_mti_set_configuration( &imu_interface, settings, XSENS_ARR_ELEM(settings) );

Beyond this, create a xsens_packet_buffer_t object manually and send it to hardware:

packet.message_id = MT_SETBAUDRATE;
packet.length = 1;
packet.payload[0] = 0x80;

xsens_mti_send( interface, &packet );

Running tests


Testing uses the Ceedling (Ruby/rake) based testing framework with Unity and CMock.

  1. If you don't have Ceedling installed:

    • Either install it with your OS's package manager,
    • Manual install ceedling with gem install --user ceedling.
  2. Once setup, run ceedling or ceedling test:all.

GitHub Actions compile the Arduino examples and run unit-tests when pull-requests are made.

Coverage Analysis

  • Run ceedling gcov:all to generate the coverage reports.
  • Use ceedling utils:gcov to generate a pretty HTML report.
    • HTML output is located in the /build/artifacts/gcov folder.

You need gcovr installed, and on some Linux distros, may also need a gcovr run-time dependency jinja2.

References & Acknowledgement

  • xsens have documented their protocol and the behaviour in the MT Low Level Documentation PDF.
  • xsens MTManager software provides a packet viewer was used to capture and decode several 'golden' packets used in unit tests.

This library is Apache2 licenced.


C library for managing and reading xsens MTi IMU modules over serial.





