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Installing ScrumDo on Ubuntu

marc-hughes edited this page Mar 16, 2011 · 1 revision

These instructions are from a helpful ScrumDo user (Thanks Vasja!) meant to supplement Installing ScrumDo on your server. and help you get around some pitfalls of installing on Ubuntu (and perhaps Linux in general)

grab setuptools and mysqldb sudo apt-get install python-setuptools python-mysqldb

navigate to a directory get the piston django module wget alternatively, grab the latest install from

unzip and install piston tar -xzvf django-piston-0.2.2.tar.gz cd django-piston-0.2.2 python install

navigate to the scrumdo directory cd ../ScrumDo/scrumdo-web

Create a file for your site-specific settings, make sure to include the proper credentials vim SCRUMDO_EXTRAS = () DATABASE_NAME = 'backlog' DATABASE_USER = 'backlog' DATABASE_PASSWORD = 'xxxxxxxx'

the script may ask you to create a superuser account - create one and insert the details

connect to the mysql database with the proper credentials mysql -u backlog -p enter password

connect to the proper db, and add the fulltext search to the proper table connect backlog; ALTER TABLE projects_story ADD FULLTEXT(summary, detail, extra_1, extra_2, extra_3);

now you can start the server python runserver

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