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marc-hughes edited this page Dec 5, 2010 · 18 revisions

#Developer Environment Set up Here are instructions for getting ScrumDo working on your development machine.

#Install python 2.6 (if you don't have it)

You can run python --version to check:

Python 2.6.1```

#Install mysql (Using 5.1.47 on public server)
Make sure to install server and client libs
#Clone the repo
```git clone```

#Set up your python virtual environment
go into repo/Pinax-0.7.3-bundle and run the pinax-boot script<br/>
```> python scripts/ ../pinax-env```<br/>
This will download most of the neccessary python prerequsites, libraries, etc.

#Create a mysql database and user...
 create database backlog<br/>
 ```grant all privileges on backlog.* to backlog identified by 'dlfksj39028';```<br/>
 Feel free to pick a different password and set it in a file.  Please do not submit password changes to  The public 
 web server uses this method to specify an alternat PW.
#Start up your pinax dev environment
```  cd repo dir / pinax-env
  source bin/activate```
This sets up some environmental variables to point to our virtual environment we set up above.  *You need to do this every time you want to develop.*

#Go into the repo/backlog-site dir and create your initial DB
```python syncdb```
At this point, you might have python dependency problems.  Mainly the python mysql module, and the python imaging module.  You and google are on your own for figuring them out.
On the linux server, I was lucky enough to have pre-built binaries to install.  On my mac, I remember having to do significantly more work in the past to make them work.
Remember to run a successful _python syncdb_ after your dependencies are all set.
TODO: Would love to get either instructions or a link to instructions on this wiki for these.

#Set up full text search index
From a mysql prompt:
```ALTER TABLE projects_story ADD FULLTEXT(summary, detail, extra_1, extra_2, extra_3);```

#Now, you can run the server.
python runserver
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