Will predict the close value of the Basic Attention Token currency based on its open value.
Recurrent Neural Network and Long Short-Term Memory.
Fetch some Tweets based on a given input and will estimate the global sentiment behind it.
Will generate either a Battle, Route or Building song based on the fourth generation (Platinum/Diamond/Perl) of the Pokemon games.
Gated Recurrent Units and Long Short-Term Memory.
Display a bot on Discord that will listen to the user's input and repeat a sentence for a specific number of times and in the targeted channel. Can also play audio files and links in a voice channel.
AISNA is a project inspired from the Person of Interest TV series and more specifically from an episode excerpt (S4xE05)
AISNA is a deep learning algorithm which use live faces recognition to determine if the person on camera is either an admin or an unknown person. It also uses voice recognition to show more features on the broadcast if certain words are used.
MECC (Miscellaneous Educational Cybersecurity Chatbot) is a specialized chatbot for cybersecurity education and sensibilization.
NarrativeAI is an algorithm that ingest television series transcripts and output a totally new script.
An answer-based search engine that delivers concise results about No Man's Sky related questions.
Will permit an user to code little instructions in Python using his voice. The instructions can afterward be executed and the result (or error) will be transcribed by a text-to-speech algorithm.
The goal of this project is to allow the user to code remotely from his computer for a short or longer period of time.
Will help to determine if clinical data on unhealthy patients are related to cancer.
Alexa like project using Raspberry PI and ChatGPT.