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Contributing and Development

This is a guide on how to develop and contribute to this project


Make sure you can run these commands and install them if not present.


  • Python 3.8 Link
  • pip3 (packaged as python3-pip)
  • A python IDE/Text Editor: Anything will work but people generally use Visual Studio Code Link or Jetbrains Pycharm Link



  • nvm Link
  • yarn Link (Find your operating system in the dropdown)


Get a Discord bot token and enable intents

  • Go to (log in if needed)
  • Create an application (name doesn't matter)
  • Click "Bot" it the left sidebar
  • Create a bot
    • The bot's name will be what users see in servers
    • Changing the bot's name changes the BotToken
  • Make note of the token on this page (later refered to as BotToken)
  • Enable Discord member intents Intents

Join the test server

Click here to join the server ping @Jayy#6249 for permissions to add bots

Prepare bot for connecting to discord server

  • Click "OAuth2" in the left sidebar
  • In the "scopes" section, check bot
  • In the "bot permissions" section, check the following boxes perms
  • Copy the link from the "scopes" section and open in a new tab/window
  • Select the test server to add the bot to

Prepare the Repo

  • Fork this repo
  • git clone your fork to wherever you want to work on this bot

Prepare your ClemBot.Api config variables

ClemBot.Api uses dotnet user-secrets Docs to securely store sensitive values like db connection strings and api keys

  • After you have started up and configured PostgresSQL with your desired username and password you need to set the Connection string for ClemBot.Api
  • cd into ClemBot/ClemBot.Api/ClemBot.Api.Core
  • Run dotnet user-secrets set "ClemBotConnectionString" "YourConnectionString" (Example: "Server=;Port=5432;Database=clembotdb;User Id=XXXXX;Password=XXXXX;")
  • Generate a BotApiKey with this website Link
  • Run dotnet user-secrets set "BotApiKey" "KeyYouGeneratedAbove"

Prepare your ClemBot.Bot config variables

  • Copy BotSecrets.json.template and rename that copy to BotSecrets.json
  • Copy/paste the token from the Discord page into the BotToken empty string
  • Make the ApiUrl row https://localhost:5001/
  • Copy and paste the ClemBot.Api key value that you generated above into the ApiKey row
  • Copy and paste the channel Ids of the channels in the test server that you want to use for Connection Status updates and Error Logging into the ErrorLogChannelIds and StartupLogChannelIds. If you dont want this. Leave the field as an empty brackets, []
  • Set a custom bot prefix in the BotPrefix field that will invoke your commands

All Config Variables

  • BotToken:(Required) Your discord bots api access token
  • ApiUrl:(Required) Url of the ClemBot.Api ASP.Net endpoints (defaults to http://localhost:5001/)
  • ApiKey:(Required) Access key for the bot endpoints in ClemBot.Api
  • ClientToken:(Optional) Used for the Website Frontend, can be ignored if you are not working on that
  • ClientSecret:(Optional) Used for the Website Frontend, can be ignored if you are not working on that
  • BotPrefix:(Required) Your discord bots prefix that it will default to responding too
  • SiteUrl: (Optional) The url of your local site or hosted instance for bot links to the site
  • StartupLogChannelIds:(Optional) The Id of the channel for the bot to send startup events too
  • ErrorLogChannelIds:(Optional) The Id of the channel for the bot to send error events too (recommended if you are doing work with services
  • GifMeToken:(Optional) GifMe api token
  • ReplUrl:(Optional) The url of the Snekbox container that allows for sandboxed evals
  • GitHubSourceUrl:(Optional) Url that the !source command uses to link source code
  • MerriamKey:(Optional) Merriam api token
  • WeatherKey:(Optional) Weather forecast api token
  • GeocodeKey:(Optional) Geocode weather service api token
  • AzureTranslateKey:(Optional) Azure translation api token
  • BotOnly: (optional) If set to true, puts ClemBot.Bot into Bot only mode which deactivates the api and allows for limited functionality. Mainly used when a feature only requires discord and needs no persistence/database
  • MessageApiBatchSize (Optional: Defaults to 5) Sets the max cache size for clembots internal message catch before it is flushed to the api

Setting up the ClemBot.Bot build environment

Setup a virtual environment:
pip3 install virtualenv windows: py -m pip install --user virtualenv

virtualenv venv windows: py -m venv venv

Enter the virtualenv with:
source venv/bin/activate windows: .\venv\Scripts\activate

Then allow pip to get the latest libraries:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt windows: py -m pip install -r requirements.txt

You can then test-run the bot with the command:
python3 -m bot windows: py -m bot when you are in the directory ClemBot/ClemBot.Bot

The bot should show up in the test server and respond to commands (test with <your_prefix>hello)

Setting up the ClemBot.Api build environment

  • Open the ClemBot.Api.sln file in the ClemBot/ClemBot.Api folder to open the project in either Visual Studio or Rider
  • Click the run button in your preferred IDE

Setting up the ClemBot.Site build environment

  • Navigate to the ClemBot.Site folder in your shell
  • Install Node.js 16 with nvm with the command nvm install 16 then nvm use 16
  • Install dependencies with yarn with the command yarn install
  • The dev server can then be run with the command yarn run dev

Final Notes

ClemBot is composed of several seperate components that all talk to each other over HTTP to form a complete system. Depending on what you are developing you might not need all of them setup to develop what you want.

Here are some common scenarios and what pieces you need to have running:

  1. Developing a simple Discord command that does not require the database
  • You just need to run the ClemBot.Bot project with the BotOnly config flag set to true
  1. Developing functionality that does require the database and the api
  • You will need to have the postgres server running, the ClemBot.Api project running and ClemBot.Bot running
  1. Developing or fixing a visual bug on the website that is not in the dashboard
  • You will need just the ClemBot.Site codebase running to work on this
  1. Developing a dashboard page or fixing dashboard functionality
  • You will need the complete ClemBot system running, the Bot, the Api, the Site and the database