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Cortx monitor single node VM provisioning manual

mariyappanp edited this page Apr 1, 2021 · 18 revisions


  1. Setup yum repo (Required only for installing build specific RPMS)
curl -o sspl_dev_deploy

chmod a+x sspl_dev_deploy

./sspl_dev_deploy --setup_repo -T<build_number>/prod/

Specify <build_number> in the build URL.


./sspl_dev_deploy --setup_repo -T

  1. Install 3rd party packages

    1. RPMs

      Package Version
      hdparm 9.43
      ipmitool 1.8.18
      lshw B.02.18
      python3 3.6.8
      python36-dbus 1.2.4
      python36-gobject 3.22.0
      python36-paramiko 2.1.1
      python36-psutil 5.6.7
      shadow-utils 4.6
      smartmontools 7.0
      systemd-python36 1.0.0
      udisks2 2.8.4
    2. Python

      Package Version
      cryptography 2.8
      jsonschema 3.2.0
      pika 1.1.0
      pyinotify 0.9.6
      python-daemon 2.2.4
      requests 2.25.1
      zope.component 4.6.2
      zope.event 4.5.0
      zope.interface 5.2.0
  2. Run cortx-py-utils pre-requisites

  3. Config file for cortx-py-utils

    1. Create config file for cortx-py-utils at /tmp/cortx-config-new
    2. Description of keys used in config file
  4. Install cortx-py-utils

  5. Install SSPL RPMs

SSPL mini-provisioner configs

SSPL mini-provisioner interfaces are supposed to be executed in order i.e post-install, prepare, config, init. And rest of interfaces can be executed in any order i.e for test, reset, cleanup.

Input config required at each mini provisioner stage is a cumulative i.e. super set of current plus previous stage config. The input config from post-install stage will be available to prepare stage, post-install and prepare stage input config will be available to config stage. Same way, post-install, prepare and config stage input configs to init stage. Init stage is expected to have all configs required for sspl-ll service to start and run smoothly.

At each mini-provisioner stage, argument "--config <template_file>" needs to be passed , which is a reference to required configs backend, depending on the stage.

The template file is a key-value mapped yaml file, maintaining the config requirement template for each stage. All the strings start with TMPL_ should be replaced with valid values. If no values identified, then it can be left blank.

Template fields

  1. TMPL_{field} is a identifier for consumer to update variable keys & values(ex. CI CD pipeline)

    Template fields used accross mini provisioner interfaces

    BMC information such as IP, USER and SECRET can be blank for VM.

    Stage Field Example Value Description Required
    post_install TMPL_NODE_NAME srvnode-1 Server name of node Yes
    post_install TMPL_MACHINE_ID 30512e5ae6df9f1ea02327bab45e499d cat /etc/machine-id Yes
    post_install TMPL_HOSTNAME Hostname of node Yes
    post_install TMPL_BMC_IP BMC IP Address No
    post_install TMPL_BMC_SECRET BMC encrypted password No
    post_install TMPL_BMC_USER BMC username No
    post_install TMPL_ENCLOSURE_ID enc30512e5ae6df9f1ea02327bab45e499d Strorage Enclosure logical name Yes
    post_install TMPL_SERVER_NODE_TYPE virtual Yes
    post_install TMPL_CONTROLLER_PASSWORD '!manage' Controller access - plaintext password Yes
    post_install TMPL_PRIMARY_CONTROLLER_IP Controller A IP Address Yes
    post_install TMPL_PRIMARY_CONTROLLER_PORT 22 Controller A Port Yes
    post_install TMPL_SECONDARY_CONTROLLER_IP Controller B IP Address Yes
    post_install TMPL_SECONDARY_CONTROLLER_PORT 22 Controller B Port Yes
    post_install TMPL_CONTROLLER_TYPE Gallium Type of controller Yes
    post_install TMPL_CONTROLLER_USER manage Controller access - username Yes
    prepare TMPL_ENCLOSURE_NAME enclosure-1 Strorage Enclosure logical name Yes
    prepare TMPL_ENCLOSURE_TYPE RBOD Type of enclosure Yes
    prepare TMPL_DATA_PRIVATE_FQDN FQDN of Private Data Network Yes
    prepare TMPL_DATA_PRIVATE_INTERFACE Data network private interfaces No
    prepare TMPL_DATA_PUBLIC_FQDN FQDN of Public Data Network Yes
    prepare TMPL_DATA_PUBLIC_INTERFACE Data network public interfaces No
    prepare TMPL_MGMT_INTERFACE eth0 Management network interfaces Yes
    prepare TMPL_MGMT_PUBLIC_FQDN srvnode-1.public.fqdn FQDN of Management Network Yes
    prepare TMPL_NODE_ID SN01 Identifies the node in the cluster Yes
    prepare TMPL_RACK_ID RC01 Identifies the rack in the cluster Yes
    prepare TMPL_SITE_ID DC01 Identifies the site in the cluster Yes
    prepare TMPL_CLUSTER_ID CC01 UUID Yes


  1. Post Install

    1. Run utils post_install

      /opt/seagate/cortx/utils/bin/utils_setup post_install --config /tmp/cortx-config-new

    2. Run SSPL post_install

      /opt/seagate/cortx/sspl/bin/sspl_setup post_install --config /opt/seagate/sspl/conf/

  2. Prepare

    1. Run SSPL prepare

      /opt/seagate/cortx/sspl/bin/sspl_setup prepare --config /opt/seagate/sspl/conf/sspl.prepare.tmpl.1-node

  3. Config

    1. Run utils config

      /opt/seagate/cortx/utils/bin/utils_setup config --config /tmp/cortx-config-new

    2. Run SSPL config

      /opt/seagate/cortx/sspl/bin/sspl_setup config --config /opt/seagate/sspl/conf/sspl.config.tmpl.1-node

  4. Init

    1. Run SSPL init

      /opt/seagate/cortx/sspl/bin/sspl_setup init --config /opt/seagate/sspl/conf/sspl.init.tmpl.1-node


  1. Start SSPL service

    systemctl start sspl-ll

  2. Check service status

    systemctl status sspl-ll

Note: Starting service using systemctl is recommended only when HA framework is not in place, otherwise service is supposed to be started in Cortx cluster automatically by HA


  1. Start SSPL tests with plan

    /opt/seagate/cortx/sspl/bin/sspl_setup test --config <config_url> --plan [sanity|alerts|self_primary|self_secondary]


    /opt/seagate/cortx/sspl/bin/sspl_setup test --config <config_url> --plan sanity