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251 lines (192 loc) · 9.02 KB

File metadata and controls

251 lines (192 loc) · 9.02 KB

Table of Contents


This repository contains my personal dotfiles for my Arch Linux setup. It features auto color scheme based on selected wallpaper. The dotfiles are managed using GNU Stow, there is a scripts in the .config/scripts/ which I use to sync the dotfiles, although keep in mind that personal, etc, screenshots will not be synced. For further information check stow-local-ignore. Feel free to use any part of the configuration that you find useful. Enjoy :)


Screenshot 1

Screenshot 2


Ensure you have the following installed on your system (Not necessary mean u need those, these are for me to copy paste if i ever need to fresh install my system)

sudo pacman -S git hyprland kitty dolphin thunar waybar stow nvim hyprpaper zsh fastfetch snapper \
btrfs-assistant pipewire pipewire-alsa alsa-utils pipewire-pulse pavucontrol sof-firmware \
ttf-font-awesome ttf-liberation ttf-cascadia-code-nerd ttf-firacode-nerd ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd \
gwenview bluez bluez-utils blueman swaync okular qt5ct qt6ct kvantum arc-gtk cliphist \
dunst lazygit wine wine-mono wine-gecko
yay -S system76-power pywal-16-colors hyprpicker papirus-folders-git grimblast-git smile python-pywalfox winegui bibata-cursor-theme-bin


First, check out the dotfiles repo in your $HOME directory using git

git clone
cd dotfiles

then use GNU stow to create symlinks

stow . -t ~

to unlink the created symlinks

stow -D . -t ~

to adopt change from the dotfiles that already exist in your system, use

stow . -t ~ --adopt

Post Installation


Change the default shell to zsh

chsh -s $(which zsh)

Give Permission to scripts

chmod +x ~/.config/scripts/*

Enable hypridle

systemctl --user enable --now hypridle.service



The main modifier key is set to SUPER (Windows key).

Screenshot Keybinds

Keybind Action
SUPER+SHIFT+S Take a screenshot of a region and save it to ~/Pictures/Screenshots/
Print Take a screenshot of the whole screen and save it to ~/Pictures/Screenshots/

General Keybinds

Keybind Action
SUPER+Q Open terminal (kitty)
SUPER+C Kill active window
SUPER+M Exit Hyprland
SUPER+E Open file manager (dolphin)
SUPER+V Show clipboard history using cliphist and rofi
SUPER+T Toggle floating mode for the active window
SUPER+Space Open Rofi application launcher
SUPER+F Toggle fullscreen for the active window
SUPER+P Toggle pseudo mode (e.g., dwindle)
SUPER+J Toggle split layout (e.g., dwindle)
SUPER+W Open rofi menu to select wallpapers
SUPER+. Open emoji picker (Smile)
SUPER+F4 Open logout menu (wlogout)

Workspace Navigation

Move Focus with Arrow Keys

Keybind Action
SUPER+Left Move focus to the left
SUPER+Right Move focus to the right
SUPER+Up Move focus up
SUPER+Down Move focus down

Switch Workspaces

Keybind Action
SUPER+1 Switch to workspace 1
SUPER+2 Switch to workspace 2
SUPER+3 Switch to workspace 3
SUPER+4 Switch to workspace 4
SUPER+5 Switch to workspace 5
SUPER+6 Switch to workspace 6
SUPER+7 Switch to workspace 7
SUPER+8 Switch to workspace 8
SUPER+9 Switch to workspace 9
SUPER+0 Switch to workspace 10

Move Active Window to Workspace

Keybind Action
SUPER+SHIFT+1 Move active window to workspace 1
SUPER+SHIFT+2 Move active window to workspace 2
SUPER+SHIFT+3 Move active window to workspace 3
SUPER+SHIFT+4 Move active window to workspace 4
SUPER+SHIFT+5 Move active window to workspace 5
SUPER+SHIFT+6 Move active window to workspace 6
SUPER+SHIFT+7 Move active window to workspace 7
SUPER+SHIFT+8 Move active window to workspace 8
SUPER+SHIFT+9 Move active window to workspace 9
SUPER+SHIFT+0 Move active window to workspace 10

Special Workspaces

Keybind Action
SUPER+A Toggle special workspace
SUPER+SHIFT+A Move active window to special workspace

Workspace Scroll

Keybind Action
SUPER+Mouse Down Scroll to the next workspace
SUPER+Mouse Up Scroll to the previous workspace

Window Management

Keybind Action
SUPER+Left Mouse Button Move window
SUPER+Right Mouse Button Resize window
SUPER+SHIFT+Right Resize active window right by 20 pixels
SUPER+SHIFT+Left Resize active window left by 20 pixels
SUPER+SHIFT+Up Resize active window up by 20 pixels
SUPER+SHIFT+Down Resize active window down by 20 pixels

Audio Controls

Keybind Action
XF86AudioRaiseVolume Increase volume by 5%
XF86AudioLowerVolume Decrease volume by 5%
XF86AudioMute Toggle mute
XF86AudioPlay Play/Pause media
XF86AudioPrev Previous media track
XF86AudioNext Next media track

Brightness Controls

Keybind Action
XF86MonBrightnessUp Increase brightness by 5%
XF86MonBrightnessDown Decrease brightness by 5%

Global Keybinds


Keybind Action
F7 Start recording in OBS
F8 Stop recording in OBS


Keybind Action
SHIFT+F6 Toggle mute in Discord

Inspiration and Credits