rPALM provides R6 classes to create and edit static drivers for the urban climate model PALM-4U.
Right now, rPALM is only available via GitHub:
# install.packages("devtools")
A simple example to create a static driver from scratch. Lots of information about what and why is yet missing!
## Attaching package: 'rPALM'
## The following object is masked _by_ '.GlobalEnv':
# First:
# Define a headclass
manual_headclass <- palm_global$new(title = "GIT Example",
author = "sest",
institute = "IBP",
location = "Hoki",
x0 = 0, # only important for visualization on a map later on
y0 = 0, # only important for visualization on a map later on
z0 = 0,
t0 = "2018-06-21 12:00:00 +00", # Character with Date in this format,
# might be important to have correct in later releases of PALM!
lat = 52.502302, # important for solar radiation
lon = 13.364862, # important for solar radiation
dx = 5)
manual_class <- palm_ncdf_manual$new(nx = 20, ny = 20, dx = 5,
headclass = manual_headclass)
# Manually set vegetation to short grass
manual_class$data$vegetation_type$vals <- array(3,dim = c(20,20))
# Set one Tree
manual_class$data$vegetation_type$vals[9:11,2:3] <- 6
# Pavement
manual_class$data$pavement_type$vals[,9:11] <- 2
# water
manual_class$data$water_type$vals[,13:14] <- 2
# buildings
manual_class$data$buildings_2d$vals[5:15, 6:8] <- 20
manual_class$data$building_id$vals[5:15, 6:8] <- 1
manual_class$data$building_type$vals[5:15, 6:8] <- 3
#Sort Data
# plot
While basically all data is now available, some cleanup functions have to be called to create the static driver:
# First, create the 3D Buidlings data. It does not do anything different from buildings_2d BUT:
# 1. enables 3D visualization in ParaView (so it is mandatory)
# 2. enables the creation of bridges and gates (has to be done manually, time expensive)
manual_class$createbuilding3D(TRUE, FALSE)
# Second, create soil and surface fraction
# Both are mandatory for the simulation
manual_class$addsoilandsurfacefraction(type_soil = 2)
# Third generate LAD
manual_class$generate_lai_array(dz = 5, fixed_tree_height = 15)
# That function has a lot of variables, but these are enough. dz is mandatory
# Fourth, set water temperature to 288K
# Create "water_pars" data
manual_class$data$water_pars$vals[,,1][manual_class$data$water_type$vals>=0] <- 288
# Further functions, that can be useful, but are not needed in this example:
# manual_class$downscale_resolution(factor = 2)
# downscales the resolution by a factor of 2, i.e. from 5 to 10 m
# manual_class$quickplot("vegetation_type")
# allows a quick look at 2D data in the class
# manual_class$savedplots[[1]]
# All plot calls with $plot_area are saved in the list $savedplots
# Count of plots can be called via
# manual_class$plotcntr
# Finally: set an eportname of the file
manual_class$exportname <- "quicktest.nc"
## PALM Class
## Gridpoints in x:20
## Gridpoints in y:20
## Resolution:5
## Available data:
## zt
## buildings_2d
## building_id
## building_type
## vegetation_type
## water_type
## pavement_type
## buildings_3d
## soil_type
## surface_fraction
## lad
## water_pars
# manual_class$exportncdf()
# Exports the static driver in the current work directory
Data and Dimensions are hold in seperate lists
## [1] "zt" "buildings_2d" "building_id"
## [4] "building_type" "vegetation_type" "water_type"
## [7] "pavement_type" "buildings_3d" "soil_type"
## [10] "surface_fraction" "lad" "water_pars"
## [1] "x" "y" "z"
## [4] "nsurface_fraction" "zlad" "nwater_pars"
# Every data has its own sublist
## [1] "_FillValue" "units" "long_name" "res_origin" "source"
## [6] "lod" "vals" "type"
The data itself is saved in vals, other variables are important for correct settings in the static driver. The connection between dimensions is done via
## $zt
## [1] 1 2
## $buildings_2d
## [1] 1 2
## $building_id
## [1] 1 2
## $building_type
## [1] 1 2
## $vegetation_type
## [1] 1 2
## $water_type
## [1] 1 2
## $pavement_type
## [1] 1 2
## $buildings_3d
## [1] 1 2 3
## $soil_type
## [1] 1 2
## $surface_fraction
## [1] 1 2 4
## $lad
## [1] "x" "y" "zlad"
## $water_pars
## [1] "x" "y" "nwater_pars"
Here, for every dataset the corresponding dimensions have to be saved!
New function: cutout_static ; enables to cut out a certain domain of the existing domain. DELETES the remaining domain!
One solution is to make a copy via clone(deep = TRUE)
cutout_static <- manual_class$clone(deep = TRUE)
cutout_static$cutout_static(startp = c(3,3), endp = c(18,18), sure = T)
PIDS should be callable via
## ID Name
## 1 0 user defined
## 2 1 coarse
## 3 2 medium
## 4 3 medium-fine
## 5 4 fine
## 6 5 very fine
## 7 6 organic
Also contains building pars now!