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+ Education 2023: Ph.D in Geophysics, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China 2017: B.S. in Geophysics, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China Professional Appointments 2023/12 – present: Postdoctral Research Fellow at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Professional Societies & Services Spring, 2019: Student Organizer of “Weekly Graduate Student Seminar of Geophysics, USTC” 2017 – 2017: Assist in coordinating exchange meeting of China Seismological Reference Model work group 2017 – present: Member of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2017 – present: Construction member of China Seismological Reference Model 2016 – present: Contributor of GMT China Community Awards & Honors 2017: Outstanding undergraduate graduates of Wuhan University." />
@@ -315,7 +315,7 @@
+ Education 2023: Ph.D in Geophysics, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China 2017: B.S. in Geophysics, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China Professional Appointments 2023/12 – present: Postdoctral Research Fellow at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Professional Societies & Services Spring, 2019: Student Organizer of “Weekly Graduate Student Seminar of Geophysics, USTC” 2017 – 2017: Assist in coordinating exchange meeting of China Seismological Reference Model work group 2017 – present: Member of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2017 – present: Construction member of China Seismological Reference Model 2016 – present: Contributor of GMT China Community Awards & Honors 2017: Outstanding undergraduate graduates of Wuhan University." />
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His research is directed toward understanding the Earth’s structure in the crust and upper mantle with seismological tools (e.g., seismic tomography and receiver function analysis).
Xiao Xiao is a Postdoctral Research Fellow at the Nanyang Technological University, supervised by Prof. Ping Tong. He received PhD in Geophysics at University of Science and Technology of China under the guidance of Prof. Lianxing Wen.
His research is directed toward understanding the Earth’s structure in the crust and upper mantle with seismological (e.g., seismic tomography and receiver function analysis) and geodynamical tools.
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Seismic tomography
Structure and Evolution of the Earth’s Lithosphere
- Our goals are two folds: 1) to develop and test a strategy of combining seismic ambient noise and regional earthquake surface wave data in constraining seismic structure of the Earth and 2) to provide high-resolution phase velocity maps and earthquake centroid parameters in the North South Seismic Belt region in the continental China and gain insights on evolutional histories of the region.
+ Goal of this project are two folds: 1) constructing a reference seismic model of the crust and uppermost mantle beneath the continental China with multiple seismic constraints where a top-down construction regime is adopted, 2) understanding compositional and thermal states of bedrocks in the crust and uppermost mantle beneath continental China.
- Goal of this project are two folds: 1) understanding the compositional and thermal states of bedrocks in the upper crust of the Contiental China and 2) constructing a reference shallow seismic model for future studies of imaging deeper seismic structure.
+ This project aims at developing and applying multiple novel seismic tomoghraphy method for better understanding structures in Earth’s interior.
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-[{"authors":null,"categories":null,"content":"Xiao Xiao is a PhD candidate in Geophysics at University of Science and Technology of China, supervised by Prof. Lianxing Wen.\nHis research is directed toward understanding the Earth’s structure in the crust and upper mantle with seismological tools (e.g., seismic tomography and receiver function analysis).\n","date":1661990400,"expirydate":-62135596800,"kind":"term","lang":"en","lastmod":1661990400,"objectID":"2525497d367e79493fd32b198b28f040","permalink":"","publishdate":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z","relpermalink":"","section":"authors","summary":"Xiao Xiao is a PhD candidate in Geophysics at University of Science and Technology of China, supervised by Prof. Lianxing Wen.\nHis research is directed toward understanding the Earth’s structure in the crust and upper mantle with seismological tools (e.","tags":null,"title":"Xiao Xiao","type":"authors"},{"authors":null,"categories":null,"content":"Simultaneous inversion for surface wave phase velocity and earthquake centroid parameters Inverted Rayleigh wave phase velocity and earthquake centroid parameters In this study, we address this issue by developing a new method to simultaneously determine surface wave phase velocity and earthquake centroid parameters in three steps: 1) preliminary phase velocity inversion based on seismic ambient noise, 2) preliminary earthquake relocation based on earthquake surface wave data, and 3) simultaneous inversion for phase velocity and earthquake centroid parameters with constraints of inter-station phase velocity measurements based on seismic ambient noise and event-station phase velocity measurements based on earthquake surface wave data. Application of the method in the North South Seismic Belt region in China results in high-resolution Rayleigh wave phase velocity maps and accurate earthquake centroid parameters. The additional earthquake data notably improve resolution of the inverted phase velocity model in west Yunnan and central Tibetan blocks, the regions with sparse seismic station coverage. The inverted phase velocity model exhibits high-velocity anomalies in cratonic regions and the Emeishan Large Igneous Province, and low-velocity anomalies in the interior and surrounding regions of the Tibetan Plateau. Relocation places earthquakes in shallow depths with geotherm above the crustal rock’s brittle-ductile transition temperature of ~400℃, revealing thermal control on thickness of the seismogenic zone. With earthquake centroid parameters constrained, earthquake data are expected to provide further constraints on the deep seismic structure that is beyond the sampling limit of seismic ambient noise.\n","date":1661990400,"expirydate":-62135596800,"kind":"page","lang":"en","lastmod":1661990400,"objectID":"6ae24b8e1c38952363b56b47fb97de32","permalink":"https://me.seispider.info/project/simulataneous-inversion-phase-velocity-and-source/","publishdate":"2022-09-01T00:00:00Z","relpermalink":"/project/simulataneous-inversion-phase-velocity-and-source/","section":"project","summary":"Our goals are two folds: 1) to develop and test a strategy of combining seismic ambient noise and regional earthquake surface wave data in constraining seismic structure of the Earth and 2) to provide high-resolution phase velocity maps and earthquake centroid parameters in the North South Seismic Belt region in the continental China and gain insights on evolutional histories of the region. \n","tags":["Seismic Imaging Method"],"title":"Simultaneous inversion for surface wave phase velocity and earthquake centroid parameters","type":"project"},{"authors":null,"categories":null,"content":"Shallow 3D shear wave velocity model of the uppermost crust beneath the continental China Shallow 3D shear wave velocity model beneath the continental China In this study, we construct a high-resolution shallow three-dimensional (3D) seismic model in the top 10 km of the upper crust in the continental China, with constraints of P polarization, Rayleigh wave ellipticity and receiver function obtained from records of 3848 seismic stations. Our 3D seismic model has a spatial resolution of $0.6°-1.2^°$ in the north-south seismic belt and the trans-north China orogen, and $1^°-2^°$ in the rest of the continental China (except the Tarim basin and the southwest Tibet). The seismic model exhibits low velocity anomalies of deposits in major sedimentary basins and high velocity anomalies of crustal bedrocks in young orogenic belts and old tectonic blocks. The inferred sediment thickness maps display thick deposits in major sedimentary basins, some compacted sediments in the intermontane basins in young orogenic belts and little sediments in old tectonic blocks. We also discuss compaction effects of the sediments and implications of tectonic history and geological evolution of the major basins in the continental China based on the inferred seismic models.\n","date":1621468800,"expirydate":-62135596800,"kind":"page","lang":"en","lastmod":1621468800,"objectID":"7c409394f3c43b0db12e77b3229ce288","permalink":"https://me.seispider.info/project/shallow-seismic-structure/","publishdate":"2021-05-20T00:00:00Z","relpermalink":"/project/shallow-seismic-structure/","section":"project","summary":"Goal of this project are two folds: 1) understanding the compositional and thermal states of bedrocks in the upper crust of the Contiental China and 2) constructing a reference shallow seismic model for future studies of imaging deeper seismic structure.\n","tags":["China Seismic Structure"],"title":"Shallow seismic structure beneath the contiental China","type":"project"},{"authors":["Xiao Xiao","Li Sun","Xiaoxin Wang","Lianxing Wen"],"categories":[],"content":"","date":1661990400,"expirydate":-62135596800,"kind":"page","lang":"en","lastmod":1661990400,"objectID":"fd9ef0247ea210c2fc3ae4ba2a14d9c0","permalink":"https://me.seispider.info/publication/2022_simultaneous-inversion-phase-velocity-and-source/","publishdate":"2022-09-01T00:00:00Z","relpermalink":"/publication/2022_simultaneous-inversion-phase-velocity-and-source/","section":"publication","summary":"1. We develop and test a strategy of combining seismic ambient noise and regional earthquake surface wave data in constraining seismic structure of the Earth \n2) We provide high-resolution phase velocity maps and earthquake centroid parameters in the North South Seismic Belt region in the continental China and gain insights on evolutional histories of the region\n","tags":[],"title":"Simultaneous inversion for surface wave phase velocity and earthquake centroid parameters: methodology and application","type":"publication"},{"authors":["Jiayuan Yao","Shucheng Wu","Tianjue Li","Yiming Bai","Xiao Xiao","Judith Hubbard","Yu Wang","Myo Thant","Ping Tong"],"categories":[],"content":"","date":1648598400,"expirydate":-62135596800,"kind":"page","lang":"en","lastmod":1648598400,"objectID":"6b11affe4306e3d1396cc39010bfde96","permalink":"https://me.seispider.info/publication/2022_imaging_10km_myanmar/","publishdate":"2022-03-30T00:00:00Z","relpermalink":"/publication/2022_imaging_10km_myanmar/","section":"publication","summary":"","tags":[],"title":"Imaging the Upper 10 km Crustal Shear‐Wave Velocity Structure of Central Myanmar via a Joint Inversion of P‐Wave Polarizations and Receiver Functions","type":"publication"},{"authors":["Shihua Cheng","Xiao Xiao","Jianping Wu","Weilai Wang","Li Sun","Xiaoxin Wang","Lianxing Wen"],"categories":[],"content":"","date":1646092800,"expirydate":-62135596800,"kind":"page","lang":"en","lastmod":1646092800,"objectID":"77e3506b6ee1fcb404b7edf0bd6238f4","permalink":"https://me.seispider.info/publication/2022_china-seismic-structure-moho/","publishdate":"2022-03-01T00:00:00Z","relpermalink":"/publication/2022_china-seismic-structure-moho/","section":"publication","summary":"","tags":[],"title":"Crustal thickness and Vp/Vs variation beneath continental China revealed by receiver function analysis","type":"publication"},{"authors":["Xiao Xiao","Shihua Cheng","Jianping Wu","Weilai Wang","Li Sun","Xiaoxin Wang","Lianxing Wen"],"categories":null,"content":"","date":1636876800,"expirydate":-62135596800,"kind":"page","lang":"en","lastmod":1636876800,"objectID":"4c922776aba40751653e69169eac2e1d","permalink":"https://me.seispider.info/talk/china-shallow-seismic-structure/","publishdate":"2021-11-14T16:30:00+08:00","relpermalink":"/talk/china-shallow-seismic-structure/","section":"talk","summary":"We construct a high-resolution shallow three-dimensional (3D) seismic model in the top 10 km of the upper crust in the continental China, with constraints of P polarization, Rayleigh wave ellipticity and receiver function obtained from records of 3848 seismic stations. Our 3D seismic model has a spatial resolution of $0.6^°-1.2^°$ in the north-south seismic belt and the trans-north China orogen, and $1^°-2^°$ in the rest of the continental China (except the Tarim basin and the southwest Tibet). The seismic model exhibits low velocity anomalies of deposits in major sedimentary basins and high velocity anomalies of crustal bedrocks in young orogenic belts and old tectonic blocks. The inferred sediment thickness maps display thick deposits in major sedimentary basins, some compacted sediments in the intermontane basins in young orogenic belts and little sediments in old tectonic blocks. We also discuss compaction effects of the sediments and implications of tectonic history and geological evolution of the major basins in the continental China based on the inferred seismic models. This study provides an effective mean of seismic imaging through joint inversion of various seismic constraints and establishes a framework of seismic data sharing for future studies in the seismological community in a first step of developing a China Seismological Reference Model.\n","tags":["China Seismic Structure"],"title":"Shallow seismic structure beneath China revealed by P wave polarization, Rayleigh wave ellipticity and receiver function","type":"talk"},{"authors":["Xiao Xiao","Shihua Cheng","Jianping Wu","Weilai Wang","Li Sun","Xiaoxin Wang","Lianxing Wen"],"categories":[],"content":"","date":1619827200,"expirydate":-62135596800,"kind":"page","lang":"en","lastmod":1619827200,"objectID":"132ed585ed4a9a8825de0eda4d1614cc","permalink":"https://me.seispider.info/publication/2021_china-seismic-structure-shallow-crust/","publishdate":"2021-05-01T00:00:00Z","relpermalink":"/publication/2021_china-seismic-structure-shallow-crust/","section":"publication","summary":"1. We develope a new method to constrain shallow seismic structure based on P polarization, Rayleigh wave ellipticity and receiver function.\n2. We construct a high-resolution shallow 3D seismic model in the top 10 km of the upper crust in the continental Cina.\n3. Our 3D seismic model has a spatial resolution of $0.6^°-1.2^°$ in the north-south seismic belt and the trans-north China orogen, and $1^°-2^°$ in the rest of the continental China (except the Tarim basin and the southwest Tibet).\n","tags":[],"title":"Shallow seismic structure beneath China revealed by P wave polarization, Rayleigh wave ellipticity and receiver function","type":"publication"},{"authors":["Zhiping Chen","Jia Luo","Xiao Xiao","Fangfang Sun"],"categories":[],"content":"","date":1493596800,"expirydate":-62135596800,"kind":"page","lang":"en","lastmod":1493596800,"objectID":"e6775d6e07282a876acfe014421b5e38","permalink":"https://me.seispider.info/publication/2017_assessment-of-cosmic-radio/","publishdate":"2017-05-01T00:00:00Z","relpermalink":"/publication/2017_assessment-of-cosmic-radio/","section":"publication","summary":"","tags":[],"title":"Assessment of COSMIC radio occultation water vapor profile","type":"publication"},{"authors":null,"categories":null,"content":"Download my full CV here.\n Education 2023: Ph.D in Geophysics (Expected), University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China 2017: B.S. in Geophysics, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China Professional Societies \u0026amp; Services Spring, 2019: Student Organizer of “Weekly Graduate Student Seminar of Geophysics, USTC” 2017 – 2017: Assist in coordinating exchange meeting of China Seismological Reference Model work group 2017 – present: Member of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2017 – present: Research assistant and database manager for China Seismological Reference Model work group 2016 – present: Contributor of GMT China Community Awards \u0026amp; Honors 2017: Outstanding undergraduate graduates of Wuhan University. 2017: Outstanding undergraduate thesis of Wuhan University. ","date":-62135596800,"expirydate":-62135596800,"kind":"page","lang":"en","lastmod":-62135596800,"objectID":"fd36605688ef45e10dc233c860158012","permalink":"https://me.seispider.info/cv/","publishdate":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z","relpermalink":"/cv/","section":"","summary":"Download my full CV here.\n Education 2023: Ph.D in Geophysics (Expected), University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China 2017: B.S. in Geophysics, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China Professional Societies \u0026 Services Spring, 2019: Student Organizer of “Weekly Graduate Student Seminar of Geophysics, USTC” 2017 – 2017: Assist in coordinating exchange meeting of China Seismological Reference Model work group 2017 – present: Member of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2017 – present: Research assistant and database manager for China Seismological Reference Model work group 2016 – present: Contributor of GMT China Community Awards \u0026 Honors 2017: Outstanding undergraduate graduates of Wuhan University.","tags":null,"title":"Curriculum Vitae","type":"page"},{"authors":null,"categories":null,"content":"pre-2022 Dec. 25, 2018: Xiao Xiao joined AGU 2018 Fall meeting (10-14 Dec. 2018) at washington D.C., USA and presented a poster Link. Dec. 27, 2019: Xiao Xiao joined AGU 2019 Fall meeting (9-13 Dec. 2019) at San Francisco CA, USA and presented a poster Link. ","date":-62135596800,"expirydate":-62135596800,"kind":"page","lang":"en","lastmod":-62135596800,"objectID":"9eb50f9088083bebcb7e4cf99e22b9ed","permalink":"https://me.seispider.info/news/","publishdate":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z","relpermalink":"/news/","section":"","summary":"pre-2022 Dec. 25, 2018: Xiao Xiao joined AGU 2018 Fall meeting (10-14 Dec. 2018) at washington D.C., USA and presented a poster Link. Dec. 27, 2019: Xiao Xiao joined AGU 2019 Fall meeting (9-13 Dec.","tags":null,"title":"Recent News","type":"page"},{"authors":null,"categories":null,"content":"","date":-62135596800,"expirydate":-62135596800,"kind":"page","lang":"en","lastmod":-62135596800,"objectID":"f1d044c0738ab9f19347f15c290a71a1","permalink":"https://me.seispider.info/research/","publishdate":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z","relpermalink":"/research/","section":"","summary":"","tags":null,"title":"Research","type":"widget_page"}]
\ No newline at end of file
+[{"authors":null,"categories":null,"content":"Xiao Xiao is a Postdoctral Research Fellow at the Nanyang Technological University, supervised by Prof. Ping Tong. He received PhD in Geophysics at University of Science and Technology of China under the guidance of Prof. Lianxing Wen.\nHis research is directed toward understanding the Earth’s structure in the crust and upper mantle with seismological (e.g., seismic tomography and receiver function analysis) and geodynamical tools.\n","date":1726185600,"expirydate":-62135596800,"kind":"term","lang":"en","lastmod":1726185600,"objectID":"2525497d367e79493fd32b198b28f040","permalink":"","publishdate":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z","relpermalink":"","section":"authors","summary":"Xiao Xiao is a Postdoctral Research Fellow at the Nanyang Technological University, supervised by Prof. Ping Tong. He received PhD in Geophysics at University of Science and Technology of China under the guidance of Prof.","tags":null,"title":"Xiao Xiao","type":"authors"},{"authors":null,"categories":null,"content":"CSRM-1.0: A China Seismological Reference Model of the crust and uppermost mantle We construct a high-resolution China Seismological Reference Model (CSRM-1.0) in the top 100 km of the crust and uppermost mantle in continental China following a top-down construction process. The employed seismic constraints include P-wave polarization angle from tele-seismic event, short-period Rayleigh wave ellipticity from ambient noise, long-period Rayleigh wave ellipticity from earthquake data, receiver function, empirical Green’s function from ambient noise, Rayleigh wave phase/group velocity dispersion curves from regional earthquakes, and Pn-wave travel time extracted from seismic data of 4435 stations. CSRM-1.0 has a spatial crustal resolution of ~60 km beneath the north-south seismic belt and trans-North China orogen regions and ~120 km beneath the rest of continental China, and a spatial mantle resolution of ~300 km. CSRM-1.0 exhibits prominent velocity heterogeneities in the crust and uppermost mantle and an eastward thinning of the crust, geographically correlating with geological settings. CSRM-1.0 improvements include accurate estimation of shallow seismic structure, increased spatial resolution and improved model accuracy. Crustal composition inferred from CSRM-1.0 exhibits a general transition from a felsic upper crust to a mafic lower crust. Mafic rocks in the lower crust are found predominantly along inter-block boundaries and sporadically within the interiors of blocks, likely resulted from preferential inter-block intrusions of magmas related to various oceanic plate subductions and the Emeishan mantle plume. This study contributes seismic constraints and CSRM-1.0 to the CSRM product center (http://chinageorefmodel.org) as a backbone open-access geophysical cyberinfrastructure.\n CSRM-1.0 Vs structure CSRM-1.0 Vp structure CSRM-1.0 Moho and mantal structure -- Shallow 3D shear wave velocity model of the uppermost crust beneath the continental China We construct a high-resolution shallow three-dimensional (3D) seismic model in the top 10 km of the upper crust in the continental China, with constraints of P polarization, Rayleigh wave ellipticity and receiver function obtained from records of 3848 seismic stations. Our 3D seismic model has a spatial resolution of $0.6°-1.2^°$ in the north-south seismic belt and the trans-north China orogen, and $1^°-2^°$ in the rest of the continental China (except the Tarim basin and the southwest Tibet). The seismic model exhibits low velocity anomalies of deposits in major sedimentary basins and high velocity anomalies of crustal bedrocks in young orogenic belts and old tectonic blocks. The inferred sediment thickness maps display thick deposits in major sedimentary basins, some compacted sediments in the intermontane basins in young orogenic belts and little sediments in old tectonic blocks. We also discuss compaction effects of the sediments and implications of tectonic history and geological evolution of the major basins in the continental China based on the inferred seismic models.\n Shallow 3D shear wave velocity model beneath the continental China ","date":1726185600,"expirydate":-62135596800,"kind":"page","lang":"en","lastmod":1726185600,"objectID":"1f475b6ebaa72ba65a3da4b02cc84f28","permalink":"https://me.seispider.info/project/csrm/","publishdate":"2024-09-13T00:00:00Z","relpermalink":"/project/csrm/","section":"project","summary":"Goal of this project are two folds: 1) constructing a reference seismic model of the crust and uppermost mantle beneath the continental China with multiple seismic constraints where a top-down construction regime is adopted, 2) understanding compositional and thermal states of bedrocks in the crust and uppermost mantle beneath continental China.\n","tags":["China Seismic Structure"],"title":"China Seismological Reference Model","type":"project"},{"authors":null,"categories":null,"content":"Simultaneous inversion for surface wave phase velocity and earthquake centroid parameters We develope a new method to simultaneously determine surface wave phase velocity and earthquake centroid parameters in three steps: 1) preliminary phase velocity inversion based on seismic ambient noise, 2) preliminary earthquake relocation based on earthquake surface wave data, and 3) simultaneous inversion for phase velocity and earthquake centroid parameters with constraints of inter-station phase velocity measurements based on seismic ambient noise and event-station phase velocity measurements based on earthquake surface wave data. Application of the method in the North South Seismic Belt region in China results in high-resolution Rayleigh wave phase velocity maps and accurate earthquake centroid parameters. The additional earthquake data notably improve resolution of the inverted phase velocity model in west Yunnan and central Tibetan blocks, the regions with sparse seismic station coverage. The inverted phase velocity model exhibits high-velocity anomalies in cratonic regions and the Emeishan Large Igneous Province, and low-velocity anomalies in the interior and surrounding regions of the Tibetan Plateau. Relocation places earthquakes in shallow depths with geotherm above the crustal rock’s brittle-ductile transition temperature of ~400℃, revealing thermal control on thickness of the seismogenic zone. With earthquake centroid parameters constrained, earthquake data are expected to provide further constraints on the deep seismic structure that is beyond the sampling limit of seismic ambient noise.\n Inverted Rayleigh wave phase velocity and earthquake centroid parameters ","date":1661990400,"expirydate":-62135596800,"kind":"page","lang":"en","lastmod":1661990400,"objectID":"df1a24def1c029fa934cb018f5474cfb","permalink":"https://me.seispider.info/project/seismic-tomography-method/","publishdate":"2022-09-01T00:00:00Z","relpermalink":"/project/seismic-tomography-method/","section":"project","summary":"This project aims at developing and applying multiple novel seismic tomoghraphy method for better understanding structures in Earth's interior.\n","tags":["Seismic Imaging Method"],"title":"Development and Application of Seismic Tomography Method","type":"project"},{"authors":["Xiao Xiao","Shihua Cheng","Jianping Wu","Weilai Wang","Li Sun","Xiaoxin Wang","Jiayu Ma","Yinghua Tong","Xiaofeng Liang","Xiaobo Tian","Hongyi Li","Qi-fu Chen","Sheng Yu","Lianxing Wen"],"categories":[],"content":"","date":1726185600,"expirydate":-62135596800,"kind":"page","lang":"en","lastmod":1726185600,"objectID":"de3ce192212b56c48cb4e85a8b242c7c","permalink":"https://me.seispider.info/publication/2024_csrm-1.0/","publishdate":"2024-09-13T00:00:00Z","relpermalink":"/publication/2024_csrm-1.0/","section":"publication","summary":"1. CSRM-1.0 is constructed with various seismic constraints from data of 4435 stations using a self-consistent top-down construction process\n2. CSRM-1.0 improvements include accurate estimation of shallow seismic structure, increased spatial resolution, and enhanced model accuracy\n3. CSRM-1.0 reveals major crustal mafic rocks related to the past subductions, an Emeishan mantle plume and geological inter-block boundaries\n","tags":[],"title":"CSRM-1.0: A China Seismological Reference Model","type":"publication"},{"authors":["Xiao Xiao","Li Sun","Xiaoxin Wang","Lianxing Wen"],"categories":[],"content":"","date":1661990400,"expirydate":-62135596800,"kind":"page","lang":"en","lastmod":1661990400,"objectID":"fd9ef0247ea210c2fc3ae4ba2a14d9c0","permalink":"https://me.seispider.info/publication/2022_simultaneous-inversion-phase-velocity-and-source/","publishdate":"2022-09-01T00:00:00Z","relpermalink":"/publication/2022_simultaneous-inversion-phase-velocity-and-source/","section":"publication","summary":"1. We develop and test a strategy of combining seismic ambient noise and regional earthquake surface wave data in constraining seismic structure of the Earth \n2) We provide high-resolution phase velocity maps and earthquake centroid parameters in the North South Seismic Belt region in the continental China and gain insights on evolutional histories of the region\n","tags":[],"title":"Simultaneous inversion for surface wave phase velocity and earthquake centroid parameters: methodology and application","type":"publication"},{"authors":["Jiayuan Yao","Shucheng Wu","Tianjue Li","Yiming Bai","Xiao Xiao","Judith Hubbard","Yu Wang","Myo Thant","Ping Tong"],"categories":[],"content":"","date":1648598400,"expirydate":-62135596800,"kind":"page","lang":"en","lastmod":1648598400,"objectID":"6b11affe4306e3d1396cc39010bfde96","permalink":"https://me.seispider.info/publication/2022_imaging_10km_myanmar/","publishdate":"2022-03-30T00:00:00Z","relpermalink":"/publication/2022_imaging_10km_myanmar/","section":"publication","summary":"","tags":[],"title":"Imaging the Upper 10 km Crustal Shear‐Wave Velocity Structure of Central Myanmar via a Joint Inversion of P‐Wave Polarizations and Receiver Functions","type":"publication"},{"authors":["Shihua Cheng","Xiao Xiao","Jianping Wu","Weilai Wang","Li Sun","Xiaoxin Wang","Lianxing Wen"],"categories":[],"content":"","date":1646092800,"expirydate":-62135596800,"kind":"page","lang":"en","lastmod":1646092800,"objectID":"77e3506b6ee1fcb404b7edf0bd6238f4","permalink":"https://me.seispider.info/publication/2022_china-seismic-structure-moho/","publishdate":"2022-03-01T00:00:00Z","relpermalink":"/publication/2022_china-seismic-structure-moho/","section":"publication","summary":"","tags":[],"title":"Crustal thickness and Vp/Vs variation beneath continental China revealed by receiver function analysis","type":"publication"},{"authors":["Xiao Xiao","Shihua Cheng","Jianping Wu","Weilai Wang","Li Sun","Xiaoxin Wang","Lianxing Wen"],"categories":null,"content":"","date":1636876800,"expirydate":-62135596800,"kind":"page","lang":"en","lastmod":1636876800,"objectID":"4c922776aba40751653e69169eac2e1d","permalink":"https://me.seispider.info/talk/china-shallow-seismic-structure/","publishdate":"2021-11-14T16:30:00+08:00","relpermalink":"/talk/china-shallow-seismic-structure/","section":"talk","summary":"We construct a high-resolution shallow three-dimensional (3D) seismic model in the top 10 km of the upper crust in the continental China, with constraints of P polarization, Rayleigh wave ellipticity and receiver function obtained from records of 3848 seismic stations. Our 3D seismic model has a spatial resolution of $0.6^°-1.2^°$ in the north-south seismic belt and the trans-north China orogen, and $1^°-2^°$ in the rest of the continental China (except the Tarim basin and the southwest Tibet). The seismic model exhibits low velocity anomalies of deposits in major sedimentary basins and high velocity anomalies of crustal bedrocks in young orogenic belts and old tectonic blocks. The inferred sediment thickness maps display thick deposits in major sedimentary basins, some compacted sediments in the intermontane basins in young orogenic belts and little sediments in old tectonic blocks. We also discuss compaction effects of the sediments and implications of tectonic history and geological evolution of the major basins in the continental China based on the inferred seismic models. This study provides an effective mean of seismic imaging through joint inversion of various seismic constraints and establishes a framework of seismic data sharing for future studies in the seismological community in a first step of developing a China Seismological Reference Model.\n","tags":["China Seismic Structure"],"title":"Shallow seismic structure beneath China revealed by P wave polarization, Rayleigh wave ellipticity and receiver function","type":"talk"},{"authors":["Xiao Xiao","Shihua Cheng","Jianping Wu","Weilai Wang","Li Sun","Xiaoxin Wang","Lianxing Wen"],"categories":[],"content":"","date":1619827200,"expirydate":-62135596800,"kind":"page","lang":"en","lastmod":1619827200,"objectID":"132ed585ed4a9a8825de0eda4d1614cc","permalink":"https://me.seispider.info/publication/2021_china-seismic-structure-shallow-crust/","publishdate":"2021-05-01T00:00:00Z","relpermalink":"/publication/2021_china-seismic-structure-shallow-crust/","section":"publication","summary":"1. We develope a new method to constrain shallow seismic structure based on P polarization, Rayleigh wave ellipticity and receiver function.\n2. We construct a high-resolution shallow 3D seismic model in the top 10 km of the upper crust in the continental Cina.\n3. Our 3D seismic model has a spatial resolution of $0.6^°-1.2^°$ in the north-south seismic belt and the trans-north China orogen, and $1^°-2^°$ in the rest of the continental China (except the Tarim basin and the southwest Tibet).\n","tags":[],"title":"Shallow seismic structure beneath China revealed by P wave polarization, Rayleigh wave ellipticity and receiver function","type":"publication"},{"authors":["Zhiping Chen","Jia Luo","Xiao Xiao","Fangfang Sun"],"categories":[],"content":"","date":1493596800,"expirydate":-62135596800,"kind":"page","lang":"en","lastmod":1493596800,"objectID":"e6775d6e07282a876acfe014421b5e38","permalink":"https://me.seispider.info/publication/2017_assessment-of-cosmic-radio/","publishdate":"2017-05-01T00:00:00Z","relpermalink":"/publication/2017_assessment-of-cosmic-radio/","section":"publication","summary":"","tags":[],"title":"Assessment of COSMIC radio occultation water vapor profile","type":"publication"},{"authors":null,"categories":null,"content":"Download my full CV here.\n Education 2023: Ph.D in Geophysics, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China 2017: B.S. in Geophysics, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China Professional Appointments 2023/12 – present: Postdoctral Research Fellow at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Professional Societies \u0026amp; Services Spring, 2019: Student Organizer of “Weekly Graduate Student Seminar of Geophysics, USTC” 2017 – 2017: Assist in coordinating exchange meeting of China Seismological Reference Model work group 2017 – present: Member of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2017 – present: Construction member of China Seismological Reference Model 2016 – present: Contributor of GMT China Community Awards \u0026amp; Honors 2017: Outstanding undergraduate graduates of Wuhan University. 2017: Outstanding undergraduate thesis of Wuhan University. ","date":-62135596800,"expirydate":-62135596800,"kind":"page","lang":"en","lastmod":-62135596800,"objectID":"fd36605688ef45e10dc233c860158012","permalink":"https://me.seispider.info/cv/","publishdate":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z","relpermalink":"/cv/","section":"","summary":"Download my full CV here.\n Education 2023: Ph.D in Geophysics, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China 2017: B.S. in Geophysics, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China Professional Appointments 2023/12 – present: Postdoctral Research Fellow at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Professional Societies \u0026 Services Spring, 2019: Student Organizer of “Weekly Graduate Student Seminar of Geophysics, USTC” 2017 – 2017: Assist in coordinating exchange meeting of China Seismological Reference Model work group 2017 – present: Member of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2017 – present: Construction member of China Seismological Reference Model 2016 – present: Contributor of GMT China Community Awards \u0026 Honors 2017: Outstanding undergraduate graduates of Wuhan University.","tags":null,"title":"Curriculum Vitae","type":"page"},{"authors":null,"categories":null,"content":"pre-2022 Dec. 25, 2018: Xiao Xiao joined AGU 2018 Fall meeting (10-14 Dec. 2018) at washington D.C., USA and presented a poster Link. Dec. 27, 2019: Xiao Xiao joined AGU 2019 Fall meeting (9-13 Dec. 2019) at San Francisco CA, USA and presented a poster Link. ","date":-62135596800,"expirydate":-62135596800,"kind":"page","lang":"en","lastmod":-62135596800,"objectID":"9eb50f9088083bebcb7e4cf99e22b9ed","permalink":"https://me.seispider.info/news/","publishdate":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z","relpermalink":"/news/","section":"","summary":"pre-2022 Dec. 25, 2018: Xiao Xiao joined AGU 2018 Fall meeting (10-14 Dec. 2018) at washington D.C., USA and presented a poster Link. Dec. 27, 2019: Xiao Xiao joined AGU 2019 Fall meeting (9-13 Dec.","tags":null,"title":"Recent News","type":"page"},{"authors":null,"categories":null,"content":"","date":-62135596800,"expirydate":-62135596800,"kind":"page","lang":"en","lastmod":-62135596800,"objectID":"f1d044c0738ab9f19347f15c290a71a1","permalink":"https://me.seispider.info/research/","publishdate":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z","relpermalink":"/research/","section":"","summary":"","tags":null,"title":"Research","type":"widget_page"}]
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Xiao Xiao
- Wowchemy (https://wowchemy.com)en-usThu, 01 Sep 2022 00:00:00 +0000
+ Wowchemy (https://wowchemy.com)en-usFri, 13 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000https://me.seispider.info/media/icon_hua2ec155b4296a9c9791d015323e16eb5_11927_512x512_fill_lanczos_center_3.pngXiao Xiao
@@ -13,11 +13,12 @@
- Simultaneous inversion for surface wave phase velocity and earthquake centroid parameters
- https://me.seispider.info/project/simulataneous-inversion-phase-velocity-and-source/
- Thu, 01 Sep 2022 00:00:00 +0000
- https://me.seispider.info/project/simulataneous-inversion-phase-velocity-and-source/
- <h3 id="simultaneous-inversion-for-surface-wave-phase-velocity-and-earthquake-centroid-parameters">Simultaneous inversion for surface wave phase velocity and earthquake centroid parameters</h3>
+ China Seismological Reference Model
+ https://me.seispider.info/project/csrm/
+ Fri, 13 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000
+ https://me.seispider.info/project/csrm/
+ <h2 id="csrm-10-a-china-seismological-reference-model-of-the-crust-and-uppermost-mantle">CSRM-1.0: A China Seismological Reference Model of the crust and uppermost mantle</h2>
+<p>We construct a high-resolution China Seismological Reference Model (CSRM-1.0) in the top 100 km of the crust and uppermost mantle in continental China following a top-down construction process. The employed seismic constraints include P-wave polarization angle from tele-seismic event, short-period Rayleigh wave ellipticity from ambient noise, long-period Rayleigh wave ellipticity from earthquake data, receiver function, empirical Green’s function from ambient noise, Rayleigh wave phase/group velocity dispersion curves from regional earthquakes, and Pn-wave travel time extracted from seismic data of 4435 stations. CSRM-1.0 has a spatial crustal resolution of ~60 km beneath the north-south seismic belt and trans-North China orogen regions and ~120 km beneath the rest of continental China, and a spatial mantle resolution of ~300 km. CSRM-1.0 exhibits prominent velocity heterogeneities in the crust and uppermost mantle and an eastward thinning of the crust, geographically correlating with geological settings. CSRM-1.0 improvements include accurate estimation of shallow seismic structure, increased spatial resolution and improved model accuracy. Crustal composition inferred from CSRM-1.0 exhibits a general transition from a felsic upper crust to a mafic lower crust. Mafic rocks in the lower crust are found predominantly along inter-block boundaries and sporadically within the interiors of blocks, likely resulted from preferential inter-block intrusions of magmas related to various oceanic plate subductions and the Emeishan mantle plume. This study contributes seismic constraints and CSRM-1.0 to the CSRM product center (<a href="http://chinageorefmodel.org" target="_blank" rel="noopener">http://chinageorefmodel.org</a>) as a backbone open-access geophysical cyberinfrastructure.</p>
@@ -32,29 +33,62 @@
-<figure id="figure-inverted-rayleigh-wave-phase-velocity-and-earthquake-centroid-parameters">
+<figure id="figure-csrm-10-vs-structure">
<div class="d-flex justify-content-center">
- <div class="w-100" ><img alt="Inverted Rayleigh wave phase velocity and earthquake centroid parameters" srcset="
- /project/simulataneous-inversion-phase-velocity-and-source/Joint.inversion.structure_hu6fff696fa00cb8e78620b205c63f88d9_1033174_70840d9e8a044575ed8b9eca60074903.webp 400w,
- /project/simulataneous-inversion-phase-velocity-and-source/Joint.inversion.structure_hu6fff696fa00cb8e78620b205c63f88d9_1033174_daa01b548a8202d8542afa8599ba9f2d.webp 760w,
- /project/simulataneous-inversion-phase-velocity-and-source/Joint.inversion.structure_hu6fff696fa00cb8e78620b205c63f88d9_1033174_1200x1200_fit_q75_h2_lanczos_3.webp 1200w"
- src="https://me.seispider.info/project/simulataneous-inversion-phase-velocity-and-source/Joint.inversion.structure_hu6fff696fa00cb8e78620b205c63f88d9_1033174_70840d9e8a044575ed8b9eca60074903.webp"
- width="707"
+ <div class="w-100" ><img alt="CSRM-1.0 Vs structure" srcset="
+ /project/csrm/CSRM-1.0-Vs_hu46af622f7d37b1cd4f338b6153048f23_960908_42212b323acda9ad0dd25f2ac8861e76.webp 400w,
+ /project/csrm/CSRM-1.0-Vs_hu46af622f7d37b1cd4f338b6153048f23_960908_3fa3711353a4dbbaa03d3a02a4b7aa95.webp 760w,
+ /project/csrm/CSRM-1.0-Vs_hu46af622f7d37b1cd4f338b6153048f23_960908_1200x1200_fit_q75_h2_lanczos_3.webp 1200w"
+ src="https://me.seispider.info/project/csrm/CSRM-1.0-Vs_hu46af622f7d37b1cd4f338b6153048f23_960908_42212b323acda9ad0dd25f2ac8861e76.webp"
+ width="671"
loading="lazy" data-zoomable /></div>
</div><figcaption data-pre="Figure " data-post=": " class="numbered">
- Inverted Rayleigh wave phase velocity and earthquake centroid parameters
+ CSRM-1.0 Vs structure
-<p>In this study, we address this issue by developing a new method to simultaneously determine surface wave phase velocity and earthquake centroid parameters in three steps: 1) preliminary phase velocity inversion based on seismic ambient noise, 2) preliminary earthquake relocation based on earthquake surface wave data, and 3) simultaneous inversion for phase velocity and earthquake centroid parameters with constraints of inter-station phase velocity measurements based on seismic ambient noise and event-station phase velocity measurements based on earthquake surface wave data. Application of the method in the North South Seismic Belt region in China results in high-resolution Rayleigh wave phase velocity maps and accurate earthquake centroid parameters. The additional earthquake data notably improve resolution of the inverted phase velocity model in west Yunnan and central Tibetan blocks, the regions with sparse seismic station coverage. The inverted phase velocity model exhibits high-velocity anomalies in cratonic regions and the Emeishan Large Igneous Province, and low-velocity anomalies in the interior and surrounding regions of the Tibetan Plateau. Relocation places earthquakes in shallow depths with geotherm above the crustal rock’s brittle-ductile transition temperature of ~400℃, revealing thermal control on thickness of the seismogenic zone. With earthquake centroid parameters constrained, earthquake data are expected to provide further constraints on the deep seismic structure that is beyond the sampling limit of seismic ambient noise.</p>
- Shallow seismic structure beneath the contiental China
- https://me.seispider.info/project/shallow-seismic-structure/
- Thu, 20 May 2021 00:00:00 +0000
- https://me.seispider.info/project/shallow-seismic-structure/
- <h3 id="shallow-3d-shear-wave-velocity-model-of-the-uppermost-crust-beneath-the-continental-china">Shallow 3D shear wave velocity model of the uppermost crust beneath the continental China</h3>
+<figure id="figure-csrm-10-vp-structure">
+ <div class="d-flex justify-content-center">
+ <div class="w-100" ><img src="CSRM-1.0-Vp.png" alt="CSRM-1.0 Vp structure" loading="lazy" data-zoomable /></div>
+ </div><figcaption data-pre="Figure " data-post=": " class="numbered">
+ CSRM-1.0 Vp structure
+ </figcaption></figure>
+<figure id="figure-csrm-10-moho-and-mantal-structure">
+ <div class="d-flex justify-content-center">
+ <div class="w-100" ><img src="CSRM-1.0-Moho.png" alt="CSRM-1.0 Moho structure" loading="lazy" data-zoomable /></div>
+ </div><figcaption data-pre="Figure " data-post=": " class="numbered">
+ CSRM-1.0 Moho and mantal structure
+ </figcaption></figure> -->
+<h2 id="shallow-3d-shear-wave-velocity-model-of-the-uppermost-crust-beneath-the-continental-china">Shallow 3D shear wave velocity model of the uppermost crust beneath the continental China</h2>
+<p>We construct a high-resolution shallow three-dimensional (3D) seismic model in the top 10 km of the upper crust in the continental China, with constraints of P polarization, Rayleigh wave ellipticity and receiver function obtained from records of 3848 seismic stations. Our 3D seismic model has a spatial resolution of $0.6°-1.2^°$ in the north-south seismic belt and the trans-north China orogen, and $1^°-2^°$ in the rest of the continental China (except the Tarim basin and the southwest Tibet). The seismic model exhibits low velocity anomalies of deposits in major sedimentary basins and high velocity anomalies of crustal bedrocks in young orogenic belts and old tectonic blocks. The inferred sediment thickness maps display thick deposits in major sedimentary basins, some compacted sediments in the intermontane basins in young orogenic belts and little sediments in old tectonic blocks. We also discuss compaction effects of the sediments and implications of tectonic history and geological evolution of the major basins in the continental China based on the inferred seismic models.</p>
@@ -72,20 +106,64 @@
<figure id="figure-shallow-3d-shear-wave-velocity-model-beneath-the-continental-china">
<div class="d-flex justify-content-center">
<div class="w-100" ><img alt="Shallow seismic structure beneath the continental China" srcset="
- /project/shallow-seismic-structure/shallowModel_hua29de5e9e743c238411ee190f294bb56_449276_dd865e1476c30d05cb99527885da0eeb.webp 400w,
- /project/shallow-seismic-structure/shallowModel_hua29de5e9e743c238411ee190f294bb56_449276_4743a3c825e8552106ec63dcf8390ee9.webp 760w,
- /project/shallow-seismic-structure/shallowModel_hua29de5e9e743c238411ee190f294bb56_449276_1200x1200_fit_q75_h2_lanczos_3.webp 1200w"
- src="https://me.seispider.info/project/shallow-seismic-structure/shallowModel_hua29de5e9e743c238411ee190f294bb56_449276_dd865e1476c30d05cb99527885da0eeb.webp"
+ /project/csrm/shallowModel_hua29de5e9e743c238411ee190f294bb56_449276_dd865e1476c30d05cb99527885da0eeb.webp 400w,
+ /project/csrm/shallowModel_hua29de5e9e743c238411ee190f294bb56_449276_4743a3c825e8552106ec63dcf8390ee9.webp 760w,
+ /project/csrm/shallowModel_hua29de5e9e743c238411ee190f294bb56_449276_1200x1200_fit_q75_h2_lanczos_3.webp 1200w"
+ src="https://me.seispider.info/project/csrm/shallowModel_hua29de5e9e743c238411ee190f294bb56_449276_dd865e1476c30d05cb99527885da0eeb.webp"
loading="lazy" data-zoomable /></div>
</div><figcaption data-pre="Figure " data-post=": " class="numbered">
Shallow 3D shear wave velocity model beneath the continental China
-<p>In this study, we construct a high-resolution shallow three-dimensional (3D) seismic model in the top 10 km of the upper crust in the continental China, with constraints of P polarization, Rayleigh wave ellipticity and receiver function obtained from records of 3848 seismic stations. Our 3D seismic model has a spatial resolution of $0.6°-1.2^°$ in the north-south seismic belt and the trans-north China orogen, and $1^°-2^°$ in the rest of the continental China (except the Tarim basin and the southwest Tibet). The seismic model exhibits low velocity anomalies of deposits in major sedimentary basins and high velocity anomalies of crustal bedrocks in young orogenic belts and old tectonic blocks. The inferred sediment thickness maps display thick deposits in major sedimentary basins, some compacted sediments in the intermontane basins in young orogenic belts and little sediments in old tectonic blocks. We also discuss compaction effects of the sediments and implications of tectonic history and geological evolution of the major basins in the continental China based on the inferred seismic models.</p>
+ Development and Application of Seismic Tomography Method
+ https://me.seispider.info/project/seismic-tomography-method/
+ Thu, 01 Sep 2022 00:00:00 +0000
+ https://me.seispider.info/project/seismic-tomography-method/
+ <h2 id="simultaneous-inversion-for-surface-wave-phase-velocity-and-earthquake-centroid-parameters">Simultaneous inversion for surface wave phase velocity and earthquake centroid parameters</h2>
+<p>We develope a new method to simultaneously determine surface wave phase velocity and earthquake centroid parameters in three steps: 1) preliminary phase velocity inversion based on seismic ambient noise, 2) preliminary earthquake relocation based on earthquake surface wave data, and 3) simultaneous inversion for phase velocity and earthquake centroid parameters with constraints of inter-station phase velocity measurements based on seismic ambient noise and event-station phase velocity measurements based on earthquake surface wave data. Application of the method in the North South Seismic Belt region in China results in high-resolution Rayleigh wave phase velocity maps and accurate earthquake centroid parameters. The additional earthquake data notably improve resolution of the inverted phase velocity model in west Yunnan and central Tibetan blocks, the regions with sparse seismic station coverage. The inverted phase velocity model exhibits high-velocity anomalies in cratonic regions and the Emeishan Large Igneous Province, and low-velocity anomalies in the interior and surrounding regions of the Tibetan Plateau. Relocation places earthquakes in shallow depths with geotherm above the crustal rock’s brittle-ductile transition temperature of ~400℃, revealing thermal control on thickness of the seismogenic zone. With earthquake centroid parameters constrained, earthquake data are expected to provide further constraints on the deep seismic structure that is beyond the sampling limit of seismic ambient noise.</p>
+<figure id="figure-inverted-rayleigh-wave-phase-velocity-and-earthquake-centroid-parameters">
+ <div class="d-flex justify-content-center">
+ <div class="w-100" ><img alt="Inverted Rayleigh wave phase velocity and earthquake centroid parameters" srcset="
+ /project/seismic-tomography-method/Joint.inversion.structure_hu6fff696fa00cb8e78620b205c63f88d9_1033174_70840d9e8a044575ed8b9eca60074903.webp 400w,
+ /project/seismic-tomography-method/Joint.inversion.structure_hu6fff696fa00cb8e78620b205c63f88d9_1033174_daa01b548a8202d8542afa8599ba9f2d.webp 760w,
+ /project/seismic-tomography-method/Joint.inversion.structure_hu6fff696fa00cb8e78620b205c63f88d9_1033174_1200x1200_fit_q75_h2_lanczos_3.webp 1200w"
+ src="https://me.seispider.info/project/seismic-tomography-method/Joint.inversion.structure_hu6fff696fa00cb8e78620b205c63f88d9_1033174_70840d9e8a044575ed8b9eca60074903.webp"
+ width="707"
+ height="760"
+ loading="lazy" data-zoomable /></div>
+ </div><figcaption data-pre="Figure " data-post=": " class="numbered">
+ Inverted Rayleigh wave phase velocity and earthquake centroid parameters
+ </figcaption></figure>
+ CSRM-1.0: A China Seismological Reference Model
+ https://me.seispider.info/publication/2024_csrm-1.0/
+ Fri, 13 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000
+ https://me.seispider.info/publication/2024_csrm-1.0/
Simultaneous inversion for surface wave phase velocity and earthquake centroid parameters: methodology and application
@@ -144,18 +222,23 @@
<h3 id="education">Education</h3>
-<li><strong>2023</strong>: Ph.D in Geophysics (Expected),
+<li><strong>2023</strong>: Ph.D in Geophysics,
<a href="http://en.ustc.edu.cn/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">University of Science and Technology of China</a>, Hefei, China</li>
<li><strong>2017</strong>: B.S. in Geophysics,
<a href="https://en.whu.edu.cn/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Wuhan University</a>, Wuhan, China</li>
+<h3 id="professional-appointments">Professional Appointments</h3>
+<li><strong>2023/12 – present:</strong> Postdoctral Research Fellow at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore</li>
<h3 id="professional-societies--services">Professional Societies & Services</h3>
<li><strong>Spring, 2019:</strong> Student Organizer of “Weekly Graduate Student Seminar of Geophysics, USTC”</li>
<li><strong>2017 – 2017:</strong> Assist in coordinating exchange meeting of China Seismological Reference Model work group</li>
<li><strong>2017 – present:</strong> Member of the American Geophysical Union (AGU)</li>
-<li><strong>2017 – present:</strong> Research assistant and database manager for China Seismological Reference Model work group</li>
+<li><strong>2017 – present:</strong> Construction member of China Seismological Reference Model</li>
<li><strong>2016 – present:</strong> Contributor of GMT China Community</li>
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diff --git a/project/csrm/CSRM-1.0-Vs_hu46af622f7d37b1cd4f338b6153048f23_960908_3fa3711353a4dbbaa03d3a02a4b7aa95.webp b/project/csrm/CSRM-1.0-Vs_hu46af622f7d37b1cd4f338b6153048f23_960908_3fa3711353a4dbbaa03d3a02a4b7aa95.webp
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index d1eb73f..8b7c468 100644
--- a/project/simulataneous-inversion-phase-velocity-and-source/index.html
+++ b/project/csrm/index.html
@@ -64,11 +64,11 @@
@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@
@@ -311,19 +311,19 @@
@@ -345,16 +345,16 @@
"@type": "Article",
"mainEntityOfPage": {
"@type": "WebPage",
- "@id": "https://me.seispider.info/project/simulataneous-inversion-phase-velocity-and-source/"
+ "@id": "https://me.seispider.info/project/csrm/"
- "headline": "Simultaneous inversion for surface wave phase velocity and earthquake centroid parameters",
+ "headline": "China Seismological Reference Model",
"image": [
- "https://me.seispider.info/project/simulataneous-inversion-phase-velocity-and-source/featured.png"
+ "https://me.seispider.info/project/csrm/featured.png"
- "datePublished": "2022-09-01T00:00:00Z",
- "dateModified": "2022-09-01T00:00:00Z",
+ "datePublished": "2024-09-13T00:00:00Z",
+ "dateModified": "2024-09-13T00:00:00Z",
"author": {
"@type": "Person",
@@ -369,7 +369,7 @@
"url": "https://me.seispider.info/media/icon_hua2ec155b4296a9c9791d015323e16eb5_11927_192x192_fill_lanczos_center_3.png"
- "description": "Our goals are two folds: 1) to develop and test a strategy of combining seismic ambient noise and regional earthquake surface wave data in constraining seismic structure of the Earth and 2) to provide high-resolution phase velocity maps and earthquake centroid parameters in the North South Seismic Belt region in the continental China and gain insights on evolutional histories of the region. \n"
+ "description": "Goal of this project are two folds: 1) constructing a reference seismic model of the crust and uppermost mantle beneath the continental China with multiple seismic constraints where a top-down construction regime is adopted, 2) understanding compositional and thermal states of bedrocks in the crust and uppermost mantle beneath continental China.\n"
@@ -385,11 +385,11 @@
- Simultaneous inversion for surface wave phase velocity and earthquake centroid parameters | Xiao Xiao
+ China Seismological Reference Model | Xiao Xiao
@@ -741,7 +741,7 @@
Simultaneous inversion for surface wave phase velocity and earthquake centroid parameters
China Seismological Reference Model
@@ -760,7 +760,7 @@
Simultaneous inversion for surface wave phase velocity and earthquake centro
- Sep 1, 2022
+ Sep 13, 2024
@@ -792,7 +792,8 @@
Simultaneous inversion for surface wave phase velocity and earthquake centro
Simultaneous inversion for surface wave phase velocity and earthquake centroid parameters
CSRM-1.0: A China Seismological Reference Model of the crust and uppermost mantle
We construct a high-resolution China Seismological Reference Model (CSRM-1.0) in the top 100 km of the crust and uppermost mantle in continental China following a top-down construction process. The employed seismic constraints include P-wave polarization angle from tele-seismic event, short-period Rayleigh wave ellipticity from ambient noise, long-period Rayleigh wave ellipticity from earthquake data, receiver function, empirical Green’s function from ambient noise, Rayleigh wave phase/group velocity dispersion curves from regional earthquakes, and Pn-wave travel time extracted from seismic data of 4435 stations. CSRM-1.0 has a spatial crustal resolution of ~60 km beneath the north-south seismic belt and trans-North China orogen regions and ~120 km beneath the rest of continental China, and a spatial mantle resolution of ~300 km. CSRM-1.0 exhibits prominent velocity heterogeneities in the crust and uppermost mantle and an eastward thinning of the crust, geographically correlating with geological settings. CSRM-1.0 improvements include accurate estimation of shallow seismic structure, increased spatial resolution and improved model accuracy. Crustal composition inferred from CSRM-1.0 exhibits a general transition from a felsic upper crust to a mafic lower crust. Mafic rocks in the lower crust are found predominantly along inter-block boundaries and sporadically within the interiors of blocks, likely resulted from preferential inter-block intrusions of magmas related to various oceanic plate subductions and the Emeishan mantle plume. This study contributes seismic constraints and CSRM-1.0 to the CSRM product center (http://chinageorefmodel.org) as a backbone open-access geophysical cyberinfrastructure.
@@ -807,20 +808,89 @@
Shallow 3D shear wave velocity model of the uppermost crust beneath the continental China
We construct a high-resolution shallow three-dimensional (3D) seismic model in the top 10 km of the upper crust in the continental China, with constraints of P polarization, Rayleigh wave ellipticity and receiver function obtained from records of 3848 seismic stations. Our 3D seismic model has a spatial resolution of $0.6°-1.2^°$ in the north-south seismic belt and the trans-north China orogen, and $1^°-2^°$ in the rest of the continental China (except the Tarim basin and the southwest Tibet). The seismic model exhibits low velocity anomalies of deposits in major sedimentary basins and high velocity anomalies of crustal bedrocks in young orogenic belts and old tectonic blocks. The inferred sediment thickness maps display thick deposits in major sedimentary basins, some compacted sediments in the intermontane basins in young orogenic belts and little sediments in old tectonic blocks. We also discuss compaction effects of the sediments and implications of tectonic history and geological evolution of the major basins in the continental China based on the inferred seismic models.
In this study, we address this issue by developing a new method to simultaneously determine surface wave phase velocity and earthquake centroid parameters in three steps: 1) preliminary phase velocity inversion based on seismic ambient noise, 2) preliminary earthquake relocation based on earthquake surface wave data, and 3) simultaneous inversion for phase velocity and earthquake centroid parameters with constraints of inter-station phase velocity measurements based on seismic ambient noise and event-station phase velocity measurements based on earthquake surface wave data. Application of the method in the North South Seismic Belt region in China results in high-resolution Rayleigh wave phase velocity maps and accurate earthquake centroid parameters. The additional earthquake data notably improve resolution of the inverted phase velocity model in west Yunnan and central Tibetan blocks, the regions with sparse seismic station coverage. The inverted phase velocity model exhibits high-velocity anomalies in cratonic regions and the Emeishan Large Igneous Province, and low-velocity anomalies in the interior and surrounding regions of the Tibetan Plateau. Relocation places earthquakes in shallow depths with geotherm above the crustal rock’s brittle-ductile transition temperature of ~400℃, revealing thermal control on thickness of the seismogenic zone. With earthquake centroid parameters constrained, earthquake data are expected to provide further constraints on the deep seismic structure that is beyond the sampling limit of seismic ambient noise.
diff --git a/project/index.xml b/project/index.xml
index 1883e68..a942186 100644
--- a/project/index.xml
+++ b/project/index.xml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
- Wowchemy (https://wowchemy.com)en-usThu, 01 Sep 2022 00:00:00 +0000
+ Wowchemy (https://wowchemy.com)en-usFri, 13 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000https://me.seispider.info/media/icon_hua2ec155b4296a9c9791d015323e16eb5_11927_512x512_fill_lanczos_center_3.pngProjects
@@ -13,11 +13,12 @@
- Simultaneous inversion for surface wave phase velocity and earthquake centroid parameters
- https://me.seispider.info/project/simulataneous-inversion-phase-velocity-and-source/
- Thu, 01 Sep 2022 00:00:00 +0000
- https://me.seispider.info/project/simulataneous-inversion-phase-velocity-and-source/
- <h3 id="simultaneous-inversion-for-surface-wave-phase-velocity-and-earthquake-centroid-parameters">Simultaneous inversion for surface wave phase velocity and earthquake centroid parameters</h3>
+ China Seismological Reference Model
+ https://me.seispider.info/project/csrm/
+ Fri, 13 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000
+ https://me.seispider.info/project/csrm/
+ <h2 id="csrm-10-a-china-seismological-reference-model-of-the-crust-and-uppermost-mantle">CSRM-1.0: A China Seismological Reference Model of the crust and uppermost mantle</h2>
+<p>We construct a high-resolution China Seismological Reference Model (CSRM-1.0) in the top 100 km of the crust and uppermost mantle in continental China following a top-down construction process. The employed seismic constraints include P-wave polarization angle from tele-seismic event, short-period Rayleigh wave ellipticity from ambient noise, long-period Rayleigh wave ellipticity from earthquake data, receiver function, empirical Green’s function from ambient noise, Rayleigh wave phase/group velocity dispersion curves from regional earthquakes, and Pn-wave travel time extracted from seismic data of 4435 stations. CSRM-1.0 has a spatial crustal resolution of ~60 km beneath the north-south seismic belt and trans-North China orogen regions and ~120 km beneath the rest of continental China, and a spatial mantle resolution of ~300 km. CSRM-1.0 exhibits prominent velocity heterogeneities in the crust and uppermost mantle and an eastward thinning of the crust, geographically correlating with geological settings. CSRM-1.0 improvements include accurate estimation of shallow seismic structure, increased spatial resolution and improved model accuracy. Crustal composition inferred from CSRM-1.0 exhibits a general transition from a felsic upper crust to a mafic lower crust. Mafic rocks in the lower crust are found predominantly along inter-block boundaries and sporadically within the interiors of blocks, likely resulted from preferential inter-block intrusions of magmas related to various oceanic plate subductions and the Emeishan mantle plume. This study contributes seismic constraints and CSRM-1.0 to the CSRM product center (<a href="http://chinageorefmodel.org" target="_blank" rel="noopener">http://chinageorefmodel.org</a>) as a backbone open-access geophysical cyberinfrastructure.</p>
@@ -32,29 +33,62 @@
-<figure id="figure-inverted-rayleigh-wave-phase-velocity-and-earthquake-centroid-parameters">
+<figure id="figure-csrm-10-vs-structure">
<div class="d-flex justify-content-center">
- <div class="w-100" ><img alt="Inverted Rayleigh wave phase velocity and earthquake centroid parameters" srcset="
- /project/simulataneous-inversion-phase-velocity-and-source/Joint.inversion.structure_hu6fff696fa00cb8e78620b205c63f88d9_1033174_70840d9e8a044575ed8b9eca60074903.webp 400w,
- /project/simulataneous-inversion-phase-velocity-and-source/Joint.inversion.structure_hu6fff696fa00cb8e78620b205c63f88d9_1033174_daa01b548a8202d8542afa8599ba9f2d.webp 760w,
- /project/simulataneous-inversion-phase-velocity-and-source/Joint.inversion.structure_hu6fff696fa00cb8e78620b205c63f88d9_1033174_1200x1200_fit_q75_h2_lanczos_3.webp 1200w"
- src="https://me.seispider.info/project/simulataneous-inversion-phase-velocity-and-source/Joint.inversion.structure_hu6fff696fa00cb8e78620b205c63f88d9_1033174_70840d9e8a044575ed8b9eca60074903.webp"
- width="707"
+ <div class="w-100" ><img alt="CSRM-1.0 Vs structure" srcset="
+ /project/csrm/CSRM-1.0-Vs_hu46af622f7d37b1cd4f338b6153048f23_960908_42212b323acda9ad0dd25f2ac8861e76.webp 400w,
+ /project/csrm/CSRM-1.0-Vs_hu46af622f7d37b1cd4f338b6153048f23_960908_3fa3711353a4dbbaa03d3a02a4b7aa95.webp 760w,
+ /project/csrm/CSRM-1.0-Vs_hu46af622f7d37b1cd4f338b6153048f23_960908_1200x1200_fit_q75_h2_lanczos_3.webp 1200w"
+ src="https://me.seispider.info/project/csrm/CSRM-1.0-Vs_hu46af622f7d37b1cd4f338b6153048f23_960908_42212b323acda9ad0dd25f2ac8861e76.webp"
+ width="671"
loading="lazy" data-zoomable /></div>
</div><figcaption data-pre="Figure " data-post=": " class="numbered">
- Inverted Rayleigh wave phase velocity and earthquake centroid parameters
+ CSRM-1.0 Vs structure
-<p>In this study, we address this issue by developing a new method to simultaneously determine surface wave phase velocity and earthquake centroid parameters in three steps: 1) preliminary phase velocity inversion based on seismic ambient noise, 2) preliminary earthquake relocation based on earthquake surface wave data, and 3) simultaneous inversion for phase velocity and earthquake centroid parameters with constraints of inter-station phase velocity measurements based on seismic ambient noise and event-station phase velocity measurements based on earthquake surface wave data. Application of the method in the North South Seismic Belt region in China results in high-resolution Rayleigh wave phase velocity maps and accurate earthquake centroid parameters. The additional earthquake data notably improve resolution of the inverted phase velocity model in west Yunnan and central Tibetan blocks, the regions with sparse seismic station coverage. The inverted phase velocity model exhibits high-velocity anomalies in cratonic regions and the Emeishan Large Igneous Province, and low-velocity anomalies in the interior and surrounding regions of the Tibetan Plateau. Relocation places earthquakes in shallow depths with geotherm above the crustal rock’s brittle-ductile transition temperature of ~400℃, revealing thermal control on thickness of the seismogenic zone. With earthquake centroid parameters constrained, earthquake data are expected to provide further constraints on the deep seismic structure that is beyond the sampling limit of seismic ambient noise.</p>
- Shallow seismic structure beneath the contiental China
- https://me.seispider.info/project/shallow-seismic-structure/
- Thu, 20 May 2021 00:00:00 +0000
- https://me.seispider.info/project/shallow-seismic-structure/
- <h3 id="shallow-3d-shear-wave-velocity-model-of-the-uppermost-crust-beneath-the-continental-china">Shallow 3D shear wave velocity model of the uppermost crust beneath the continental China</h3>
+<figure id="figure-csrm-10-vp-structure">
+ <div class="d-flex justify-content-center">
+ <div class="w-100" ><img src="CSRM-1.0-Vp.png" alt="CSRM-1.0 Vp structure" loading="lazy" data-zoomable /></div>
+ </div><figcaption data-pre="Figure " data-post=": " class="numbered">
+ CSRM-1.0 Vp structure
+ </figcaption></figure>
+<figure id="figure-csrm-10-moho-and-mantal-structure">
+ <div class="d-flex justify-content-center">
+ <div class="w-100" ><img src="CSRM-1.0-Moho.png" alt="CSRM-1.0 Moho structure" loading="lazy" data-zoomable /></div>
+ </div><figcaption data-pre="Figure " data-post=": " class="numbered">
+ CSRM-1.0 Moho and mantal structure
+ </figcaption></figure> -->
+<h2 id="shallow-3d-shear-wave-velocity-model-of-the-uppermost-crust-beneath-the-continental-china">Shallow 3D shear wave velocity model of the uppermost crust beneath the continental China</h2>
+<p>We construct a high-resolution shallow three-dimensional (3D) seismic model in the top 10 km of the upper crust in the continental China, with constraints of P polarization, Rayleigh wave ellipticity and receiver function obtained from records of 3848 seismic stations. Our 3D seismic model has a spatial resolution of $0.6°-1.2^°$ in the north-south seismic belt and the trans-north China orogen, and $1^°-2^°$ in the rest of the continental China (except the Tarim basin and the southwest Tibet). The seismic model exhibits low velocity anomalies of deposits in major sedimentary basins and high velocity anomalies of crustal bedrocks in young orogenic belts and old tectonic blocks. The inferred sediment thickness maps display thick deposits in major sedimentary basins, some compacted sediments in the intermontane basins in young orogenic belts and little sediments in old tectonic blocks. We also discuss compaction effects of the sediments and implications of tectonic history and geological evolution of the major basins in the continental China based on the inferred seismic models.</p>
@@ -72,17 +106,53 @@
<figure id="figure-shallow-3d-shear-wave-velocity-model-beneath-the-continental-china">
<div class="d-flex justify-content-center">
<div class="w-100" ><img alt="Shallow seismic structure beneath the continental China" srcset="
- /project/shallow-seismic-structure/shallowModel_hua29de5e9e743c238411ee190f294bb56_449276_dd865e1476c30d05cb99527885da0eeb.webp 400w,
- /project/shallow-seismic-structure/shallowModel_hua29de5e9e743c238411ee190f294bb56_449276_4743a3c825e8552106ec63dcf8390ee9.webp 760w,
- /project/shallow-seismic-structure/shallowModel_hua29de5e9e743c238411ee190f294bb56_449276_1200x1200_fit_q75_h2_lanczos_3.webp 1200w"
- src="https://me.seispider.info/project/shallow-seismic-structure/shallowModel_hua29de5e9e743c238411ee190f294bb56_449276_dd865e1476c30d05cb99527885da0eeb.webp"
+ /project/csrm/shallowModel_hua29de5e9e743c238411ee190f294bb56_449276_dd865e1476c30d05cb99527885da0eeb.webp 400w,
+ /project/csrm/shallowModel_hua29de5e9e743c238411ee190f294bb56_449276_4743a3c825e8552106ec63dcf8390ee9.webp 760w,
+ /project/csrm/shallowModel_hua29de5e9e743c238411ee190f294bb56_449276_1200x1200_fit_q75_h2_lanczos_3.webp 1200w"
+ src="https://me.seispider.info/project/csrm/shallowModel_hua29de5e9e743c238411ee190f294bb56_449276_dd865e1476c30d05cb99527885da0eeb.webp"
loading="lazy" data-zoomable /></div>
</div><figcaption data-pre="Figure " data-post=": " class="numbered">
Shallow 3D shear wave velocity model beneath the continental China
-<p>In this study, we construct a high-resolution shallow three-dimensional (3D) seismic model in the top 10 km of the upper crust in the continental China, with constraints of P polarization, Rayleigh wave ellipticity and receiver function obtained from records of 3848 seismic stations. Our 3D seismic model has a spatial resolution of $0.6°-1.2^°$ in the north-south seismic belt and the trans-north China orogen, and $1^°-2^°$ in the rest of the continental China (except the Tarim basin and the southwest Tibet). The seismic model exhibits low velocity anomalies of deposits in major sedimentary basins and high velocity anomalies of crustal bedrocks in young orogenic belts and old tectonic blocks. The inferred sediment thickness maps display thick deposits in major sedimentary basins, some compacted sediments in the intermontane basins in young orogenic belts and little sediments in old tectonic blocks. We also discuss compaction effects of the sediments and implications of tectonic history and geological evolution of the major basins in the continental China based on the inferred seismic models.</p>
+ Development and Application of Seismic Tomography Method
+ https://me.seispider.info/project/seismic-tomography-method/
+ Thu, 01 Sep 2022 00:00:00 +0000
+ https://me.seispider.info/project/seismic-tomography-method/
+ <h2 id="simultaneous-inversion-for-surface-wave-phase-velocity-and-earthquake-centroid-parameters">Simultaneous inversion for surface wave phase velocity and earthquake centroid parameters</h2>
+<p>We develope a new method to simultaneously determine surface wave phase velocity and earthquake centroid parameters in three steps: 1) preliminary phase velocity inversion based on seismic ambient noise, 2) preliminary earthquake relocation based on earthquake surface wave data, and 3) simultaneous inversion for phase velocity and earthquake centroid parameters with constraints of inter-station phase velocity measurements based on seismic ambient noise and event-station phase velocity measurements based on earthquake surface wave data. Application of the method in the North South Seismic Belt region in China results in high-resolution Rayleigh wave phase velocity maps and accurate earthquake centroid parameters. The additional earthquake data notably improve resolution of the inverted phase velocity model in west Yunnan and central Tibetan blocks, the regions with sparse seismic station coverage. The inverted phase velocity model exhibits high-velocity anomalies in cratonic regions and the Emeishan Large Igneous Province, and low-velocity anomalies in the interior and surrounding regions of the Tibetan Plateau. Relocation places earthquakes in shallow depths with geotherm above the crustal rock’s brittle-ductile transition temperature of ~400℃, revealing thermal control on thickness of the seismogenic zone. With earthquake centroid parameters constrained, earthquake data are expected to provide further constraints on the deep seismic structure that is beyond the sampling limit of seismic ambient noise.</p>
+<figure id="figure-inverted-rayleigh-wave-phase-velocity-and-earthquake-centroid-parameters">
+ <div class="d-flex justify-content-center">
+ <div class="w-100" ><img alt="Inverted Rayleigh wave phase velocity and earthquake centroid parameters" srcset="
+ /project/seismic-tomography-method/Joint.inversion.structure_hu6fff696fa00cb8e78620b205c63f88d9_1033174_70840d9e8a044575ed8b9eca60074903.webp 400w,
+ /project/seismic-tomography-method/Joint.inversion.structure_hu6fff696fa00cb8e78620b205c63f88d9_1033174_daa01b548a8202d8542afa8599ba9f2d.webp 760w,
+ /project/seismic-tomography-method/Joint.inversion.structure_hu6fff696fa00cb8e78620b205c63f88d9_1033174_1200x1200_fit_q75_h2_lanczos_3.webp 1200w"
+ src="https://me.seispider.info/project/seismic-tomography-method/Joint.inversion.structure_hu6fff696fa00cb8e78620b205c63f88d9_1033174_70840d9e8a044575ed8b9eca60074903.webp"
+ width="707"
+ height="760"
+ loading="lazy" data-zoomable /></div>
+ </div><figcaption data-pre="Figure " data-post=": " class="numbered">
+ Inverted Rayleigh wave phase velocity and earthquake centroid parameters
+ </figcaption></figure>
diff --git a/project/simulataneous-inversion-phase-velocity-and-source/Joint.inversion.structure.png b/project/seismic-tomography-method/Joint.inversion.structure.png
similarity index 100%
rename from project/simulataneous-inversion-phase-velocity-and-source/Joint.inversion.structure.png
rename to project/seismic-tomography-method/Joint.inversion.structure.png
diff --git a/project/simulataneous-inversion-phase-velocity-and-source/Joint.inversion.structure_hu6fff696fa00cb8e78620b205c63f88d9_1033174_1200x1200_fit_q75_h2_lanczos_3.webp b/project/seismic-tomography-method/Joint.inversion.structure_hu6fff696fa00cb8e78620b205c63f88d9_1033174_1200x1200_fit_q75_h2_lanczos_3.webp
similarity index 100%
rename from project/simulataneous-inversion-phase-velocity-and-source/Joint.inversion.structure_hu6fff696fa00cb8e78620b205c63f88d9_1033174_1200x1200_fit_q75_h2_lanczos_3.webp
rename to project/seismic-tomography-method/Joint.inversion.structure_hu6fff696fa00cb8e78620b205c63f88d9_1033174_1200x1200_fit_q75_h2_lanczos_3.webp
diff --git a/project/simulataneous-inversion-phase-velocity-and-source/Joint.inversion.structure_hu6fff696fa00cb8e78620b205c63f88d9_1033174_70840d9e8a044575ed8b9eca60074903.webp b/project/seismic-tomography-method/Joint.inversion.structure_hu6fff696fa00cb8e78620b205c63f88d9_1033174_70840d9e8a044575ed8b9eca60074903.webp
similarity index 100%
rename from project/simulataneous-inversion-phase-velocity-and-source/Joint.inversion.structure_hu6fff696fa00cb8e78620b205c63f88d9_1033174_70840d9e8a044575ed8b9eca60074903.webp
rename to project/seismic-tomography-method/Joint.inversion.structure_hu6fff696fa00cb8e78620b205c63f88d9_1033174_70840d9e8a044575ed8b9eca60074903.webp
diff --git a/project/simulataneous-inversion-phase-velocity-and-source/Joint.inversion.structure_hu6fff696fa00cb8e78620b205c63f88d9_1033174_daa01b548a8202d8542afa8599ba9f2d.webp b/project/seismic-tomography-method/Joint.inversion.structure_hu6fff696fa00cb8e78620b205c63f88d9_1033174_daa01b548a8202d8542afa8599ba9f2d.webp
similarity index 100%
rename from project/simulataneous-inversion-phase-velocity-and-source/Joint.inversion.structure_hu6fff696fa00cb8e78620b205c63f88d9_1033174_daa01b548a8202d8542afa8599ba9f2d.webp
rename to project/seismic-tomography-method/Joint.inversion.structure_hu6fff696fa00cb8e78620b205c63f88d9_1033174_daa01b548a8202d8542afa8599ba9f2d.webp
diff --git a/project/simulataneous-inversion-phase-velocity-and-source/featured.png b/project/seismic-tomography-method/featured.png
similarity index 100%
rename from project/simulataneous-inversion-phase-velocity-and-source/featured.png
rename to project/seismic-tomography-method/featured.png
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rename from project/simulataneous-inversion-phase-velocity-and-source/featured_hu9fda64f3bed213feb2c416f0e6ae2af4_327646_150x0_resize_q75_h2_lanczos_3.webp
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rename to project/seismic-tomography-method/featured_hu9fda64f3bed213feb2c416f0e6ae2af4_327646_540x0_resize_q75_h2_lanczos_3.webp
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diff --git a/project/shallow-seismic-structure/index.html b/project/seismic-tomography-method/index.html
similarity index 78%
rename from project/shallow-seismic-structure/index.html
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@@ -311,19 +311,19 @@
@@ -345,16 +345,16 @@
"@type": "Article",
"mainEntityOfPage": {
"@type": "WebPage",
- "@id": "https://me.seispider.info/project/shallow-seismic-structure/"
+ "@id": "https://me.seispider.info/project/seismic-tomography-method/"
- "headline": "Shallow seismic structure beneath the contiental China",
+ "headline": "Development and Application of Seismic Tomography Method",
"image": [
- "https://me.seispider.info/project/shallow-seismic-structure/featured.png"
+ "https://me.seispider.info/project/seismic-tomography-method/featured.png"
- "datePublished": "2021-05-20T00:00:00Z",
- "dateModified": "2021-05-20T00:00:00Z",
+ "datePublished": "2022-09-01T00:00:00Z",
+ "dateModified": "2022-09-01T00:00:00Z",
"author": {
"@type": "Person",
@@ -369,7 +369,7 @@
"url": "https://me.seispider.info/media/icon_hua2ec155b4296a9c9791d015323e16eb5_11927_192x192_fill_lanczos_center_3.png"
- "description": "Goal of this project are two folds: 1) understanding the compositional and thermal states of bedrocks in the upper crust of the Contiental China and 2) constructing a reference shallow seismic model for future studies of imaging deeper seismic structure.\n"
+ "description": "This project aims at developing and applying multiple novel seismic tomoghraphy method for better understanding structures in Earth's interior.\n"
@@ -385,11 +385,11 @@
- Shallow seismic structure beneath the contiental China | Xiao Xiao
+ Development and Application of Seismic Tomography Method | Xiao Xiao
@@ -741,7 +741,7 @@
Shallow seismic structure beneath the contiental China
Development and Application of Seismic Tomography Method
@@ -760,7 +760,7 @@
Shallow seismic structure beneath the contiental China
- May 20, 2021
+ Sep 1, 2022
@@ -792,7 +792,8 @@
Shallow seismic structure beneath the contiental China
Shallow 3D shear wave velocity model of the uppermost crust beneath the continental China
Simultaneous inversion for surface wave phase velocity and earthquake centroid parameters
We develope a new method to simultaneously determine surface wave phase velocity and earthquake centroid parameters in three steps: 1) preliminary phase velocity inversion based on seismic ambient noise, 2) preliminary earthquake relocation based on earthquake surface wave data, and 3) simultaneous inversion for phase velocity and earthquake centroid parameters with constraints of inter-station phase velocity measurements based on seismic ambient noise and event-station phase velocity measurements based on earthquake surface wave data. Application of the method in the North South Seismic Belt region in China results in high-resolution Rayleigh wave phase velocity maps and accurate earthquake centroid parameters. The additional earthquake data notably improve resolution of the inverted phase velocity model in west Yunnan and central Tibetan blocks, the regions with sparse seismic station coverage. The inverted phase velocity model exhibits high-velocity anomalies in cratonic regions and the Emeishan Large Igneous Province, and low-velocity anomalies in the interior and surrounding regions of the Tibetan Plateau. Relocation places earthquakes in shallow depths with geotherm above the crustal rock’s brittle-ductile transition temperature of ~400℃, revealing thermal control on thickness of the seismogenic zone. With earthquake centroid parameters constrained, earthquake data are expected to provide further constraints on the deep seismic structure that is beyond the sampling limit of seismic ambient noise.
@@ -807,20 +808,19 @@
In this study, we construct a high-resolution shallow three-dimensional (3D) seismic model in the top 10 km of the upper crust in the continental China, with constraints of P polarization, Rayleigh wave ellipticity and receiver function obtained from records of 3848 seismic stations. Our 3D seismic model has a spatial resolution of $0.6°-1.2^°$ in the north-south seismic belt and the trans-north China orogen, and $1^°-2^°$ in the rest of the continental China (except the Tarim basin and the southwest Tibet). The seismic model exhibits low velocity anomalies of deposits in major sedimentary basins and high velocity anomalies of crustal bedrocks in young orogenic belts and old tectonic blocks. The inferred sediment thickness maps display thick deposits in major sedimentary basins, some compacted sediments in the intermontane basins in young orogenic belts and little sediments in old tectonic blocks. We also discuss compaction effects of the sediments and implications of tectonic history and geological evolution of the major basins in the continental China based on the inferred seismic models.
High-resolution seismic model is crucial for advancing our understandings on geological processes and enhancing seismic hazard mitigation programs. We construct a high-resolution China Seismological Reference Model (CSRM-1.0) in the top 100 km of the crust and uppermost mantle in continental China following a top-down construction process. The employed seismic constraints include P-wave polarization angle from tele-seismic event, short-period Rayleigh wave ellipticity from ambient noise, long-period Rayleigh wave ellipticity from earthquake data, receiver function, empirical Green’s function from ambient noise, Rayleigh wave phase/group velocity dispersion curves from regional earthquakes, and Pn-wave travel time extracted from seismic data of 4435 stations. CSRM-1.0 has a spatial crustal resolution of ~60 km beneath the north-south seismic belt and trans-North China orogen regions and ~120 km beneath the rest of continental China, and a spatial mantle resolution of ~300 km. CSRM-1.0 exhibits prominent velocity heterogeneities in the crust and uppermost mantle and an eastward thinning of the crust, geographically correlating with geological settings. CSRM-1.0 improvements include accurate estimation of shallow seismic structure, increased spatial resolution and improved model accuracy. Crustal composition inferred from CSRM-1.0 exhibits a general transition from a felsic upper crust to a mafic lower crust. Mafic rocks in the lower crust are found predominantly along inter-block boundaries and sporadically within the interiors of blocks, likely resulted from preferential inter-block intrusions of magmas related to various oceanic plate subductions and the Emeishan mantle plume. This study contributes seismic constraints and CSRM-1.0 to the CSRM product center (http://chinageorefmodel.org) as a backbone open-access geophysical cyberinfrastructure.
diff --git a/tag/china-seismic-structure/index.xml b/tag/china-seismic-structure/index.xml
index b9736fa..086239a 100644
--- a/tag/china-seismic-structure/index.xml
+++ b/tag/china-seismic-structure/index.xml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
China Seismic Structure
- Wowchemy (https://wowchemy.com)en-usSun, 14 Nov 2021 16:00:00 +0800
+ Wowchemy (https://wowchemy.com)en-usFri, 13 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000https://me.seispider.info/media/icon_hua2ec155b4296a9c9791d015323e16eb5_11927_512x512_fill_lanczos_center_3.pngChina Seismic Structure
@@ -13,11 +13,82 @@
- Shallow seismic structure beneath the contiental China
- https://me.seispider.info/project/shallow-seismic-structure/
- Thu, 20 May 2021 00:00:00 +0000
- https://me.seispider.info/project/shallow-seismic-structure/
- <h3 id="shallow-3d-shear-wave-velocity-model-of-the-uppermost-crust-beneath-the-continental-china">Shallow 3D shear wave velocity model of the uppermost crust beneath the continental China</h3>
+ China Seismological Reference Model
+ https://me.seispider.info/project/csrm/
+ Fri, 13 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000
+ https://me.seispider.info/project/csrm/
+ <h2 id="csrm-10-a-china-seismological-reference-model-of-the-crust-and-uppermost-mantle">CSRM-1.0: A China Seismological Reference Model of the crust and uppermost mantle</h2>
+<p>We construct a high-resolution China Seismological Reference Model (CSRM-1.0) in the top 100 km of the crust and uppermost mantle in continental China following a top-down construction process. The employed seismic constraints include P-wave polarization angle from tele-seismic event, short-period Rayleigh wave ellipticity from ambient noise, long-period Rayleigh wave ellipticity from earthquake data, receiver function, empirical Green’s function from ambient noise, Rayleigh wave phase/group velocity dispersion curves from regional earthquakes, and Pn-wave travel time extracted from seismic data of 4435 stations. CSRM-1.0 has a spatial crustal resolution of ~60 km beneath the north-south seismic belt and trans-North China orogen regions and ~120 km beneath the rest of continental China, and a spatial mantle resolution of ~300 km. CSRM-1.0 exhibits prominent velocity heterogeneities in the crust and uppermost mantle and an eastward thinning of the crust, geographically correlating with geological settings. CSRM-1.0 improvements include accurate estimation of shallow seismic structure, increased spatial resolution and improved model accuracy. Crustal composition inferred from CSRM-1.0 exhibits a general transition from a felsic upper crust to a mafic lower crust. Mafic rocks in the lower crust are found predominantly along inter-block boundaries and sporadically within the interiors of blocks, likely resulted from preferential inter-block intrusions of magmas related to various oceanic plate subductions and the Emeishan mantle plume. This study contributes seismic constraints and CSRM-1.0 to the CSRM product center (<a href="http://chinageorefmodel.org" target="_blank" rel="noopener">http://chinageorefmodel.org</a>) as a backbone open-access geophysical cyberinfrastructure.</p>
+<figure id="figure-csrm-10-vs-structure">
+ <div class="d-flex justify-content-center">
+ <div class="w-100" ><img alt="CSRM-1.0 Vs structure" srcset="
+ /project/csrm/CSRM-1.0-Vs_hu46af622f7d37b1cd4f338b6153048f23_960908_42212b323acda9ad0dd25f2ac8861e76.webp 400w,
+ /project/csrm/CSRM-1.0-Vs_hu46af622f7d37b1cd4f338b6153048f23_960908_3fa3711353a4dbbaa03d3a02a4b7aa95.webp 760w,
+ /project/csrm/CSRM-1.0-Vs_hu46af622f7d37b1cd4f338b6153048f23_960908_1200x1200_fit_q75_h2_lanczos_3.webp 1200w"
+ src="https://me.seispider.info/project/csrm/CSRM-1.0-Vs_hu46af622f7d37b1cd4f338b6153048f23_960908_42212b323acda9ad0dd25f2ac8861e76.webp"
+ width="671"
+ height="760"
+ loading="lazy" data-zoomable /></div>
+ </div><figcaption data-pre="Figure " data-post=": " class="numbered">
+ CSRM-1.0 Vs structure
+ </figcaption></figure>
+<figure id="figure-csrm-10-vp-structure">
+ <div class="d-flex justify-content-center">
+ <div class="w-100" ><img src="CSRM-1.0-Vp.png" alt="CSRM-1.0 Vp structure" loading="lazy" data-zoomable /></div>
+ </div><figcaption data-pre="Figure " data-post=": " class="numbered">
+ CSRM-1.0 Vp structure
+ </figcaption></figure>
+<figure id="figure-csrm-10-moho-and-mantal-structure">
+ <div class="d-flex justify-content-center">
+ <div class="w-100" ><img src="CSRM-1.0-Moho.png" alt="CSRM-1.0 Moho structure" loading="lazy" data-zoomable /></div>
+ </div><figcaption data-pre="Figure " data-post=": " class="numbered">
+ CSRM-1.0 Moho and mantal structure
+ </figcaption></figure> -->
+<h2 id="shallow-3d-shear-wave-velocity-model-of-the-uppermost-crust-beneath-the-continental-china">Shallow 3D shear wave velocity model of the uppermost crust beneath the continental China</h2>
+<p>We construct a high-resolution shallow three-dimensional (3D) seismic model in the top 10 km of the upper crust in the continental China, with constraints of P polarization, Rayleigh wave ellipticity and receiver function obtained from records of 3848 seismic stations. Our 3D seismic model has a spatial resolution of $0.6°-1.2^°$ in the north-south seismic belt and the trans-north China orogen, and $1^°-2^°$ in the rest of the continental China (except the Tarim basin and the southwest Tibet). The seismic model exhibits low velocity anomalies of deposits in major sedimentary basins and high velocity anomalies of crustal bedrocks in young orogenic belts and old tectonic blocks. The inferred sediment thickness maps display thick deposits in major sedimentary basins, some compacted sediments in the intermontane basins in young orogenic belts and little sediments in old tectonic blocks. We also discuss compaction effects of the sediments and implications of tectonic history and geological evolution of the major basins in the continental China based on the inferred seismic models.</p>
@@ -35,17 +106,16 @@
<figure id="figure-shallow-3d-shear-wave-velocity-model-beneath-the-continental-china">
<div class="d-flex justify-content-center">
<div class="w-100" ><img alt="Shallow seismic structure beneath the continental China" srcset="
- /project/shallow-seismic-structure/shallowModel_hua29de5e9e743c238411ee190f294bb56_449276_dd865e1476c30d05cb99527885da0eeb.webp 400w,
- /project/shallow-seismic-structure/shallowModel_hua29de5e9e743c238411ee190f294bb56_449276_4743a3c825e8552106ec63dcf8390ee9.webp 760w,
- /project/shallow-seismic-structure/shallowModel_hua29de5e9e743c238411ee190f294bb56_449276_1200x1200_fit_q75_h2_lanczos_3.webp 1200w"
- src="https://me.seispider.info/project/shallow-seismic-structure/shallowModel_hua29de5e9e743c238411ee190f294bb56_449276_dd865e1476c30d05cb99527885da0eeb.webp"
+ /project/csrm/shallowModel_hua29de5e9e743c238411ee190f294bb56_449276_dd865e1476c30d05cb99527885da0eeb.webp 400w,
+ /project/csrm/shallowModel_hua29de5e9e743c238411ee190f294bb56_449276_4743a3c825e8552106ec63dcf8390ee9.webp 760w,
+ /project/csrm/shallowModel_hua29de5e9e743c238411ee190f294bb56_449276_1200x1200_fit_q75_h2_lanczos_3.webp 1200w"
+ src="https://me.seispider.info/project/csrm/shallowModel_hua29de5e9e743c238411ee190f294bb56_449276_dd865e1476c30d05cb99527885da0eeb.webp"
loading="lazy" data-zoomable /></div>
</div><figcaption data-pre="Figure " data-post=": " class="numbered">
Shallow 3D shear wave velocity model beneath the continental China
-<p>In this study, we construct a high-resolution shallow three-dimensional (3D) seismic model in the top 10 km of the upper crust in the continental China, with constraints of P polarization, Rayleigh wave ellipticity and receiver function obtained from records of 3848 seismic stations. Our 3D seismic model has a spatial resolution of $0.6°-1.2^°$ in the north-south seismic belt and the trans-north China orogen, and $1^°-2^°$ in the rest of the continental China (except the Tarim basin and the southwest Tibet). The seismic model exhibits low velocity anomalies of deposits in major sedimentary basins and high velocity anomalies of crustal bedrocks in young orogenic belts and old tectonic blocks. The inferred sediment thickness maps display thick deposits in major sedimentary basins, some compacted sediments in the intermontane basins in young orogenic belts and little sediments in old tectonic blocks. We also discuss compaction effects of the sediments and implications of tectonic history and geological evolution of the major basins in the continental China based on the inferred seismic models.</p>
diff --git a/tag/seismic-imaging-method/index.html b/tag/seismic-imaging-method/index.html
index 37fe5ed..ba021c9 100644
--- a/tag/seismic-imaging-method/index.html
+++ b/tag/seismic-imaging-method/index.html
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
@@ -315,7 +315,7 @@
@@ -728,13 +728,13 @@
diff --git a/tag/seismic-imaging-method/index.xml b/tag/seismic-imaging-method/index.xml
index 2dead56..6e05cd5 100644
--- a/tag/seismic-imaging-method/index.xml
+++ b/tag/seismic-imaging-method/index.xml
@@ -13,11 +13,12 @@
- Simultaneous inversion for surface wave phase velocity and earthquake centroid parameters
- https://me.seispider.info/project/simulataneous-inversion-phase-velocity-and-source/
+ Development and Application of Seismic Tomography Method
+ https://me.seispider.info/project/seismic-tomography-method/
Thu, 01 Sep 2022 00:00:00 +0000
- https://me.seispider.info/project/simulataneous-inversion-phase-velocity-and-source/
- <h3 id="simultaneous-inversion-for-surface-wave-phase-velocity-and-earthquake-centroid-parameters">Simultaneous inversion for surface wave phase velocity and earthquake centroid parameters</h3>
+ https://me.seispider.info/project/seismic-tomography-method/
+ <h2 id="simultaneous-inversion-for-surface-wave-phase-velocity-and-earthquake-centroid-parameters">Simultaneous inversion for surface wave phase velocity and earthquake centroid parameters</h2>
+<p>We develope a new method to simultaneously determine surface wave phase velocity and earthquake centroid parameters in three steps: 1) preliminary phase velocity inversion based on seismic ambient noise, 2) preliminary earthquake relocation based on earthquake surface wave data, and 3) simultaneous inversion for phase velocity and earthquake centroid parameters with constraints of inter-station phase velocity measurements based on seismic ambient noise and event-station phase velocity measurements based on earthquake surface wave data. Application of the method in the North South Seismic Belt region in China results in high-resolution Rayleigh wave phase velocity maps and accurate earthquake centroid parameters. The additional earthquake data notably improve resolution of the inverted phase velocity model in west Yunnan and central Tibetan blocks, the regions with sparse seismic station coverage. The inverted phase velocity model exhibits high-velocity anomalies in cratonic regions and the Emeishan Large Igneous Province, and low-velocity anomalies in the interior and surrounding regions of the Tibetan Plateau. Relocation places earthquakes in shallow depths with geotherm above the crustal rock’s brittle-ductile transition temperature of ~400℃, revealing thermal control on thickness of the seismogenic zone. With earthquake centroid parameters constrained, earthquake data are expected to provide further constraints on the deep seismic structure that is beyond the sampling limit of seismic ambient noise.</p>
@@ -35,17 +36,16 @@
<figure id="figure-inverted-rayleigh-wave-phase-velocity-and-earthquake-centroid-parameters">
<div class="d-flex justify-content-center">
<div class="w-100" ><img alt="Inverted Rayleigh wave phase velocity and earthquake centroid parameters" srcset="
- /project/simulataneous-inversion-phase-velocity-and-source/Joint.inversion.structure_hu6fff696fa00cb8e78620b205c63f88d9_1033174_70840d9e8a044575ed8b9eca60074903.webp 400w,
- /project/simulataneous-inversion-phase-velocity-and-source/Joint.inversion.structure_hu6fff696fa00cb8e78620b205c63f88d9_1033174_daa01b548a8202d8542afa8599ba9f2d.webp 760w,
- /project/simulataneous-inversion-phase-velocity-and-source/Joint.inversion.structure_hu6fff696fa00cb8e78620b205c63f88d9_1033174_1200x1200_fit_q75_h2_lanczos_3.webp 1200w"
- src="https://me.seispider.info/project/simulataneous-inversion-phase-velocity-and-source/Joint.inversion.structure_hu6fff696fa00cb8e78620b205c63f88d9_1033174_70840d9e8a044575ed8b9eca60074903.webp"
+ /project/seismic-tomography-method/Joint.inversion.structure_hu6fff696fa00cb8e78620b205c63f88d9_1033174_70840d9e8a044575ed8b9eca60074903.webp 400w,
+ /project/seismic-tomography-method/Joint.inversion.structure_hu6fff696fa00cb8e78620b205c63f88d9_1033174_daa01b548a8202d8542afa8599ba9f2d.webp 760w,
+ /project/seismic-tomography-method/Joint.inversion.structure_hu6fff696fa00cb8e78620b205c63f88d9_1033174_1200x1200_fit_q75_h2_lanczos_3.webp 1200w"
+ src="https://me.seispider.info/project/seismic-tomography-method/Joint.inversion.structure_hu6fff696fa00cb8e78620b205c63f88d9_1033174_70840d9e8a044575ed8b9eca60074903.webp"
loading="lazy" data-zoomable /></div>
</div><figcaption data-pre="Figure " data-post=": " class="numbered">
Inverted Rayleigh wave phase velocity and earthquake centroid parameters
-<p>In this study, we address this issue by developing a new method to simultaneously determine surface wave phase velocity and earthquake centroid parameters in three steps: 1) preliminary phase velocity inversion based on seismic ambient noise, 2) preliminary earthquake relocation based on earthquake surface wave data, and 3) simultaneous inversion for phase velocity and earthquake centroid parameters with constraints of inter-station phase velocity measurements based on seismic ambient noise and event-station phase velocity measurements based on earthquake surface wave data. Application of the method in the North South Seismic Belt region in China results in high-resolution Rayleigh wave phase velocity maps and accurate earthquake centroid parameters. The additional earthquake data notably improve resolution of the inverted phase velocity model in west Yunnan and central Tibetan blocks, the regions with sparse seismic station coverage. The inverted phase velocity model exhibits high-velocity anomalies in cratonic regions and the Emeishan Large Igneous Province, and low-velocity anomalies in the interior and surrounding regions of the Tibetan Plateau. Relocation places earthquakes in shallow depths with geotherm above the crustal rock’s brittle-ductile transition temperature of ~400℃, revealing thermal control on thickness of the seismogenic zone. With earthquake centroid parameters constrained, earthquake data are expected to provide further constraints on the deep seismic structure that is beyond the sampling limit of seismic ambient noise.</p>
diff --git a/tags/index.html b/tags/index.html
index 2226ba9..7693577 100644
--- a/tags/index.html
+++ b/tags/index.html
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
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@@ -724,7 +724,7 @@