In this module there are three simple programs. First is using map, second stack and third is using vector
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Program which outputs the value of a certain amount of bitcoin on a certain date.
Program take file as argument that
- Each line in file must use the format: "date | value"
- A valid date will always be in the following format: Year-Month-Day
- A valid value must be either a float or a positive integer, between 0 and 1000
- run command
inside ex00 directory -> this will create executable calledbtc
- run executable like:
./btc <input_file>
Program that implements Reverse Polish Notation
- run command
inside ex01 directory -> this will create executable calledRPN
- run executable like:
./RPN "<numbers> <operators>
for example./RPN "7 8 +"
Program that implements merge insert-insertion sort/Ford-Johnson alorithm explained in volume 3 of The Art of Computer Programming written by Donald Knuth
- run command
inside ex02 directory -> this will create executable calledPmergeMe
- run executable like:
./PmergeMe <number> <number> ..
like./PmergeMe 6 7 2