Static site and styleguide Maker IMPORTANT DO NOT USE. Deprecated.
- Node
- Grunt
- Ruby
- SASS 3.4+ *Check SASS version sass-v *Assemble
/src // Main Folder.
--/assets // assets
----/css //where your sass files get parsed to .
-----/ //This file MUST be here for the styleguide to work .
----/images // .
-----/sprites // put all your sprites here. Grunt will build spritesheet.png for you. It will also add a _sprites.scss file in your scss folder
----/js // .
--/content // .
----/ // .
--/data // .
--/scss //put all your sass files here .
--/styleguide // the template for the styleguide. You can change the look of the styleguide here .
--/templates //your hbs files for assemble go here .
----/layout // .
----/pages // .
----/partials // .
/dist // folder created when you run grunt server
/node_modules // Folder created when running npm install
/bower_components // Folder created when running bower install
Reference: Go to the node.js website and click the Install button.
Check to see if node.js installed properly...
$ node -v
$ sudo npm install -g grunt-cli
$ npm install -g bower
Install node.js Dependencies / Modules
From within the cloned repository...
$ npm install
Install SASS
From within the cloned repository...
$ gem install sass
Using browsersync
Reference: h
Using Assemble
start the server to preview static pages
install bower components: bower install
install nmp dependencies: sudo npm install
Preview an app you have generated (with browsersync).
$ grunt server
or with more info on the terminal.
$ grunt server --verbose
Using Jshint
if you add any plugins for jquery add this to the top of each file so jshint will ignore them // jshint ignore: start
Also if you you want you can edit the jshintrc file and add the plugin vars to the 'globals' array. Example "globals": { "$":false, "jquery":false, "app":false, "google":false, "Modernizr":false // other explicit global names to exclude }
Dependencies already in the layout/defualt.hbs
modernizr.js v2.8.3 You can upgrade to 3 if desired. Just do bower uninstall modernizr
and reinstall 3
or remove this dependency "bower uninstall modernizr" and add it manually.
jQuery v1.11.3 Is also included by default. Do the same as in modernizr if you want a different version of jquery
Importing CSS Breakpoints Into JavaScript
I have setup _mediaquery-reference.scss and in apps.js so you can check in your JS what breakpoint you are in. I have setup a simple example
body:after { content: "mobile"; display: none; } @media only screen and (min-width: 1025px) { body:after { content: "desktop";
} @media only screen and (min-width: 1200px) { body:after { content: "bigdesktop";