Zumo Gesture Controller Project
Welcome to my GitHub repository! This project is a full-stack application comprising of a modern React-based frontend, Node Express backend, Arduino Zumo robot, and Raspberry Pi Pico W controller.
Whether you are an experienced developer or just starting, my codebase is well-structured and easy to navigate. I hope you find this project both informative and engaging. Thank you for visiting our repository!
Built with ❤︎ by
Alex Hornsby
- React — A JavaScript library for building user interfaces
- Express — A web framework for Node.js
- Zumo Robot — A Arduino based robot called Zumo
- Raspberry Pi Pico W — A Raspberry Pi Pico W controller for wireless communication with the robot and backend
Note All environment variables are required.
Copy and paste the .env.local.template
file and rename to .env.local
to run the frontend. Instructions are in the file.
To run the frontend, install the packages via npm i
and then run npm start dev
Warning The backend is designed to run on a local machine. It is not designed to be deployed to a server.
To run the backend, install the packages via npm i
and then run npm start dev
. The backend is configured to run on localhost:3001
- React
- react-dom
- react-router-dom
- react-scripts
- react-i18next
- i18next
- i18next-browser-languagedetector
- i18next-http-backend
- socket.io-client
- typescript
- web-vitals
- eslint
- prettier
- @mui/material
- @mui/icons-material
- @mui/styles
- @mui/react
- Raspberry Pi Pico W
- Raspberry Pi Pico W SDK
- WiFi
- WiFiClient
- WiFiServer
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