- Bookmark your favorite sites for quick access later.
- Saved in the TeensyROM for future sessions.
- Defaults loaded with popular text sites
- Previously visited sites saved in a browsing queue, use the 'p' command to go back.
- Ability to Read filtered (via FrogFind) or raw/unfiltered web pages
- Download files directly to specified path on USB or SD
- Path saved in TeensyROM
- View doawnloaded files and launch directly from browser
- Use search engine terms to find content quickly
- Displays PETSCII characters via HTML (development tools here)
- This is a text based interface only. There is some formatting and colors based on HTML tags, and the ability to download, but no in-line graphics, etc.
- HTTPS is not supported directly. However, secure sites can be filtered/loaded via FrogFind. If you see a message regarding this, try the reload/filtered command: 'rf'
- Redirects are not automatic. Either apply filter or follow link.
- These commands are available in FW version 0.5.8 and higher.
- See these instructions if you need to update
- Connect to the internet using a terminal program (such as the built-in CCGMS) as described in the Ethernet Usage Document
- TeensyROM will attempt to initialize Ethernet when Swiftlink starts, but you can retry/verify using "ATC"
- Enter "atbrowse" and hit return to enter browser mode
- You should see a short list of Browser mode commands.
Command | Description |
? | Show Browser Commands |
Return | When page is paused, hitting Return alone continues to next screen |
S [Term] | Search the internet for [Term] via the FrogFind text search engine |
P | Go to Previous Page |
R[m] | Re-load current page Common modifiers (see below). |
U[m] [URL] | Go to [URL] (Use Server name or IP address) URL Format: host[:port][/path] "HTTP://" is assumed and added Common modifiers (see below). |
#[m] | Follow link shown on current screen Common modifiers (see below). |
B[x] | Bookmark Read/Jump/Set [x] modifiers: (none) : List Bookmark names with links U : List Bookmark namess w/ links, also show URL # : Jump to bookmark # S# : Set Current page as bookmark # R# [Name] : Rename bookmark # to [Name] |
DS [d]:[p] | Set download path, in this format: [drive]:[path/directory] Where drive is "usb" or "sd" |
D | Show Download Path Directory Contents Select link # to launch directly |
X | Exit Browser mode |
Modifier | Description |
(none) | Use previous/default |
D | Download as file to the Download path Note that .prg, .crt, .sid, and .hex files are auomatically downloaded without modifier |
F | Filter the URL response through FrogFind |
R | Read raw, directly from unfiltered URL |