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129 lines (125 loc) · 11.5 KB



Name Type Description Notes
match_id int Match ID [optional]
player_slot int Which slot the player is in. 0-127 are Radiant, 128-255 are Dire [optional]
ability_upgrades_arr list[int] An array describing how abilities were upgraded [optional]
ability_uses object Object containing information on how many times the played used their abilities [optional]
ability_targets object Object containing information on who the player used their abilities on [optional]
damage_targets object Object containing information on how and how much damage the player dealt to other heroes [optional]
account_id int account_id [optional]
actions object Object containing information on how many and what type of actions the player issued to their hero [optional]
additional_units object Object containing information on additional units the player had under their control [optional]
assists int Number of assists the player had [optional]
backpack_0 int Item in backpack slot 0 [optional]
backpack_1 int Item in backpack slot 1 [optional]
backpack_2 int Item in backpack slot 2 [optional]
buyback_log list[InlineResponse200BuybackLog] Array containing information about buybacks [optional]
camps_stacked int Number of camps stacked [optional]
creeps_stacked int Number of creeps stacked [optional]
damage object Object containing information about damage dealt by the player to different units [optional]
damage_inflictor object Object containing information about about the sources of this player's damage to heroes [optional]
damage_inflictor_received object Object containing information about the sources of damage received by this player from heroes [optional]
damage_taken object Object containing information about from whom the player took damage [optional]
deaths int Number of deaths [optional]
denies int Number of denies [optional]
dn_t list[int] Array containing number of denies at different times of the match [optional]
gold int Gold at the end of the game [optional]
gold_per_min int Gold Per Minute obtained by this player [optional]
gold_reasons object Object containing information on how the player gainined gold over the course of the match [optional]
gold_spent int How much gold the player spent [optional]
gold_t list[int] Array containing total gold at different times of the match [optional]
hero_damage int Hero Damage Dealt [optional]
hero_healing int Hero Healing Done [optional]
hero_hits object Object containing information on how many ticks of damages the hero inflicted with different spells and damage inflictors [optional]
hero_id int [optional]
item_0 int Item in the player's first slot [optional]
item_1 int Item in the player's second slot [optional]
item_2 int Item in the player's third slot [optional]
item_3 int Item in the player's fourth slot [optional]
item_4 int Item in the player's fifth slot [optional]
item_5 int Item in the player's sixth slot [optional]
item_uses object Object containing information about how many times a player used items [optional]
kill_streaks object Object containing information about the player's killstreaks [optional]
killed object Object containing information about what units the player killed [optional]
killed_by object Object containing information about who killed the player [optional]
kills int Number of kills [optional]
kills_log list[InlineResponse200KillsLog] Array containing information on which hero the player killed at what time [optional]
lane_pos object Object containing information on lane position [optional]
last_hits int Number of last hits [optional]
leaver_status int Integer describing whether or not the player left the game. 0: didn't leave. 1: left safely. 2+: Abandoned [optional]
level int Level at the end of the game [optional]
lh_t list[int] Array describing last hits at each minute in the game [optional]
life_state object life_state [optional]
max_hero_hit object Object with information on the highest damage instance the player inflicted [optional]
multi_kills object Object with information on the number of the number of multikills the player had [optional]
obs object Object with information on where the player placed observer wards. The location takes the form (outer number, inner number) and are from ~64-192. [optional]
obs_left_log list[object] obs_left_log [optional]
obs_log list[object] Object containing information on when and where the player placed observer wards [optional]
obs_placed int Total number of observer wards placed [optional]
party_id int party_id [optional]
permanent_buffs list[object] Array describing permanent buffs the player had at the end of the game. List of constants can be found here: [optional]
pings int Total number of pings [optional]
purchase object Object containing information on the items the player purchased [optional]
purchase_log list[InlineResponse200PurchaseLog] Object containing information on when items were purchased [optional]
rune_pickups int Number of runes picked up [optional]
runes dict(str, int) Object with information about which runes the player picked up [optional]
runes_log list[InlineResponse200RunesLog] Array with information on when runes were picked up [optional]
sen object Object with information on where sentries were placed. The location takes the form (outer number, inner number) and are from ~64-192. [optional]
sen_left_log list[object] Array containing information on when and where the player placed sentries [optional]
sen_log list[object] Array with information on when and where sentries were placed by the player [optional]
sen_placed int How many sentries were placed by the player [optional]
stuns float Total stun duration of all stuns by the player [optional]
times list[int] Time in seconds corresponding to the time of entries of other arrays in the match. [optional]
tower_damage int Total tower damage done by the player [optional]
xp_per_min int Experience Per Minute obtained by the player [optional]
xp_reasons object Object containing information on the sources of this player's experience [optional]
xp_t list[int] Experience at each minute of the game [optional]
personaname str personaname [optional]
name str name [optional]
radiant_win bool Boolean indicating whether Radiant won the match [optional]
start_time int Start time of the match in seconds since 1970 [optional]
duration int Duration of the game in seconds [optional]
cluster int cluster [optional]
lobby_type int Integer corresponding to lobby type of match. List of constants can be found here: [optional]
game_mode int Integer corresponding to game mode played. List of constants can be found here: [optional]
patch int Integer representing the patch the game was played on [optional]
region int Integer corresponding to the region the game was played on [optional]
is_radiant bool Boolean for whether or not the player is on Radiant [optional]
win int Binary integer representing whether or not the player won [optional]
lose int Binary integer representing whether or not the player lost [optional]
total_gold int Total gold at the end of the game [optional]
total_xp int Total experience at the end of the game [optional]
kills_per_min float Number of kills per minute [optional]
kda float kda [optional]
abandons int abandons [optional]
neutral_kills int Total number of neutral creeps killed [optional]
tower_kills int Total number of tower kills the player had [optional]
courier_kills int Total number of courier kills the player had [optional]
lane_kills int Total number of lane creeps killed by the player [optional]
hero_kills int Total number of heroes killed by the player [optional]
observer_kills int Total number of observer wards killed by the player [optional]
sentry_kills int Total number of sentry wards killed by the player [optional]
roshan_kills int Total number of roshan kills (last hit on roshan) the player had [optional]
necronomicon_kills int Total number of Necronomicon creeps killed by the player [optional]
ancient_kills int Total number of Ancient creeps killed by the player [optional]
buyback_count int Total number of buyback the player used [optional]
observer_uses int Number of observer wards used [optional]
sentry_uses int Number of sentry wards used [optional]
lane_efficiency float lane_efficiency [optional]
lane_efficiency_pct float lane_efficiency_pct [optional]
lane int Integer referring to which lane the hero laned in [optional]
lane_role int lane_role [optional]
is_roaming bool Boolean referring to whether or not the player roamed [optional]
purchase_time object Object with information on when the player last purchased an item [optional]
first_purchase_time object Object with information on when the player first puchased an item [optional]
item_win object Object with information on whether or not the item won [optional]
item_usage object Object containing binary integers the tell whether the item was purchased by the player (note: this is always 1) [optional]
purchase_tpscroll object Total number of TP scrolls purchased by the player [optional]
actions_per_min int Actions per minute [optional]
life_state_dead int life_state_dead [optional]
rank_tier int The rank tier of the player. Tens place indicates rank, ones place indicates stars. [optional]
cosmetics list[int] cosmetics [optional]
benchmarks object Object containing information on certain benchmarks like GPM, XPM, KDA, tower damage, etc [optional]

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