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UBrain edited this page Aug 29, 2020 · 1 revision

Welcome to Server Analytics - An analytics platform for your Discord Server

This wiki is the main source of documentation for developers working or contributing to our tools. If you need further help, feel free to join our discord server (mainly french) or open a new issue.


This repository contains Server Analytics "stats-page", while it doesn't contain the entire code to avoid exact copies of our project, you can of course still use this code for your own projects, remember respecting our GPL-3.0 License -- and crediting our work.

This project is mainly made of HTML5 and Javascript, the CSS is not included but can be found directly on our website (theme/pages/stats.css). This repository is not maint to be cloned an set up on a server, but it is still possible. We plan on making this repository easily clonable and usable, so feel free to help us to do so!

Clone this wiki locally