Neoxa is a blockchain that features assets and the ability to obtain cryptocurrency while playing games. Neoxa is a Proof of Work minable coin. Proof of Game is a new way for gamers to participate in blockchain technology, simply by playing games. Until now, the minable cryptocurrency communities and gaming communities have been separated by a graphic card shortage. With Neoxa, both these communities can come together and get a piece of the block. See the Neoxa whitepaper:
Neoxa aims to allow gamers to play their favourite games and at the same time earn Neoxa as a reward. Majority of our developers have been gaming for years and have some exciting features to add within our gaming servers. How will we do it? Well... the beauty of PC Gaming and even console (Yes, we have a way to make this happen) is that modding is available to implement all the monitoring features we need to make our vision a reality.
Time after time we see blockchains popping up with no realistic goals or the work never carried out, this is why we provide a Proof of Concept on day one of launching. It's important to showcase our vision and how the barebones of the system will work and expand on this over the months and years.
Neoxa Core is released under the terms of the MIT license. See COPYING for more information or see
The master
branch is regularly built and tested, but is not guaranteed to be
completely stable. Tags are created
regularly to indicate new official, stable release versions of Neoxa Core.
The contribution workflow is described in
Neoxa Core is dedicated to ensure all new updates that are released will be thoroughly tested before entering the mainnet, this is why we have a testnet running alongside our main chain. While the testnet is running we will regularly run unit_testing that is built into Neoxa Core and ensure all reports come back as PASSED.
Changes should be tested by somebody other than the developer who wrote the code. This is especially important for large or high-risk changes. It is useful to add a test plan to the pull request description if testing the changes is not straightforward.
Neoxa is the currency for investors, gamers and gaming developers. Neoxa will be implemented to games such as Minecraft, Roblox and many other popular games that allows custom modifications and servers. It does not stop there, with blockchain assets, developers can implement Neoxa assets into any game and feature it in the upcoming Neoxa marketplace.
Thank you to the Bitcoin developers. Thank you to the Ravencoin developers.