This Laravel package send the errors or failed jobs occuring in your application to an external server. For example to display these errors or failed jobs on a dashboard like the spatie/
For the failed jobs logging we are extending spatie/laravel-failed-job-monitor and overwriting their default Notification class to allow us to send it to your remote server.
You can install the package via Composer:
composer require sevenlab/laravel-remote-logging
The package will automatically register itself.
You can publish the config files with:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="SevenLab\RemoteLogging\RemoteLoggingServiceProvider"
And finally you should install the exception handling in the report
function in the Exception handler (app/Exceptions/Handler.php
if (app()->bound('remote-logging')) {
By default it will send all errors and failed jobs that occur into your application to the remote server specified in the config file.