Crate Stats and Download Crates tools for W&M CSCI 680 Course (Fall 2022).
With Rust installed on the system, Crate Stats can be run via the following command:
cargo run --bin crate-stats
Similarly, the Download Crates tool can be run via the following command:
cargo run --bin download_crates
With Julia installed on the system, the statistics code can be opened in browser with the following command:
julia -e "import Pluto;;"
One the locally hosted Pluto webpage is open, select either statistics-v1 or statistics-v2 to see the statistics generated for our first and second presentation updates as well as the paper.
A compressed copy of the Postgres database used to generate the above statistics is available via the following Google Drive link:
Once downloaded, the compressed database can be reloaded via the following commands:
createdb dbname
gunzip -c filename.gz | psql dbname
See for details.
This project was developed by Collin MacDonald and Sam Sartor.