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Competitive Splatoon Platform

Selected Features

  • Full tournament system
    • Automatic bracket progression
    • Single Elimination, Double Elimination, Round Robin, Swiss
    • Splatoon specific maplists (picked by the organizer or teams)
    • Counterpicking of different styles
    • Automatic seeding tool
    • Ranked tournaments allowing users to climb the leaderboard
    • View streams of tournament (both participants and the cast)
  • Seasonal ladder system
    • Join by yourself or with 1-3 of your mates, get a full group and challenge other teams
    • View streams of ongoing matches
    • Maplist generation based on given preferences
    • Private notes
  • Map planner that lets you draw on maps and insert weapons
  • Map list generation tool
  • Win badges from tournaments, management tools for TOs
  • Calendar to find out upcoming events to play in
  • Event result reporting
  • Plus Server for top players "looking for group purposes" voting and suggestion tools.
  • User pages
  • User search
  • "LFG", find make a post to find people to play with
  • Form teams (featuring uploading profile and banner pictures)
  • Object Damage Calculator (how much does each weapon deal vs. different objects)
  • Build Analyzer (exact stats of your builds)
  • Add and search for videos by weapon, stage, player and more
  • Auth via Discord
  • Light and dark mode
  • Localization

Tech stack

  • React
  • Remix
  • Sqlite3
  • CSS (plain)
  • E2E tests via Playwright
  • Unit/integration tests via Vitest


Running locally

Prerequisites: nvm

There is a sequence of commands you need to run:

  1. nvm use to switch to the correct Node version. If you don't have the correct Node.js version yet it will prompt you to install it via the nvm install command. If you have problems with nvm you can also install the latest LTS version of Node.js from their website.
  2. npm install to install the dependencies.
  3. Make a copy of .env.example that's called .env. Filling additional values is not necessary unless you want to use real Discord authentication or develop the Lohi bot.
  4. npm run migrate up to set up the database tables.
  5. npm run dev to run the project in development mode.
  6. Navigate to http://localhost:5173/admin. There press the seed button to fill the DB with test data. You can also impersonate any user (Sendou#0043 = admin).


See for more information.



Empty DB with the latest migration run. When creating new migrations they should also be applied+committed to this file (add it in .env and then run the migration command as normal).


Translation Progress can be translated into any language. All the translations can be found in the locales folder. Here is how you can contribute:

  1. Copy a .json file from /en folder.
  2. Translate lines one by one. For example "country": "Country", could become "country": "Maa",. Keep the "key" on the left side of : unchanged.
  3. Finally, send the translated .json to Sendou or make a pull request if you know how.

Things to note:

  • weapons.json and gear.json are auto-generated. Don't touch these.
  • If some language doesn't have a folder it can be added.
  • Some translated .json files can also have some lines in English as new lines get added to the site. Those can then be translated.
  • Some lines have a dynamic part like this one: "articleBy": "by {{author}}" in this case {{author}} should appear in the translated version unchanged. So in other words don't translate the part inside {{}}.
  • There is one more special syntax to keep in mind. When you translate this line "project": " is a project by <2>Sendou</2> with help from contributors:", the <2></2> should appear in the translated version. The text inside these tags can change.
  • To update a translation file copy the existing file, do any modifications needed and send the updated one.

Any questions please ask Sendou!


  1. Take an existing article as a base:
  2. Copy and paste the contents to a text file
  3. First, edit the info section at the top:
  • "title" = title of the page
  • "date" = date when this article was written (format YYYY-MM-DD)
  • "author" = your name as you want it shown on the website
  1. Write the actual article below the second ---
  2. You can use Markdown for more advanced formatting (read for more info)
  3. Name the file as you want the URL to be. For example becomes
  4. Send the file to Sendou (or open a pull request if you know how)
  5. Optional: also send an image as .png if you want to show a link preview. The preferred dimensions are 1200 × 630.

SQL Logging

By default SQL is logged in truncated format. You can adjust this by changing the SQL_LOG env var. Possible values are "trunc", "full" and "none".

Note it only logs queries made via Kysely.


If you want to use the API then please leave an issue explaining your use case. By default, I want to allow open use of the data on the site. It's just not recommended to use the same APIs the web pages use as they are not stable at all and can change at any time without warning.

Project structure
├── app/
│   ├── components/ -- React components
│   ├── db/ -- Database layer
│   ├── hooks/ -- React hooks
│   ├── modules/ -- "nodu_modules but part of the app"
│   ├── routes/ -- Routes see:
│   ├── styles/ -- All .css files of the project for styling
│   ├── utils/ -- Random helper functions used in many places
│   └── permissions.ts / -- What actions are allowed. Separated by frontend and backend as frontend has constraints based on what user sees.
├── migrations/ -- Database migrations
├── public/ -- Images, built assets etc. static files to be served as is
└── scripts/ -- Stand-alone scripts to be run outside of the app

NOTE: public/static-assets should only have files that don't change as it is cached for 1 month.

Feature folders

Feature folders contain all the code needed to make that feature happen. Some common folders include:

  • routes (same principle as Remix file system routing)
  • queries
  • components
  • core (all core logic, separated from any React details)

Some common files:

  • styles.css
  • feature-hooks.ts
  • feature-utils.ts
  • feature-constants.ts
  • feature-schemas.server.ts


Add new badge to the database

npx tsx scripts/add-badge.ts fire_green "Octofin Eliteboard"

Rename display name of a badge

npx tsx scripts/rename-badge.ts 10 "New 4v4 Sundaes"

Add many badge owners

npx tsx scripts/add-badge-winners.ts 10 "750705955909664791,79237403620945920"

Converting gifs (badges) to thumbnail (.png)

sips -s format png ./sundae.gif --out .

Convert many .png files to .avif

While in the folder with the images:

for i in *.png; do npx @squoosh/cli --avif '{"cqLevel":33,"cqAlphaLevel":-1,"denoiseLevel":0,"tileColsLog2":0,"tileRowsLog2":0,"speed":6,"subsample":1,"chromaDeltaQ":false,"sharpness":0,"tune":0}' $i; done

Note: it only works with Node 16.

How to...

Download the production database from

Note: This is only useful if you have access to a production running on

  1. Access the "Shell" tab
  2. cd /var/data
  3. cp db.sqlite3 db-copy.sqlite3
  4. wormhole send db-copy.sqlite3
  5. On the receiving computer use the command shown.

Doing monthly update

  1. Fill /scripts/dicts with new data from leanny repository:
    • weapon = contents of weapon folder
    • langs = contents of language folder
    • Couple of others at the root: GearInfoClothes.json, GearInfoHead.json, GearInfoShoes.json, spl__DamageRateInfoConfig.pp__CombinationDataTableData.json, SplPlayer.game__GameParameterTable.json, WeaponInfoMain.json, WeaponInfoSpecial.json and WeaponInfoSub.json
  2. Update all CURRENT_SEASON constants
  3. Update CURRENT_PATCH constants
  4. Update PATCHES constant with the late patch + remove the oldest
  5. Update the stage list in stage-ids.ts and create-misc-json.ts. Add images from Lean's repository and avify them.
  6. npx tsx scripts/create-misc-json.ts
  7. npx tsx scripts/create-gear-json.ts
  8. npx tsx scripts/create-analyzer-json.ts 8a. Double check that no hard-coded special damages changed
  9. npx tsx scripts/create-object-dmg-json.ts
  10. Fill new weapon IDs by category to weapon-ids.ts (easy to take from the diff of English weapons.json)
  11. Get gear IDs for each slot from /output folder and update gear-ids.ts.
  12. Replace object-dmg.json with the object-dmg.json in /output folder
  13. Replace weapon-params.ts with the params.json in /output folder
  14. Delete all images inside main-weapons, main-weapons-outlined, main-weapons-outlined-2 and gear folders.
  15. Replace with images from Lean's repository.
  16. Run the npx tsx scripts/replace-img-names.ts command
  17. Run the npx tsx scripts/replace-weapon-names.ts command
  18. Run the .avif generating command in each image folder.
  19. Update manually any languages that use English gear.json and weapons.json files

Fix errors from the CI Pipeline

If you change any files and the CI pipeline errors out on certain formatting/linting steps (Biome) run this command in the repo's root directory:

npm run checks

Before committing, if for some reason you see an abnormally high amount of files changed, simply run git add --renormalize . and it will fix the error.


Competitive Splatoon Platform







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  • TypeScript 92.8%
  • CSS 5.2%
  • JavaScript 2.0%