A VScript-based addon based on spawning and managing the current number count of survivors. Currently buggy for actual multiplayer purposes due to inability to host multiplayer on my end.
!survbot <number, leave empty for 1>
- Manually add survivor bots.
- Remove a bot in your crosshair, or nearest to it.
!survcount <number>
- Set the survCount setting and refresh it in-game. This handles the auto-management of number of survivors and saves permanently across all games in it's settings file.
!survorder <character list>
- Change the survivor order the Auto-Manager spawns bots in. Leave empty to reset to default survivor order.
Example: !survorder b z e f n c l r z l
- Takeover control to your crosshair's nearest survivor bot. Will not work if you or the bot are pinned, downed, or dead.
- Re-enables the Auto-Manager if you screw up the bot count.