Xcode Version 11.1 (11A1027)
Image gallery app that will access API endpoint to fetch all available photos and show them to the user.
The application shall have two screens:
- The first screen has one view with thumbnails of all available photos for the car.
- When the user taps on one of the thumbnails, a second screen must load to show the bigger photo in the middle of the screen.
This project uses Carthage and Swift Package Manager to manage the dependencies.
- Please run this command to update ReactiveCocoa and Snapshot dependencies. (These dependencies don't support Swift Package Manager yet)
- ReactiveSwift will be updated automatically once you open the project via Swift Package Manager.
- Install Swiftlint using: brew install swiftlint
- git clone https://github.com/ShadyGhalab/ImageGallery.git
- carthage update --platform iOS
- Wait for Swift Package Manager to update its dependencies
- Run! 😎
This project uses the MVVM software architectural pattern.
- The project is configured for localization with English language.
- The project uses XCTest for unit test.
- The project ues FBSnapshotTestCase for snapshopt test.
- The snapshots have been recored for iPhone 8 only, And it has been stored in folder "ImageGallery/ImageGalleryTests/ReferenceImages_64"