A sample test Flutter project.
The Dart language usually outperforms all other development frameworks in terms of device performance. The Google-backed Flutter framework is an open-source development toolkit. It enables developers to post queries and gives them the authority to access various documents through open developer forums. The most common features are:-.
- AOT and JIT compilation for fast reload and fast released code.
- A good garbage collector to clean up after creating and destroying many objects.
- Single threaded to avoid locks and therefore jank.
- An arm compiler to avoid having another engine running the code on the device (aka React Native)
There are several advantages of Dart over Kotlin/Swift
- Flutter is open-source.
- It supports cross platfrom development.
- Supports hot-reload.
- Easy to create widgets.
- Accessible native features.
- Uses JIT and AOT compilation.
- Minimal code.