Flights data Analysis using MPI and Docker.
docker pull husseinabdallah2/mpi4py-cluster:master
docker images
Explanation: The above commands are used to pull the existing image “husseinabdallah2/mpi4py-cluster:master” from docker hub.
Then we are listing the existing images in the docker library.
docker run --mount type=bind,source=D:\DOCKERA3T2,target=/A3files --name masternode -it facd914d2eb6 /bin/bash
docker run --mount type=bind,source=D:\DOCKERA3T2,target=/A3files --name workernode1 -it facd914d2eb6 /bin/bash
docker run --mount type=bind,source=D:\DOCKERA3T2,target=/A3files --name workernode2 -it facd914d2eb6 /bin/bash
docker run --mount type=bind,source=D:\DOCKERA3T2,target=/A3files --name workernode3 -it facd914d2eb6 /bin/bash
Explanation: The above commands are used to create containers from the pulled image “facd914d2eb6” and map the location from local with the location in the docker container(ubuntu)
docker ps -a
Explanation: command to list the available images in the image repository
docker start 70b3968e54ee6920f59c34097409581eecd336ae6321a341bcbbb085ff38b5bb 32beb28f308c0e94db4eaf5a655e094d55e337f744149e8f1d79aca28aac 0552972d18ab287e87aced3b4e742dc24c38634d088fee18fc5fb608c99c1f f1b11ac2bcb411a89ed9ee8b5f432682a32d97f0fdbd7ff108df0ab152abcb
Explanation: Start command is used to activiate the containers which we just created.
docker exec -it 70b3968e54ee6920f59c34097409581eecd336ae6321a341bcbbb085ff38b5bb /bin/bash
Explanation: Command to enter inside the docker container. “ls -lrt is used to list the available directories. (MASTER NODE)
apt-get update
Explanation: Explanation: apt-get update retrieves package lists from the repositories and "updates" them with information on the most recent versions of packages and their dependencies.
apt-get install nano net-tools iputils-ping openssh-client openssh-server
Explanation: command to install network tools.
pip install pandas==1.5.
Explanation : Command to install pandas package in ubuntu
nano ~/machinefile
Explanation: Command to set the IP addresses(hosts).
Explanation: Command to set the password to the container.
service ssh start
Explanation : command to start and check the ssh service.
docker exec -it 32beb28f308c0e94db4eaf5a655e094d55e337f744149e8f1d79aca28aac9 /bin/bash
Explanation: Command to enter inside the container.
apt-get update
Explanation: apt-get update retrieves package lists from the repositories and "updates" them with information on the most recent versions of packages and their dependencies.
apt-get install nano net-tools iputils-ping openssh-client openssh-server
Explanation: command to install network tools.
pip install pandas==1.5.
Explanation: Command to install the pandas package.
nano ~/machinefile
Explanation: Command to set the IP addresses(hosts).
Explanation: Command to set the password to the container.
service ssh start
Explanation: command to start and check the ssh service. Till now we have configured the containers master and worker1. Repeat the above steps for the other 2 containers as well. (worker2 and worker3)
nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Explanation: command to exit the ssh config file.
Check for “PermitRootLogin yes“
ssh root@
Explanation: command to check the connectivity between the master
container and worker1 container
ssh root@
Explanation: command to check the connectivity between the master container and worker2 container
ssh root@
Explanation: command to check the connectivity between the master
container and worker3 container
ssh-keygen -t rsa
Explanation: command to create a ssh key in the master node.
ls -lrt
Explanation: command to list the files and directories in the master container and check if the ssh key is generated.
ssh-copy-id -i root@
Explanation: command to copy the generated ssh key to worker1.
ssh-copy-id -i root@
Explanation: command to copy the generated ssh key to worker2.
ssh-copy-id -i root@
Explanation: command to copy the generated ssh key to worker3.
ssh-copy-id -i root@
Explanation: command to copy the ssh key and enable the passwordless ssh from master to worker1.
ssh-copy-id -i root@
Explanation: command to copy the ssh key and enable the passwordless ssh from master to worker2.
ssh-copy-id -i root@
Explanation: command to copy the ssh key and enable the passwordless ssh from master to worker3.
docker network inspect bridge
Explanation: Command to display the network configurations and ip addresses.
Below are the scripts to demonstrate the working of MPI using docker containers.
mpiexec -n 4 -machinefile ~/machinefile python -m mpi4py
mpiexec -n 4 -machinefile ~/machinefile python -m mpi4py
mpiexec -n 4 -machinefile ~/machinefile python -m mpi4py usecase3_avgtimebetweenNA&
mpiexec -n 4 -machinefile ~/machinefile python -m mpi4py
We then analyze the perfromance of the MPI python scripts by varying the container counts.
Plotting the results produces the below graph
Finally the Stats
Analysis and Observation:
After executing the MPI queries(Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4), we can observe a pattern where the time is reducing as we increase the number of workers (containers here). We can witness the work being distributed as we increase the worker hence the speed improvement.