This repo contains all of my codes which is done based on the lectures and materials provided by nand2tetris course in coursera. This course is all about creating a computer starting right from the creation of basic logic gates using nand gate.
- Week 1 - Creating basic logic gates, multiplexer and de multiplexer using nand gates.
- Week 2 - Creating adders and ALU using previously built gates.
- Week 3 - Creating sequential logic circuits like a bit holder, register and RAM using all the combinational logic cicuits and D-flip flops built previously.
- Week 4 - Creating asm files and testing them using CPU emulator.
- Week 5 - Creating memory, CPU and the Hack computer using previously built sequential and combinational logic circuits based on the architecture given below.
- Week 6 - Creating a hack assembler to convert asm files to binary based on the hack assembly language rules (I did it using python but one can use any language of their choice).