This code is for our paper "Semi-supervised Conditional GAN for Simultaneous Generation and Detection of Phishing URLs: A Game theoretic Perspective" which is under review.
title={Semi-supervised Conditional GAN for Simultaneous Generation and Detection of Phishing URLs: A Game theoretic Perspective},
author={Kamran, Sharif Amit and Sengupta, Shamik and Tavakkoli, Alireza},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.01852},
- Ubuntu 18.04 / Windows 7 or later
- NVIDIA Graphics card
- Download and Install Nvidia Drivers
- Download and Install via Runfile Nvidia Cuda Toolkit 10.0
- Download and Install Nvidia CuDNN 7.6.5 or later
- Install Pip3 and Python3 enviornment
sudo apt-get install pip3 python3-dev
- Install Tensorflow-Gpu version-2.0.0 and Keras version-2.3.1
sudo pip3 install tensorflow-gpu==2.0.0
sudo pip3 install keras==2.3.1
- Install packages from requirements.txt
sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Preprocess all the data to npz format using file.
python3 --url_length=200 --npz_filename='phishing.npz' --n_samples=50000
- There are different flags to choose from. Not all of them are mandatory.
'--url_length', type=int, default=200
'--npz_filename', type=str, default='phishing.npz'
'--n_sampels',types=int, default=50000,help='number of good and bad samples.'
- Type this in terminal to run the file
python3 --npz_file=phishing.npz --batch_size=64 --epochs=200 --savedir=PhishGan --resume_training=no --latent_dim=50
- There are different flags to choose from. Not all of them are mandatory
'--epochs', type=int, default=200
'--batch_size', type=int, default=64
'--npz_file', type=str, default='phishing.npz', help='path/to/npz/file'
'--latent_dim', type=int, default=50
'--savedir', type=str, required=False, help='path/to/save_directory',default='PhishGan'
'--resume_training', type=str, required=False, default='no', choices=['yes','no']
'--weight_name_dis',type=str, help='path/to/discriminator/weight/.h5 file', required=False
'--weight_name_gen',type=str, help='path/to/generator/weight/.h5 file', required=False