In this project, we examined the performance of protected areas in conserving the annual cycle of migratory butterflies. Here are brief descriptions of the R scripts.
01.gbifData.R: collecting GBIF data
02.dataCleaning.R: cleaning GBIF data
03.dataPreparation.R: earlier script [We prepared the data for the analysis.]
04.spatialThinning.R: earlier script [We planned to do the thinning using the spThin R package, but considering the time it was taking for each species, we decided to run it when running the niche models]
04.spatialThinning_hpc.R: earlier script [We thought about running the thinning using HPC and then changed the plan.] earlier script [We thought about running the thinning using HPC and then changed the plan.]
05.suitabilityMaps.R: running the niche model
06.migr_butt_country.R: calculating the suitability of migratory butterflies by country
07.paOverlap.R: calculated the amount of suitable habitat within the current protected area system
08.target_representation.R: estimated the amount of suitable habitat that needs to be protected
09.mergedData.R: data wrangling
10.figures.R: created some figures [The final versions were created using Adobe Photoshop.]