This is a collection of PowerShell scripts that collect information from various sources and sends it to Discord via webhooks.
This is my very first GitHub repo that I have made public and decided to share with the Plex community. I am no scripting guru and likely do not follow best practices in my coding. That being said, I am always open to suggestions and contstructive criticism.
I tried to make the scripts as easy to use as possible. The scripts mostly rely on the config.json file, but some will have a few variables that are specific to the script.
Information on how to set up a Discord webhook can be found be here.
That's it. Once the webhook(s) are created and the variables are filled in properly, you should be able to run the scripts and it send the relevant information to your Discord server/channel.
I have set my scripts up to run as a Scheduled Task, so it's completely hands off.
Probably. Just let me know and I will try to correct.
Many thanks to FS.Corrupt for his help and contributions. And thanks to Ladrek for coming up with some of the ideas for these scripts.
This one is simple.