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Sheldon Lloyd edited this page Jan 18, 2019 · 28 revisions

Combining Cyber.Beast and Cybervator the CNS has become the central basis of civalization.

Yaharia created the CNS to prevent war with two networks ReNet and BluNet prevent society becoming unbalanced. If to many people shift too far to one side or the other society risk radicalizing. Beacuse people tend to have tribal mentality this means the oppresion of those not in power. Even those that appear to be in the center may acctualy lean toward side or the other. Having two Networks ensures if one side goes to far the other Network will be there to keep them in check.

The CNS satisfies and harnesses this tribal nature for the good of society. Competition breeds innovation this includes war creating new technology the may serve beneficial to the survival of Humans in the future. The CNS provides this need competition in the absence of war.


Every Subnet/hub sends the best Cybervators to compete (4 for ReNet 4 for BluNet)

Each team is matched up with one of the opposing networks

The winning team keeps satellites from all losing teams

Matches are fought until one team remains who is declared the champion


You are not allowed to hit the head and neck area this is to prevent the accidental killing of Cybervators when they don't have enough energy to shield their self. since all vital organs are in the head a blow to the head or decapitation could kill a Cybervator. Other limbs are able to grow back.

Rosters can have substitutions in between matches if a team member resigns(IR). This means they can not come back in for later matches.

Trades can also be made during the tournament most of which are within the same Network

Roster Substitutions cannot be made during matches

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