- Field Centric Swerve with 100% custom kinematics.
- Drive Wheels Feedforward via Look-Up-Table.
- Acceleration Constraining during pilot controlled period.
- Robot Configuration Storage in JSON files.
- Robot Status Visualization through dashboard, led and Networktables-Alerts.
- Decisive Autonomous Framework with custom auto-follower, allowing robots to “react to its surroundings”.
- Multiple Path-Planning Tools Selectable, including PathPlanner, Choreo, PathWeaver and
Built Upon Advantage Kit, everything is logged and recorded for after-match analysis
GitHub - Mechanical-Advantage/AdvantageKit: Monorepo for robot framework and tools
- April-tag Robot Localization Custom filtering mechanism and odometer calibration algorithm, compatible with photon-vision.
- Auto Alignment code, set-to-go for coming seasons.
- 360° Game-Piece Detection running on Jetson-Orin-Nano coprocessor.
- Uses Actual Robot Code in the simulator. This means that you can tune Auto-Stages, PIDs, Auto-Scoring functions and more. The simulator display robots through Advantage Scope.
GitHub - Mechanical-Advantage/AdvantageScope: Robot telemetry application
Swerve-Drive Physics Simulation, fine-tuned with experimental data measured in our training field, as well as real-life data gathered from real competitions this year.
2D Rigid-Body Collision Simulation for game-pieces and robots on field.
- Opponent Robots Simulation that can either be controlled by a gamepad to play defense or follow pre-stored cycle paths.