A meme program written in GoogleScript that notifies your Discord guild when a new chapter of certain fanfiction is posted.
That fanfic, speaking precisely, is https://ponyfiction.org/story/6196/
Default hooks API URL is: https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbx2TW3z-ZqEoiXA4P53uJhWE2bzgGoiuAHtJioi8SsqBlaG_xV6/exec
- Create two Apps Script projects: sk-notifier-task (
) and sk-notifier-hooks (onlysk-notifier-hooks.gs
). - Add time trigger to sk-notifier-task to run it via
repeatedly (10min is good). - Publish sk-notifier-hooks as WebApps and set it as accessible for everyone.
- Set secret key for both scripts: Project properties -> Script properties -> Add new with 'key' as name.
- Webhooks could be added with POSTing plaintext webhook URL to sk-notifier-hooks.