An all-in-one tool for video subbing and dubbing. Done by creating an SRT file from a given video file that has hardcoded subtitles, finally generating an audio dub on the extracted subtitle.
The scripts relies on Tesseract for the optical character recognition, and FFmpeg for parsing and converting audio/video files.
- Parse SRT-file (either in another language / same language) and extract hardcoded subtitles in same given timestamps (Fast)
- Search for and extract the hardcoded subtitles by going through the frames and calculating the timestamps (Slower)
- Web-based GUI editor for easier configuration and semi-automatic corrections
- Configure total frames to extract from
- Configure the subtitle crop-box position by specific frames
- LLM API used for sentence correction
- Process SRT-file and generate audio dubbing through a given TTS model
- All in one tool for easier video subbing and dubbing
To convert mkv to mp4 run:
ffmpeg -i video.mkv -codec copy video.mp4
To convert mp3 to wav run:
ffmpeg -i audio.mp3 -acodec pcm_u8 -ar 22050 audio.wav
To convert mp4 to mkv run:
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vcodec copy -acodec copy movie.mkv
To extract sub channels from a video file run:
ffmpeg -i movie.mkv -map 0:s:0
To extract hardcoded subtitles from a video file run:
python3 ./srt_extract/ movie.mkv
To process and cleanup srt files run (outputs +
python3 ./tts_srt_parsing/
To generate tts from srt files run (outputs small tts chunks):
python3 ./tts_srt_parsing/
To process the generated tts into an audio file ():
python3 ./process_audio/
Note that the script currently only support HD (1280x720) videos for now
- Python 3
- Tesseract OCR with support for your target language
- FFmpeg to convert video to a supported format
To download the required python package dependencies, run
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
The codebase builds upon the foundations of the following projects:
- victorjoh for the initial code that this project were based on
- rany2 for the Microsoft Edge's tts python wrapper
- vsakkas used as inspiration in reverse engineering the Bing Chat / Copilot / Sydney API
- video-subtitle-extractor for the VideoSubFinderCli binary 🙏