This is a timer and stopwatch project that allows users to measure time intervals and perform various timing-related tasks. It provides a user-friendly interface for both counting down time and measuring elapsed time.
Countdown Timer: Set a specific duration and start the countdown timer. It will notify you when the time is up.
Stopwatch: Start the stopwatch to measure elapsed time with precision. You can start, pause, and reset the stopwatch as needed.
Multiple Timers: Create and manage multiple timers simultaneously. Each timer can have its own duration and independent functionality.
Customizable Notifications: Configure notifications to alert you when a timer or stopwatch reaches its designated time or when specific actions are performed.
Lap Recording: While using the stopwatch, you can record laps or split times to track individual time intervals.
Clone the repository to your local machine: git clone
Open the project in your preferred code editor.
Launch the application by running the main file.
Choose the desired mode: countdown timer or stopwatch.
Set the required parameters such as duration for the countdown timer or start/stop/reset for the stopwatch.
Interact with the provided controls to start, pause, or reset the timer/stopwatch.
Record laps or split times (applicable for the stopwatch).
Contributions are welcome! If you want to contribute to this project, follow these steps:
Fork the repository.
Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
Make your changes and ensure they work correctly.
Commit your changes with descriptive commit messages.
Push your changes to your forked repository.
Submit a pull request, explaining your changes in detail and why they should be merged.