A python implementation of a client for the shirtigo print API. Check out our REST-API documentation for a full list of all features.
BASE_URL = "https://cockpit.shirtigo.com/api/"
client = ApiClient(API_TOKEN, BASE_URL)
data = client.get("user")
print(data["firstname"], data["lastname"])
The product creation reqires to upload a design first.
design_path = './test_design.png'
design = client.post("designs/file", files={"file": (os.path.basename(design_path),
open(design_path, 'rb').read())
data = {"url" : "https:/my-web-storage/my-design.png"}
design = client.post("designs/url", data=data)
designs = client.get('designs')['data']
Products are organized into collections, with each baseProduct being assignable to a collection/ project only once. To create a new product, first create a project, and then, in a subsequent step, assign the desired products to that project.
data = {'name' : "My test project " + random_string() }
project = client.post('projects', data=data)
In this example we will add a black Organic Shirt with a one-sided print to our project. The processing specifications define the design, its placement, dimensions, and other relevant details needed for customizing the BaseProduct. Please not, that you can add custom processings for each color.
data = {
"project_id": project.reference,
"base_product_id": 235,
"processings": [
"processingarea_type": "front",
"processingmethod": "dtg",
"design_reference": design.reference,
"offset_top": 50,
"offset_center": 0,
"width": 250,
"is_customizable": False,
"force_position": False,
"colors": [
"colorId": 326,
"price": 2195,
"sortPosition": 1
$product = client.post('customized-product', data=data)
products = []
for color_id, size_id in zip(colors,test_sizes):
products.append( {
"productId": product['id'],
"colorId": color_id,
"sizeId": size_id,
"amount": random.randint(1, 4)
order_data = {
"delivery": {
"title": "Dr.",
"company": "Shirtigo GmbH",
"firstname": "Max",
"lastname": "Mustermann",
"street": "Musterstraße 12",
"postcode": "12345",
"city": "Köln",
"country": "Deutschland"
"sender": {
"title": "Dr.",
"company": "Shirtigo GmbH",
"firstname": "Max",
"lastname": "Mustermann",
"street": "Musterstraße 12",
"postcode": "12345",
"city": "Köln",
"country": "Deutschland"
"products": products
prices = client.post('orders/predict-price', data=order_data)
order = client.post('orders', data=order_data)