A Google Glass App for XE24 which reads the ability to get calendar event notifications on Glass. Included is a settings file that allows you to set when you want to be notified (or set to 0 to simply serve them on a first come first serve basis). The event is displayed as a LiveCard.
This APK requires you to make a Google Apps Script. Follow the following to set it up:
- Go to https://script.google.com/home
- Make a New Project
- Paste "Code.gs" in this folder over the existing function
- Go to Deploy -> New Deployment 4a. Set type to Webapp
- Add A Description (does not matter)
- Set Execute as your Me(your_email@gmail.com)
- Set who has access to Anyone and hit deploy!
- Copy the Web app url and place it in calander.txt
- Use ADB to push the calander.txt file to /sdcard on glass
- Reboot your glass and if you have any upcoming events for the day depending on the settings in the calander.txt it should pop up!