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SEER: Security Expert Elicitation of Risks

This tool is a PROTOTYPE ONLY. This is NOT an official or supported Shopify project.

The SEER prototype is a tool for security experts to provide estimates of risk for open source software. It is intended to demonstrate how a production-ready service might work, but is not production-ready in itself.

The core of SEER inspired by FAIR, which is based on a Monte Carlo method. The main departure from FAIR (and similar approaches like Hubbard & Seiersen's) is that SEER can integrate multiple estimates per subject of estimation.

Note well: there are no tests. These figures may be nonsense.

The version you are looking at continues to evolve, meaning that it will have diverged from the version demoed in my How Do We Rank Project Risk? talk at OS Summit North America 2022. For convenience you may find that version at this tag.

To run the software

Local development

First set up the assets and database:

$ bin/rails assets:precompile db:migrate db:seed

Seeding takes several minutes.

Second, run the rails process:

$ bin/rails server

There will now be a server listening at localhost:3000.


If you prefer to use Docker or podman, you can build a container image.

For podman:

$ podman build . --tag seer

For Docker:

$ docker build . --tag seer

After building the image, you can run it.

For podman:

$ podman run -p 3000:3000 seer

For Docker:

$ docker run -p 3000:3000 seer

There will now be a server listening at localhost:3000.

How the core estimation calculation works

The user provides two three-point estimates (min, mode/likely, max), one for frequency and one for magnitude. To produce a risk value, a sample is taken from each and multiplied to calculate a risk amount. This is done a million times to create an approximation of the combined distribution of frequency and magnitude.

The Monte Carlo process is followed when an Estimate model is saved. The #create_scenario_bins method is set to be called after_save.

#create_scenario_bins first clears existing estimate results from the DB. It then creates ThreePointEstimate objects for each of the frequency and magnitude estimate values given by the expert. These are passed into a Scenarios object.

The ThreePointEstimate and Scenarios live in app/helpers/estimates_helper.rb. The ThreePointEstimate class represents the three basic data points for the estimate. Based on these it provides a #sample method, which takes a randomly chosen value from a triangular distribution configured with the minimum, modal and maximum values of the estimate. The triangular distribution sample is provided by the simple-random gem. It's not clear whether this is a CSRPNG, but it doesn't matter for our purposes.

Alongside ThreePointEstimate is Scenarios. The Scenarios#sample method performs the process of repeatedly calling ThreePointEstimate#sample multiple times, as set by the number_of_samples argument. ThreePointEstimate#sample is called on the frequency estimate and on the magnitude estimate, and the results are multiplied to get the risk for that scenario. Then the value is stored in an array of risks.

Once this sampling loop is complete, Scenarios#sample converts the results into a histogram with 100 bins. This is then munged into a convenient format, which is an array of hashes of the form: {value: <boundary of bucket>, count: <number of results in bucket>}.

Once control returns from Scenarios#sample to Estimate#create_scenario_bins, the method creates 100 ScenarioBin model records to represent the 100 histogram bins that were generated during the sampling process.

Copyright License

This repository is licensed under the Apache v2 License:

Copyright 2022-Present Shopify, Inc.

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you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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