A place where you can get result(s) of all semesters, and regulations of engineering undergraduates. All that you need is your hallticket to fetch the results along with the SGPA for that specific exam. Along with fetching result of a single hallticket, you can also fetch results of students given a specific, valid range of hallticket numbers. This feature of the website also provides you with basic statistics such as overall pass to failure percentages and subject wise mean total marks.
- Filter the exam links as you want - Regulation(s), and Exam type. (The only reason why I started this project).
- Notifications - Latest B.Tech exam results released notifications.
- Single Student Result - Ability to get result along with the SGPA of a single student provided the hallticket.
- Results of Multiple Students given a specific range of halltickets along with statistics such as
- Overall pass/fail ratio of the given range of halltickets.
- Bar chart representing each subject's pass to fail ratio along with mean total marks for eligible exams.
Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/ShravanPatelSJ/JNTUHRESULTS
Go to the project directory
cd jntuh-results-stats
Install dependencies
yarn install
Start the development server
yarn run dev
Run the production build
yarn run start
Please visit the API Documentation for extensive details about the backend which is built using Python. Backend is also Open-Source, feel free to check it out and contribute as well!