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The RSA, named after its inventors Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman [RSA78], is a popular public-key cryptosystem. A cryptosystem is an encryption-cum-decryption scheme for communication between a sender and a receiver. Such a system is secure if it is infeasible for a (potentially malicious) third party to eavesdrop on the encrypted message and decrypt it efficiently. In a public-key cryptosystem, the receiver publishes a common key (also known as the public key), using which anyone can encrypt a message and send it to the receiver. On the other hand, only the receiver knows a secret private key using which the message can be decrypted efficiently.

The RSA key generation procedure is as follows.

ALGORITHM 1 RSA: Key Generation

  1. Fix a key length, say, $2^{r}$ bits.
  2. Randomly select two distinct primes $p$ and $q$ each of $2^{r-1}$ bits.
  3. Let $n = pq$ and $\phi(n) = (p-1)(q-1)$, the totient function.
  4. Randomly select an $e$ such that $3\le e\le \phi(n)$ and $gcd(3,\phi(n))=1$.
  5. Find the smallest $d$ such that $d \cdot e = 1 \mod \phi(n)$.
  6. The pair $(n, e)$ is the encryption key.
  7. The decryption key is $d$.

The public key consists of the modulus $n$ and the public (or encryption) exponent $e$. The private key consists of the private (or decryption) exponent $d$, which is kept secret. $p$, $q$, and $\phi(n)$ are also kept secret as they can be used to calculate $d$.

ALGORITHM 2 RSA: Encryption

  1. Let $m$ be the message to be encrypted.
  2. Treat $m$ as a number less than $n$, and assume that $gcd(m, n) = 1$.
  3. Compute $c = m^{e} \mod n$.
  4. $c$ is the encrypted message.

The assumption that $gcd(m, n) = 1$ is not very binding - in practice, we can ensure this using a little bit of ‘padding’ on $m$. At the receiver’s end, the message is decrypted using $d$ as follows,

ALGORITHM 3 RSA: Decryption

  1. Compute $c^{d} \mod n = m^{ed} \mod n = m$.

Since $n$ is given as part of the public key, if we can factor $n$ efficiently, we can compute the private key $d = e^{−1} \mod \phi(n)$ using an extended Euclidean algorithm. However, no efficient (i.e., randomized polynomial time) algorithm is known for integer factoring. The current best factoring algorithms have subexponential but superpolynomial time complexity.


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