A database and web based project (PHP ,Mysql and HTML,CSS).
The project is inclined toward paiwise survey system which help making the rating system better than usual rating system. Some similar project based on the concept of this project are IMDB , Facemash etc.
This project is just a prototype for few categries and can be helpful for companies to do survey for their latest product by doing comparision with the older version.
1.Open XAMPP Control Panel. Start Apache and MYSQL.
2.Create the Databases required by using the dump code(file named dump.zip which also contain a read_me file for the instruction regarding the database) .
3.Open the project code(not dump.txt) in NetBeans(all .php files).
4.Run the project.
For more detail check-out : https://angel.co/projects/229867-crowd-sourcing-project-involving-pairwise-data-analysis-php-project