Releases: Siaranite-Solutions/AIC-Framework
AIC Framework v1.0.5
This new update updates the project system to that of the new Cosmos one, alongside fixing issues with the console menu, PC speaker, updating the AIC licence and including the Cosmos licence.
The reference versions for AIC.Hardware have been updated to accept any version, but as for each of the projects, they should still be built using versions created after this (28/02/18).
Release version 1.0.5 of the Apollo Inter-project Component framework includes a small update to the AIC demo but nothing big at all. The demo now shows a demonstration of power control, kernel level exception handling and a simple Hello World test.
That's all for now, but you can expect more work to be done from now on due to AIC's inclusion as a submodule in the Apollo OS repository
AIC Framework v1.0.2
This minor release fixes bugs in the last version and also includes the newly organised functions, with AIC_Framework.Hardware being renamed to AIC.Hardware in a similar fashion to AIC.Core. The test kernel was also improved to test Console menus, adding a basic demonstration of a power menu. This isn't included with the framework .dll, but you can clone the framework repository and access it from there.
This also fixes an issue when using Console.Menu.Reset() resulting in a NullReferenceException
AIC Framework v1.0.0
AIC Framework
Proud to announce the release of the first version of the AIC (Apollo Inter-project Component) Framework.
Built upon the original, powerful Dewitcher framework, it brings many improvements and bug fixes. The features included in this first release are as follows:
AIC Framework Keyfeatures
The most advanced Console class for Cosmos
Advanced PIT
PCAudio driver + musical note frequencies
Graphical Textmenu with Themepack support
ACPI for Shutdown/Reboot
MD5 and Rotation algorithms
Kernel extensions
Advanced RTC
Multiple key layouts (QWERTZ, QWERTY and AZERTY) - Work in progress
Atom File System
Console animations
Basic memory management
AZERTY keymapping
Improved QWERTZ keymapping