Releases: SiddhantAttavar/BrowserToys-Extension
v1.3: Dropped XKCD feature
Full Changelog: v1.2...v1.3
Dropped support for xkcd-replace. If you still want this feature, check out XKCD Substitutions (Firefox version).
New and improved version ... with bugfixes
I noticed that when the extension was enabled, just about everything in stared freezing, especially profiles. Not a good idea if you want to stalk people online. After some debugging, I figured out the issue lay in the xkcd text replace feature. I still have no clue why it doesn't work, but now if you desperately need to see the word "plane" in a browser, you can check out the profile of just about any overenthusiastic aerospace major on LinkedIn.
Also, I'm too lazy to call it a pre-release anymore. I doubt I'll be doing any substantial work to improve this extension.
New release ... Now with Firefox support!
v0.0.3 Add .gitignore
Turns out it wasn't the last one
Full Changelog: v0.0.1...v0.0.2
Initial release (and maybe the last one)
v0.0.1 Updated README